%% Gammatone-like spectrograms
% Gammatone filters are a popular linear approximation to the
% filtering performed by the ear. This routine provides a simple
% wrapper for generating time-frequency surfaces based on a
% gammatone analysis, which can be used as a replacement for a
% conventional spectrogram. It also provides a fast approximation
% to this surface based on weighting the output of a conventional
% FFT.
%% Introduction
% It is very natural to visualize sound as a time-varying
% distribution of energy in frequency - not least because this is
% one way of describing the information our brains get from our
% ears via the auditory nerve. The spectrogram is the traditional
% time-frequency visualization, but it actually has some important
% differences from how sound is analyzed by the ear, most
% significantly that the ear's frequency subbands get wider for
% higher frequencies, whereas the spectrogram has a constant
% bandwidth across all frequency channels.
% There have been many signal-processing approximations proposed
% for the frequency analysis performed by the ear; one of the most
% popular is the Gammatone filterbank originally proposed by
% Roy Patterson and colleagues in 1992. Gammatone filters were
% conceived as a simple fit to experimental observations of
% the mammalian cochlea, and have a repeated pole structure leading
% to an impulse response that is the product of a Gamma envelope
% g(t) = t^n e^{-t} and a sinusoid (tone).
% One reason for the popularity of this approach is the
% availability of an implementation by Malcolm Slaney, as
% described in:
% Malcolm Slaney (1998) "Auditory Toolbox Version 2",
% Technical Report #1998-010, Interval Research Corporation, 1998.
% http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/~malcolm/interval/1998-010/
% Malcolm's toolbox includes routines to design a Gammatone
% filterbank and to process a signal by every filter in a bank,
% but in order to convert this into a time-frequency visualization
% it is necessary to sum up the energy within regular time bins.
% While this is not complicated, the function here provides a
% convenient wrapper to achieve this final step, for applications
% that are content to work with time-frequency magnitude
% distributions instead of going down to the waveform levels. In
% this mode of operation, the routine uses Malcolm's MakeERBFilters
% and ERBFilterBank routines.
% This is, however, quite a computationally expensive approach, so
% we also provide an alternative algorithm that gives very similar
% results. In this mode, the Gammatone-based spectrogram is
% constructed by first calculating a conventional, fixed-bandwidth
% spectrogram, then combining the fine frequency resolution of the
% FFT-based spectra into the coarser, smoother Gammatone responses
% via a weighting function. This calculates the time-frequency
% distribution some 30-40x faster than the full approach.
%% Routines
% The code consists of a main routine, <gammatonegram.m gammatonegram>,
% which takes a waveform and other parameters and returns a
% spectrogram-like time-frequency matrix, and a helper function
% <fft2gammatonemx.m fft2gammatonemx>, which constructs the
% weighting matrix to convert FFT output spectra into gammatone
% approximations.
%% Example usage
% First, we calculate a Gammatone-based spectrogram-like image of
% a speech waveform using the fast approximation. Then we do the
% same thing using the full filtering approach, for comparison.
close all
% Load a waveform, calculate its gammatone spectrogram, then display:
[d,sr] = wavread('sa2.wav');
tic; D = gammatonegram(d,sr); toc
%Elapsed time is 0.140742 seconds.
imagesc(20*log10(D)); axis xy
caxis([-90 -30])
title('Gammatonegram - fast method')
% Now repeat with flag to use actual subband filters.
% Since it's the last argument, we have to include all the other
% arguments. These are the default values for: summation window
% (0.025 sec), hop between successive windows (0.010 sec),
% number of gammatone channels (64), lowest frequency (50 Hz),
% and highest frequency (sr/2). The last argument as zero
% means not to use the FFT approach.
tic; D2 = gammatonegram(d,sr,0.025,0.010,64,50,sr/2,0); toc
%Elapsed time is 3.165083 seconds.
imagesc(20*log10(D2)); axis xy
caxis([-90 -30])
title('Gammatonegram - accurate method')
% Actual gammatone filters appear somewhat narrower. The fast
% version assumes coherence of addition of amplitude from
% different channels, whereas the actual subband energies will
% depend on how the energy in different frequencies combines.
% Also notice the visible time smearing in the low frequency
% channels that does not occur in the fast version.
%% Validation
% We can check the frequency responses of the filterbank
% simulated with the fast method against the actual filters
% from Malcolm's toolbox. They match very closely, but of
% course this still doesn't mean the two approaches will give
% identical results - because the fast method ignores the phase
% of each frequency channel when summing up.
% Check the frequency responses to see that they match:
% Put an impulse through the Slaney ERB filters, then take the
% frequency response of each impulse response.
fcfs = flipud(MakeERBFilters(16000,64,50));
gtir = ERBFilterBank([1, zeros(1,1000)],fcfs);
H = zeros(64,512);
for i = 1:64; H(i,:) = abs(freqz(gtir(i,:),1,512)); end
% The weighting matrix for the FFT is the frequency response
% of each output filter
gtm = fft2gammatonemx(1024,16000,64,1,50,8000,512);
% Plot every 5th channel from both. Offset by 3 dB just so we can
% see both
fs = [0:511]/512*8000;
plot(fs,20*log10(H(5:5:64,:))','b',fs, -3 + 20*log10(gtm(5:5:64,:))','r')
axis([0 8000 -150 0])
% Line up pretty well, apart from wiggles below -100 dB
% (from truncating the impulse response at 1000 samples?)