#-- coding:UTF-8 --
Reinforcement learning UAV-enabled MEC example.
Basical setting:
AoI: 100m*100m;
Height_levels, maximal height, minimula height:
20, 100m, 200m;
This script is the environment part of the UAV-enabled MEC.
The RL is in RL_brain.py.
View more on my information see paper: "Deep Reinforcement Learning based 3D-Trajectory Design and Task Offloading in UAV-enabled MEC System"
by Haibo Mei, Kun Yang, Qiang Liu;
import numpy as np
import random as rd
import time
import math as mt
import sys
import copy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
import Tkinter as tk
import tkinter as tk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from TSP import tsp
UNIT = 1 # pixels
IOT_H = 100 # grid height
IOT_W = 100 # grid width
Max_Hight = 100 # maximum level of height
Min_Hight = 50 # minimum level of height
#weight variables for the reward function
beta = 20
#gradent of the horizontal and vertical locations of the UAV
D_k = 200
F_k = 2000
# 2M(2000), 2000 cycles
# Initialize the wireless environement and some other verables.
N_0 = mt.pow(10, ((-169 / 3) / 10)) # Noise power spectrum density is -169dBm/Hz;
a = 9.61 # referenced from paper [Efficient 3-D Placement of an Aerial Base Station in Next Generation Cellular Networks, 2016, ICC]
b = 0.16 # and paper [Optimal LAP Altitude for Maximum Coverage, IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 3, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2014]
eta_los = 1 # Loss corresponding to the LoS connections defined in (2) of the paper;
eta_nlos = 20 # Loss corresponding to the NLoS connections defined in (2)of the paper;
A = eta_los - eta_nlos # A varable defined in (2) of the paper;
C = 20 * np.log10(
4 * np.pi * 9 / 3) + eta_nlos # C varable defined in (2)of the paper, where carrier frequncy is 900Mhz=900*10^6, and light speed is c=3*10^8; then one has f/c=9/3;
B = 2000 # overall Bandwith is 2Gb;
Power = 5 * mt.pow(10, 5) # maximum uplink transimission power of one GT is 5mW;
class UAV_MEC(object):
def __init__(self):
super(UAV_MEC, self).__init__()
self.N_slot = 400 # number of time slots in one episode
self.x_s = 10
self.y_s = 10
self.h_s = 2
self.GTs = 6
self.l_o_v = 50*self.h_s # initial vertical location
self.l_f_v = 50*self.h_s # final vertical location
self.l_o_h = [0, 0] # initial horizontal location
self.l_f_h = [0, 0] # final horizontal location
self.eps = 60 #number of episode
self.UAV_trajectory_tsp = np.zeros((self.N_slot, 3), dtype=float)
#cycles / s,
#cycles / s;
self.f_u = 100
self.f_g = 5
self.D_max = np.sqrt(mt.pow(self.l_o_h[0]*self.x_s - self.l_f_h[0]*self.x_s, 2) + mt.pow(self.l_o_h[1]*self.y_s - self.l_f_h[1]*self.y_s,2)) # the distance from initial point to final point
# north, south, east, west, hover
self.action_space_uav_horizontal = ['n', 's', 'e','w','h']
# ascend, descend, slf
self.action_space_uav_vertical = ['a', 'd', 's']
# offloading, local exection
self.action_space_task_offloading = np.zeros((self.GTs, 2), dtype=int)
self.n_actions = len(self.action_space_uav_horizontal)*len(self.action_space_uav_vertical)*mt.pow(2,self.GTs)
self.n_features = 3 #horizontal:x, y, vertical trajectory of the UAV
#generate action table;
self.actions = np.zeros((int(self.n_actions),1+2+self.GTs), dtype=int)
index = 0
for h in range(len(self.action_space_uav_horizontal)):
for v in range(len(self.action_space_uav_vertical)):
LL= self.brgd(self.GTs) #list all the possible combination of 0-1 offloading options among the GTs
for l in range (len(LL)):
o_string = LL[l]
of = []
for ch in range (len(o_string)):
if o_string[ch] == '0':
self.actions[index,:]=[index, h, v]+ of[:]
index = index + 1
def _build_uav_mec(self):
# initilize the GT coordinates and tasks
# model of GTs' location and task
self.location = np.zeros((5, 2), dtype=float)
self.location[0, :] = [rd.randint(0, int(IOT_H / 3)), rd.randint(0, int(IOT_W / 3))]
self.location[1, :] = [rd.randint(int(IOT_H/3), int(2*IOT_H/3)), rd.randint(int(IOT_W/3), int(2*IOT_W/3))]
self.location[2, :] = [rd.randint(int(2*IOT_H/3), int(3*IOT_H/3)), rd.randint(int(2*IOT_W/3), int(3*IOT_W/3))]
self.location[0, :] = [rd.randint(0, int(2*IOT_H/3)), rd.randint(0, int(2*IOT_W/3))]
self.location[1, :] = [rd.randint(0, int(2*IOT_H/3)), rd.randint(0, int(2*IOT_W/3))]
self.location[2, :] = [rd.randint(0, int(2*IOT_H/3)), rd.randint(0, int(2*IOT_W/3))]
self.w_k = np.zeros((self.GTs, 2), dtype=float)
self.u_k = np.zeros((self.GTs, 2), dtype=float)
for count in range(3): #3*2=6;
for cou in range(2):
g = count * 2 + cou
# horizontal coordinate of the GT
self.w_k[g, 0] = self.location[count, 0] + rd.randint(20, 40)
self.w_k[g, 1] = self.location[count, 1] + rd.randint(20, 40)
self.w_k[g, 0] = self.w_k[g, 0] * self.x_s + self.x_s * rd.random()
self.w_k[g, 1] = self.w_k[g, 1] * self.y_s + self.y_s * rd.random()
# D_k of the GT task
self.u_k[g, 0] = D_k / 2 + (D_k / 2) * rd.random()
# F_k of the GT task
self.u_k[g, 1] = F_k / 2 + (F_k / 2) * rd.random()
#initial UAV trajectory using TSP
w_k_tmp = np.zeros((self.GTs+1, 2), dtype=float)
for g in range(self.GTs):
w_k_tmp[g,0]=self.w_k[g, 0]
w_k_tmp[g,1]=self.w_k[g, 1]
w_k_tmp[self.GTs, 0] = 0
w_k_tmp[self.GTs, 1] = 0
Delta_distance = sum_tsp_path /self.N_slot
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp = np.zeros((self.N_slot, 3), dtype=float)
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[0,0] = w_k_tmp[tsp_result[0], 0]
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[0,1] = w_k_tmp[tsp_result[0], 1]
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[0,2] = 200
count = 0
for n in range(0, self.GTs):
current_note = tsp_result[n]
next_note = tsp_result[n + 1]
dis = np.sqrt((w_k_tmp[current_note, 0] - w_k_tmp[next_note, 0])**2 + (w_k_tmp[current_note, 1] - w_k_tmp[next_note, 1])**2)
text_dist = text_dist + dis
line_count =int(np.floor_divide(dis,Delta_distance))
if (np.remainder(dis,Delta_distance)>0):
x_dis = w_k_tmp[next_note, 0] - w_k_tmp[current_note, 0]
y_dis = w_k_tmp[next_note, 1] - w_k_tmp[current_note, 1]
delta_x_dis = x_dis / line_count
delta_y_dis = y_dis / line_count
for index in range(1,line_count):
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,0]= UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count,0] + delta_x_dis
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,1]= UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count,1] + delta_y_dis
if (UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,0]<0):
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,0]=0
if (UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,1]<0):
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,1]=0
UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1, 2] =200
#if (count<=(self.N_slot/2)):
#UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count + 1,2] = UAV_trajectory_tsp_tmp[count,2]-(200.00/np
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