<img src="figures/OSD_logo.PNG" title="Logo" width="300" />
## Contents
##### [Introduction](#introduction)
##### [Requirements](#requirements)
##### [Features](#features)
##### [Getting Started](#Getting)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Training](#training)
- [Evaluation](#evaluation)
- [Benchmarking the speed of network](#benchmarking-the-speed-of-network)
##### [Credits](#credits)
## Introduction
Now we have implemented yolov2 and yolov3 in this repo, which is a generation object detection framework named OneStageDet(OSD), in the future we consider to implement yolo and ssd in a single framework.
## Requirements
- python 3.6
- pytorch 0.4.0
## Features
- Include both Yolov2 and Yolov3
- Good performance
|544x544 |VOC2007 Test(mAP)|Time per forward<br/>(batch size = 1)|
| :-: | :-:|:-:|
| Yolov2 | 77.6% |11.5ms|
| Yolov3 | 79.6% |23.1ms|
The models are trained from pretrained weights on imagenet **with this implementation**.
- Train as fast as [darknet](https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet)
- A lot of efficient backbones on hand
Like tiny yolov2, tiny yolov3, mobilenet, mobilenetv2, shufflenet(g2), shufflenetv2(1x), squeezenext(1.0-SqNxt-23v5), light xception, xception etc.
Check folder `vedanet/network/backbone` for details.
|416x416 |VOC2007 Test(mAP)| Time per forward<br/>(batch size = 1)|
| :-: | :-:| :-: |
| TinyYolov2 | 57.5% | 2.4ms|
| TinyYolov3 | 61.3% | 2.3ms|
The models are **trained from scratch with this implementation**.
## Getting Started
### Installation
##### 1) Code
git clone xxxxx/ObjectDetection-OneStageDet
cd ObjectDetection-OneStageDet/
cd ${yolo_root}/utils/test
make -j32
##### 2) Data
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
tar xf VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
tar xf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
tar xf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
cd VOCdevkit
There will now be a VOCdevkit subdirectory with all the VOC training data in it.
mkdir ${VOCdevkit_root}/onedet_cache
cd ${yolo_root}
open examples/labels.py, let the variable `ROOT` point to `${VOCdevkit_root}`
`python examples/labels.py`
open cfgs/yolov2.yml, let the `data_root_dir` point to `${VOCdevkit_root}/onedet_cache`
open cfgs/yolov3.yml, let the `data_root_dir` point to `${VOCdevkit_root}/onedet_cache`
##### 3) weights
Download model weights from [baidudrive](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1a3Z5IUylBs6rI-GYg3RGbw) or [googledrive](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nW3u35_5b0ILs2u9TOQ5Nubjx8-1ewwc).
Or downlowd [darknet19_448.conv.23](https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet19_448.conv.23) and [darknet53.conv.74](https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet53.conv.74) from darknet website:
`wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet19_448.conv.23`
`wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet53.conv.74`
Then, move all the model weights to `${yolo_root}/weights` directory.
### Training
`cd ${yolo_root}`
##### 1) Yolov2
1.1) open cfgs/yolov2.yml, let the `weights` of `train` block point to the pretrain weights
1.2) open cfgs/yolov2.yml, let the `gpus` of `train` block point to an available gpu id
1.3) If you want to print log onto screen, make the `stdout` of `train` block `True` in cfgs/yolov2.yml
1.4) run
`python examples/train.py Yolov2`
##### 2) Yolov3
2.1) open cfgs/yolov3.yml, let the `weights` of `train` block point to the pretrain weights
2.2) open cfgs/yolov3.yml, let the `gpus` of `train` block point to an available gpu id
2.3) If you want to print log onto screen, make the `stdout` of `train` block `True` in cfgs/yolov3.yml
2.4) run
`python examples/train.py Yolov3`
##### 3) Results
The logs and weights will be in `${yolo_root}/outputs`.
##### 4) Other models
There are many other models like tiny yolov2, tiny yolov3, mobilenet, mobilenetv2, shufflenet(g2), shufflenetv2(1x), squeezenext(1.0-SqNxt-23v5), light xception, xception etc. You can try these like `1) Yolov2` part.
### Evaluation
`cd ${yolo_root}`
##### 1) Yolov2
1.1) open cfgs/yolov2.yml, let the `gpus` of `test` block point to an available gpu id
1.2) run
`python examples/test.py Yolov2`
##### 2) Yolov3
2.1) open cfgs/yolov3.yml, let the `gpus` of `test` block point to an available gpu id
2.2) run
`python examples/test.py Yolov3`
##### 3) Results
The output bbox will be in `${yolo_root}/results`, every line of the file in `${yolo_root}/results` has a format like `img_name confidence xmin ymin xmax ymax`
##### 4) Other models
There are many other models like tiny yolov2, tiny yolov3, mobilenet, mobilenetv2, shufflenet(g2), shufflenetv2(1x), squeezenext(1.0-SqNxt-23v5), light xception, xception etc. You can try these like `1) Yolov2` part.
### Benchmarking the speed of network
`cd ${yolo_root}`
##### 1) Yolov2
1.1) open cfgs/yolov2.yml, let the `gpus` of `speed` block point to an available gpu id
1.2) run
`python examples/speed.py Yolov2`
##### 2) Yolov3
2.1) open cfgs/yolov3.yml, let the `gpus` of `speed` block point to an available gpu id
2.2) run
`python examples/speed.py Yolov3`
##### 3) Tiny Yolov2
3.1) open cfgs/tiny_yolov2.yml, let the `gpus` of `speed` block point to an available gpu id
3.2) run
`python examples/speed.py TinyYolov2`
##### 4) Tiny Yolov3
4.1) open cfgs/tiny_yolov3.yml, let the `gpus` of `speed` block point to an available gpu id
4.2) run
`python examples/speed.py TinyYolov3`
##### 5) Mobilenet
5.1) open cfgs/region_mobilenet.yml, let the `gpus` of `speed` block point to an available gpu id
5.2) run
`python examples/speed.py RegionMobilenet`
##### 6) Other backbones with region loss
You can try these like `5) Mobilenet` part.
## Credits
I got a lot of code from [lightnet](https://gitlab.com/EAVISE/lightnet), thanks to EAVISE.