# beego orm
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A powerful orm framework for go.
It is heavily influenced by Django ORM, SQLAlchemy.
**Support Database:**
* MySQL: [github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql)
* PostgreSQL: [github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq)
* Sqlite3: [github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3)
Passed all test, but need more feedback.
* full go type support
* easy for usage, simple CRUD operation
* auto join with relation table
* cross DataBase compatible query
* Raw SQL query / mapper without orm model
* full test keep stable and strong
more features please read the docs
go get github.com/astaxie/beego/orm
## Changelog
* 2013-08-19: support table auto create
* 2013-08-13: update test for database types
* 2013-08-13: go type support, such as int8, uint8, byte, rune
* 2013-08-13: date / datetime timezone support very well
## Quick Start
#### Simple Usage
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // import your used driver
// Model Struct
type User struct {
Id int `orm:"auto"`
Name string `orm:"size(100)"`
func init() {
// register model
// set default database
orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mysql", "root:root@/my_db?charset=utf8", 30)
// create table
orm.RunSyncdb("default", false, true)
func main() {
o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{Name: "slene"}
// insert
id, err := o.Insert(&user)
// update
user.Name = "astaxie"
num, err := o.Update(&user)
// read one
u := User{Id: user.Id}
err = o.Read(&u)
// delete
num, err = o.Delete(&u)
#### Next with relation
type Post struct {
Id int `orm:"auto"`
Title string `orm:"size(100)"`
User *User `orm:"rel(fk)"`
var posts []*Post
qs := o.QueryTable("post")
num, err := qs.Filter("User__Name", "slene").All(&posts)
#### Use Raw sql
If you don't like ORM,use Raw SQL to query / mapping without ORM setting
var maps []Params
num, err := o.Raw("SELECT id FROM user WHERE name = ?", "slene").Values(&maps)
if num > 0 {
#### Transaction
user := User{Name: "slene"}
id, err := o.Insert(&user)
if err == nil {
} else {
#### Debug Log Queries
In development env, you can simple use
func main() {
orm.Debug = true
enable log queries.
output include all queries, such as exec / prepare / transaction.
like this:
[ORM] - 2013-08-09 13:18:16 - [Queries/default] - [ db.Exec / 0.4ms] - [INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES (?)] - `slene`
note: not recommend use this in product env.
## Docs
more details and examples in docs and test
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Go语言(也称为Golang)是由Google开发的一种静态强类型、编译型的编程语言。它旨在成为一门简单、高效、安全和并发的编程语言,特别适用于构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统。以下是Go语言的一些主要特点和优势: 简洁性:Go语言的语法简单直观,易于学习和使用。它避免了复杂的语法特性,如继承、重载等,转而采用组合和接口来实现代码的复用和扩展。 高性能:Go语言具有出色的性能,可以媲美C和C++。它使用静态类型系统和编译型语言的优势,能够生成高效的机器码。 并发性:Go语言内置了对并发的支持,通过轻量级的goroutine和channel机制,可以轻松实现并发编程。这使得Go语言在构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统时具有天然的优势。 安全性:Go语言具有强大的类型系统和内存管理机制,能够减少运行时错误和内存泄漏等问题。它还支持编译时检查,可以在编译阶段就发现潜在的问题。 标准库:Go语言的标准库非常丰富,包含了大量的实用功能和工具,如网络编程、文件操作、加密解密等。这使得开发者可以更加专注于业务逻辑的实现,而无需花费太多时间在底层功能的实现上。 跨平台:Go语言支持多种操作系统和平台,包括Windows、Linux、macOS等。它使用统一的构建系统(如Go Modules),可以轻松地跨平台编译和运行代码。 开源和社区支持:Go语言是开源的,具有庞大的社区支持和丰富的资源。开发者可以通过社区获取帮助、分享经验和学习资料。 总之,Go语言是一种简单、高效、安全、并发的编程语言,特别适用于构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统。如果你正在寻找一种易于学习和使用的编程语言,并且需要处理大量的并发请求和数据,那么Go语言可能是一个不错的选择。
基于go语言的跨平台分布式游戏服务器架构.zip (190个子文件)
kill.bat 253B
kill.bat 250B
run.bat 222B
run_by_conf.bat 193B
run.bat 188B
build.bat 142B
build.bat 124B
create_slg_db.bat 66B
run_slg.bat 59B
create_db.bat 57B
build_slg.bat 35B
.gitignore 386B
orm_test.go 69KB
db.go 45KB
log.pb.go 22KB
orm_raw.go 19KB
types.go 18KB
models_fields.go 18KB
log_project.go 17KB
log.go 15KB
orm.go 14KB
models_info_f.go 12KB
playerdata.go 11KB
models_test.go 11KB
file_test.go 11KB
file.go 10KB
db_tables.go 10KB
models_boot.go 9KB
db_alias.go 9KB
connection.go 8KB
cmd_utils.go 8KB
orm_queryset.go 7KB
utils.go 7KB
timewheel.go 7KB
gate.go 7KB
cmd.go 6KB
log_store.go 6KB
orm_log.go 6KB
models_utils.go 6KB
msghandler.go 5KB
gateserver.go 5KB
db_postgres.go 5KB
qb_mysql.go 5KB
enter.go 5KB
db_mysql.go 5KB
qb_tidb.go 5KB
server.go 5KB
xlsxmgr.go 5KB
logger.go 4KB
wsconnection.go 4KB
db_utils.go 4KB
orm_conds.go 4KB
enter.go 4KB
db_sqlite.go 4KB
xlsx.go 4KB
smtp.go 4KB
orm_querym2m.go 4KB
db_oracle.go 4KB
timerscheduler.go 4KB
models_info_m.go 3KB
masterclient.go 3KB
alils.go 3KB
mainlogic.go 3KB
worldmap.go 3KB
multifile.go 3KB
datapack.go 3KB
sessionmgr.go 3KB
createrole.go 3KB
scenebase.go 3KB
playermgr.go 3KB
session.go 3KB
sts.go 3KB
sts.go 3KB
client.go 3KB
sts.go 3KB
console.go 3KB
conn.go 3KB
maincity.go 2KB
models.go 2KB
timer.go 2KB
accesslog.go 2KB
gaterouter.go 2KB
signature.go 2KB
connmanager.go 2KB
timewheel_test.go 2KB
orm_object.go 2KB
general.go 2KB
qb.go 2KB
enter.go 2KB
servermgr.go 2KB
utils_test.go 2KB
loginclient.go 2KB
machine_group.go 2KB
online.go 2KB
multifile_test.go 2KB
db_tidb.go 2KB
proto.go 2KB
citymgr.go 2KB
message.go 2KB
sts.go 1KB
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