benchncnn can be used to test neural network inference performance
Only the network definition files (ncnn param) are required.
The large model binary files (ncnn bin) are not loaded but generated randomly for speed test.
More model networks may be added later.
# assume you have already build ncnn library successfully
# uncomment the following line in <ncnn-root-dir>/CMakeLists.txt with your favorite editor
# add_subdirectory(benchmark)
cd <ncnn-root-dir>/<your-build-dir>
make -j4
# you can find benchncnn binary in <ncnn-root-dir>/<your-build-dir>/benchmark
# copy all param files to the current directory
./benchncnn [loop count] [num threads] [powersave] [gpu device] [cooling down]
run benchncnn on android device
# for running on android device, upload to /data/local/tmp/ folder
adb push benchncnn /data/local/tmp/
adb push <ncnn-root-dir>/benchmark/*.param /data/local/tmp/
adb shell
# executed in android adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/
./benchncnn [loop count] [num threads] [powersave] [gpu device] [cooling down]
|loop count|1~N|4|
|num threads|1~N|max_cpu_count|
|powersave|0=all cores, 1=little cores only, 2=big cores only|0|
|gpu device|-1=cpu-only, 0=gpu0, 1=gpu1 ...|-1|
|cooling down|0=disable, 1=enable|1|
Tips: Disable android UI server and set CPU and GPU to max frequency
# stopping android ui server, can be retarted later via adb shell start
adb root
adb shell stop
# executed in android adb shell
# set cpu performance mode
echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/cpufreq/scaling_governor
# set gpu performance mode (eg. RK3399)
echo "performance" > /sys/class/misc/mali0/device/devfreq/ff9a0000.gpu/governor
# set gpu performance mode (eg. Android Adreno)
echo 1 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/force_clk_on
echo 10000000 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/idle_timer
echo "performance" > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/devfreq/governor
echo <max freq> > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpuclk
Typical output (executed in android adb shell)
### NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin (Cortex-A78AE 2.2 GHz x 12 + Ampere@1.3 GHz Tensor Cores 64)
i@orin:~/projects/ncnn/benchmark$ ./benchncnn 64 1 0 -1 0
loop_count = 64
num_threads = 1
powersave = 0
gpu_device = -1
cooling_down = 0
squeezenet min = 11.66 max = 11.80 avg = 11.74
squeezenet_int8 min = 12.24 max = 12.39 avg = 12.31
mobilenet min = 19.56 max = 19.73 avg = 19.65
mobilenet_int8 min = 16.06 max = 16.25 avg = 16.14
mobilenet_v2 min = 13.20 max = 13.41 avg = 13.29
mobilenet_v3 min = 11.39 max = 11.57 avg = 11.48
shufflenet min = 8.07 max = 8.18 avg = 8.11
shufflenet_v2 min = 8.41 max = 8.51 avg = 8.45
mnasnet min = 12.74 max = 12.91 avg = 12.79
proxylessnasnet min = 15.18 max = 15.32 avg = 15.25
efficientnet_b0 min = 26.86 max = 26.96 avg = 26.90
efficientnetv2_b0 min = 35.99 max = 36.15 avg = 36.07
regnety_400m min = 16.81 max = 16.98 avg = 16.87
blazeface min = 4.25 max = 4.37 avg = 4.29
googlenet min = 48.73 max = 48.98 avg = 48.87
googlenet_int8 min = 47.39 max = 47.60 avg = 47.49
resnet18 min = 30.93 max = 31.24 avg = 31.08
resnet18_int8 min = 55.44 max = 55.70 avg = 55.56
alexnet min = 44.19 max = 44.43 avg = 44.33
vgg16 min = 173.94 max = 174.97 avg = 174.46
vgg16_int8 min = 475.10 max = 479.37 avg = 477.33
resnet50 min = 89.50 max = 90.11 avg = 89.80
resnet50_int8 min = 106.77 max = 107.14 avg = 106.96
squeezenet_ssd min = 37.78 max = 38.35 avg = 37.93
squeezenet_ssd_int8 min = 50.48 max = 50.88 avg = 50.74
mobilenet_ssd min = 45.62 max = 46.12 avg = 45.74
mobilenet_ssd_int8 min = 37.77 max = 38.00 avg = 37.88
mobilenet_yolo min = 90.23 max = 90.49 avg = 90.35
mobilenetv2_yolov3 min = 47.27 max = 47.48 avg = 47.33
yolov4-tiny min = 60.41 max = 60.75 avg = 60.57
nanodet_m min = 19.26 max = 19.43 avg = 19.35
yolo-fastest-1.1 min = 8.16 max = 8.31 avg = 8.20
yolo-fastestv2 min = 8.26 max = 8.39 avg = 8.32
i@orin:~/projects/ncnn/benchmark$ ./benchncnn 64 2 0 -1 0
loop_count = 64
num_threads = 2
powersave = 0
gpu_device = -1
cooling_down = 0
squeezenet min = 6.83 max = 6.98 avg = 6.90
squeezenet_int8 min = 7.39 max = 7.50 avg = 7.45
mobilenet min = 10.40 max = 10.50 avg = 10.45
mobilenet_int8 min = 8.92 max = 9.09 avg = 8.99
mobilenet_v2 min = 7.67 max = 7.80 avg = 7.74
mobilenet_v3 min = 6.86 max = 7.01 avg = 6.93
shufflenet min = 6.34 max = 6.44 avg = 6.39
shufflenet_v2 min = 5.71 max = 5.83 avg = 5.76
mnasnet min = 7.47 max = 7.58 avg = 7.53
proxylessnasnet min = 8.73 max = 8.83 avg = 8.78
efficientnet_b0 min = 14.93 max = 15.13 avg = 15.03
efficientnetv2_b0 min = 20.17 max = 20.70 avg = 20.29
regnety_400m min = 12.50 max = 12.62 avg = 12.57
blazeface min = 2.95 max = 3.06 avg = 3.00
googlenet min = 26.25 max = 26.53 avg = 26.37
googlenet_int8 min = 26.54 max = 26.79 avg = 26.66
resnet18 min = 16.69 max = 16.90 avg = 16.80
resnet18_int8 min = 29.70 max = 29.93 avg = 29.81
alexnet min = 22.96 max = 23.12 avg = 23.03
vgg16 min = 88.39 max = 89.16 avg = 88.79
vgg16_int8 min = 245.86 max = 247.55 avg = 246.62
resnet50 min = 46.55 max = 46.86 avg = 46.70
resnet50_int8 min = 56.28 max = 56.63 avg = 56.43
squeezenet_ssd min = 23.65 max = 24.29 avg = 23.81
squeezenet_ssd_int8 min = 30.86 max = 31.27 avg = 30.99
mobilenet_ssd min = 25.17 max = 25.31 avg = 25.24
mobilenet_ssd_int8 min = 21.77 max = 21.97 avg = 21.84
mobilenet_yolo min = 48.03 max = 48.33 avg = 48.14
mobilenetv2_yolov3 min = 26.58 max = 26.81 avg = 26.66
yolov4-tiny min = 35.31 max = 35.53 avg = 35.41
nanodet_m min = 12.93 max = 13.08 avg = 13.01
yolo-fastest-1.1 min = 6.00 max = 6.10 avg = 6.04
yolo-fastestv2 min = 6.46 max = 6.61 avg = 6.52
i@orin:~/projects/ncnn/benchmark$ ./benchncnn 64 4 0 -1 0
loop_count = 64
num_threads = 4
powersave = 0
gpu_device = -1
cooling_down = 0
squeezenet min = 4.54 max = 4.84 avg = 4.61
squeezenet_int8 min = 4.96 max = 5.41 avg = 5.05
mobilenet min = 5.96 max = 6.23 avg = 6.04
mobilenet_int8 min = 5.21 max = 5.50 avg = 5.30
mobilenet_v2 min = 5.05 max = 5.26 avg = 5.15
mobilenet_v3 min = 4.83 max = 5.14 avg = 4.90
shufflenet min = 5.11 max = 5.34 avg = 5.18
shufflenet_v2 min = 4.13 max = 4.44 avg = 4.18
mnasnet min = 4.93 max = 5.27 avg = 5.01
proxylessnasnet min = 5.64 max = 5.89 avg = 5.72
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
项目工程资源经过严格测试可直接运行成功且功能正常的情况才上传,可轻松复刻,拿到资料包后可轻松复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会及时为您解惑,提供帮助。 【资源内容】:包含完整源码+工程文件+说明(如有)等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可轻松复现,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的。 【提供帮助】:有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会及时解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 下载后请首先打开README文件(如有),项目工程可直接复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用。
2022全国大学生嵌入式芯片与系统设计竞赛0581基于龙芯教育派的隔离区自主送餐机器人相关源代码(毕设&课设&实训&大作业&竞赛 (2003个子文件)
mat_pixel_rotate.cpp 229KB
onnx2ncnn.cpp 205KB
gpu.cpp 165KB
command.cpp 135KB
innerproduct_x86.cpp 108KB
convolution_x86.cpp 91KB
binaryop_riscv.cpp 89KB
softmax_x86.cpp 89KB
mat_pixel.cpp 87KB
ncnnoptimize.cpp 84KB
binaryop_arm.cpp 83KB
binaryop_x86.cpp 83KB
ir.cpp 82KB
convolution_arm.cpp 82KB
mxnet2ncnn.cpp 81KB
net.cpp 80KB
requantize_x86.cpp 79KB
convolution_vulkan.cpp 78KB
mat_pixel_affine.cpp 78KB
binaryop_arm_asimdhp.cpp 74KB
requantize_mips.cpp 70KB
requantize_arm.cpp 68KB
innerproduct_arm.cpp 67KB
allocator.cpp 66KB
packing_riscv.cpp 61KB
dequantize_arm.cpp 60KB
eltwise_arm.cpp 60KB
packing_x86.cpp 59KB
innerproduct_mips.cpp 58KB
mlir2ncnn.cpp 58KB
gru_arm.cpp 57KB
packing_arm.cpp 55KB
ncnn2table.cpp 55KB
convolutiondepthwise_arm.cpp 54KB
dequantize_arm_asimdhp.cpp 53KB
eltwise_arm_asimdhp.cpp 47KB
caffe2ncnn.cpp 45KB
deconvolution_arm_asimdhp.cpp 44KB
F_interpolate.cpp 42KB
concat_vulkan.cpp 42KB
convolution_riscv.cpp 41KB
deconvolutiondepthwise_vulkan.cpp 41KB
slice_vulkan.cpp 41KB
gru_arm_asimdhp.cpp 40KB
reshape_vulkan.cpp 40KB
convolution_arm_asimdhp.cpp 40KB
mat.cpp 40KB
c_api.cpp 40KB
padding_vulkan.cpp 39KB
deconvolution_arm.cpp 39KB
mat_pixel_drawing.cpp 39KB
interp_riscv.cpp 38KB
convolutiondepthwise_riscv.cpp 37KB
instancenorm_vulkan.cpp 36KB
reduction.cpp 36KB
crop_vulkan.cpp 36KB
convolution_mips.cpp 36KB
lstm_arm_asimdhp.cpp 36KB
convolutiondepthwise_vulkan.cpp 35KB
quantize_arm.cpp 35KB
cpu.cpp 34KB
gru_riscv.cpp 34KB
lstm_arm.cpp 34KB
binaryop_mips.cpp 33KB
dequantize_mips.cpp 32KB
crop_x86.cpp 32KB
darknet2ncnn.cpp 32KB
innerproduct_riscv.cpp 32KB
deconvolution_vulkan.cpp 32KB
convolutiondepthwise_mips.cpp 32KB
deconvolutiondepthwise_riscv.cpp 31KB
pooling_riscv.cpp 31KB
quantize_arm_asimdhp.cpp 31KB
interp_arm_asimdhp.cpp 31KB
innerproduct_arm_asimdhp.cpp 31KB
interp_vulkan.cpp 31KB
binaryop_vulkan.cpp 30KB
rnn_arm.cpp 29KB
softmax_arm.cpp 29KB
packing_vulkan.cpp 29KB
simpleomp.cpp 29KB
interp_arm.cpp 29KB
rnn_arm_asimdhp.cpp 29KB
interp_x86.cpp 29KB
innerproduct_vulkan.cpp 28KB
pixelshuffle_arm.cpp 28KB
convolution1d_riscv.cpp 28KB
permute_vulkan.cpp 28KB
pooling_arm_asimdhp.cpp 28KB
concat_arm.cpp 27KB
pooling_vulkan.cpp 27KB
slice_arm.cpp 27KB
shufflechannel_arm.cpp 27KB
quantize_x86.cpp 27KB
pooling_x86.cpp 27KB
binaryop.cpp 27KB
reshape_arm.cpp 27KB
padding_arm.cpp 26KB
concat_x86.cpp 26KB
crop_arm.cpp 26KB
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