# About
Community collected, cleaned and organized COVID-19 datasets about India sourced from different government websites which are freely available to all. Here we have digitized them, so it can be used by all the researchers and students.
# Column Discription
Main file in this dataset is COVID-19IndiaData.csv and the detailed descriptions are below.
Date_reported : Date of the observation in YYYY-MM-DD
cum_cases : Cumulative number of confirmed cases till that date
cum_death : Cumulative number of deaths till that date
cum_recovered : Cumulative number of recovered patients till that date
new_cases : New confirmed cases. Calculated by: current cum_cases - previous cum_case
new_death : New confirmed deaths. Calculated by: current cum_death - previous cum_death
cum_active_cases : Cumulative number of infected person till that date. Calculated by: cum_cases - cum_death - cum_recovered
# Acknowledgements
World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/
Government of India: https://www.mygov.in/covid-19, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/
- 粉丝: 3459
- 资源: 385
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