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<p>JSON Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript</p>
<img src="https://github.com/sinclairzx81/typebox/blob/master/typebox.png?raw=true" />
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<a name="Install"></a>
## Install
#### Npm
$ npm install @sinclair/typebox --save
#### Deno
import { Static, Type } from 'npm:@sinclair/typebox'
#### Esm
import { Static, Type } from 'https://esm.sh/@sinclair/typebox'
## Example
import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'
const T = Type.Object({ // const T = {
x: Type.Number(), // type: 'object',
y: Type.Number(), // required: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
z: Type.Number() // properties: {
}) // x: { type: 'number' },
// y: { type: 'number' },
// z: { type: 'number' }
// }
// }
type T = Static<typeof T> // type T = {
// x: number,
// y: number,
// z: number
// }
<a name="Overview"></a>
## Overview
TypeBox is a runtime type builder that creates in-memory JSON Schema objects that can be statically inferred as TypeScript types. The schemas produced by this library are designed to match the static type assertion rules of the TypeScript compiler. TypeBox enables one to create a unified type that can be statically checked by TypeScript and runtime asserted using standard JSON Schema validation.
This library is designed to enable JSON schema to compose with the same flexibility as TypeScript's type system. It can be used as a simple tool to build up complex schemas or integrated into REST or RPC services to help validate data received over the wire.
License MIT
## Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Types](#types)
- [Standard](#types-standard)
- [Extended](#types-extended)
- [Modifiers](#types-modifiers)
- [Options](#types-options)
- [Generics](#types-generics)
- [References](#types-references)
- [Recursive](#types-recursive)
- [Conditional](#types-conditional)
- [Template Literal](#types-template-literal)
- [Guards](#types-guards)
- [Unsafe](#types-unsafe)
- [Strict](#types-strict)
- [Values](#values)
- [Create](#values-create)
- [Clone](#values-clone)
- [Check](#values-check)
- [Convert](#values-convert)
- [Cast](#values-cast)
- [Equal](#values-equal)
- [Hash](#values-hash)
- [Diff](#values-diff)
- [Patch](#values-patch)
- [Errors](#values-errors)
- [Mutate](#values-mutate)
- [Pointer](#values-pointer)
- [TypeCheck](#typecheck)
- [Ajv](#typecheck-ajv)
- [TypeCompiler](#typecheck-typecompiler)
- [TypeSystem](#typesystem)
- [Types](#typesystem-types)
- [Formats](#typesystem-formats)
- [Policies](#typesystem-policies)
- [Benchmark](#benchmark)
- [Compile](#benchmark-compile)
- [Validate](#benchmark-validate)
- [Compression](#benchmark-compression)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
<a name="usage"></a>
## Usage
The following shows general usage.
import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'
// Let's say you have the following type ...
type T = {
id: string,
name: string,
timestamp: number
// ... you can express this type in the following way.
const T = Type.Object({ // const T = {
id: Type.String(), // type: 'object',
name: Type.String(), // properties: {
timestamp: Type.Integer() // id: {
}) // type: 'string'
// },
// name: {
// type: 'string'
// },
// timestamp: {
// type: 'integer'
// }
// },
// required: [
// 'id',
// 'name',
// 'timestamp'
// ]
// }
// ... then infer back to the original static type this way.
type T = Static<typeof T> // type T = {
// id: string,
// name: string,
// timestamp: number
// }
// ... then use the type both as JSON schema and as a TypeScript type.
import { Value } from '@sinclair/typebox/value'
function receive(value: T) { // ... as a Static Type
if(Value.Check(T, value)) { // ... as a JSON Schema
// ok...
<a name='types'></a>
## Types
TypeBox types are JSON schema fragments that can be composed into more complex types. Each fragment is structured such that a JSON schema compliant validator can runtime assert a value the same way TypeScript will statically assert a type. TypeBox provides a set of Standard types which are used create JSON schema compliant schematics as well as an Extended type set used to create schematics for constructs native to JavaScript.
<a name='types-standard'></a>
### Standard Types
The following table lists the Standard TypeBox types. These types are fully compatible with the JSON Schema Draft 6 specification.
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supersplat.zip (2000个子文件)
convert.js 133KB
argparse.js 127KB
js-yaml.js 112KB
typebox.js 97KB
index.js 83KB
index.js 74KB
index.js 66KB
dom.js 65KB
fake-timers-src.js 57KB
loader.js 46KB
yargs-parser.js 46KB
strict-boolean-expressions.js 43KB
semver.js 43KB
js-yaml.min.js 39KB
parse.spec.js 36KB
index.js 35KB
errors.js 34KB
consistent-type-imports.js 33KB
index.js 33KB
dumper.js 31KB
member-ordering.js 30KB
index.js 29KB
grid-utils.js 29KB
visitor.js 28KB
parse.js 27KB
node-utils.js 27KB
compiler.js 26KB
estraverse.js 26KB
no-unnecessary-condition.js 26KB
webworker.js 26KB
minimatch.js 26KB
prefer-string-starts-ends-with.js 25KB
index.js 25KB
collectUnusedVariables.js 24KB
padding-line-between-statements.js 24KB
naming-convention.js 23KB
prefixes.js 23KB
no-misused-promises.js 22KB
Referencer.js 22KB
index.js 21KB
no-unused-vars.js 21KB
processor.js 21KB
no-shadow.js 21KB
bigfraction.js 21KB
resolver_sync.js 20KB
analyzeChain.js 20KB
resolver.js 20KB
check.js 19KB
fraction.js 19KB
getOperatorPrecedence.js 19KB
cast.js 18KB
no-redundant-type-constituents.js 18KB
index.js 18KB
no-floating-promises.js 18KB
getWatchProgramsForProjects.js 18KB
indent.js 18KB
unified-signatures.js 17KB
explicit-module-boundary-types.js 17KB
textwrap.js 17KB
create.js 17KB
index.js 17KB
index.js 17KB
parse.js 17KB
ChildProcessWorker.js 16KB
prefer-nullish-coalescing.js 16KB
parse.js 16KB
convert.js 16KB
List.js 15KB
return-await.js 15KB
compareNodes.js 15KB
ScopeBase.js 15KB
no-confusing-void-expression.js 15KB
key-spacing.js 14KB
parser.js 14KB
lines-around-comment.js 14KB
no-unsafe-assignment.js 14KB
no-unnecessary-type-assertion.js 14KB
prefer-readonly.js 14KB
use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variable.js 14KB
unbound-method.js 14KB
file-coverage.js 14KB
lazy-result.js 13KB
gatherLogicalOperands.js 13KB
explicit-member-accessibility.js 13KB
no-unnecessary-type-parameters.js 13KB
validator.js 13KB
prefixes.js 13KB
runTest.js 13KB
i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector.js 13KB
i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector.js 13KB
prefer-find.js 12KB
node.js 12KB
i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector.js 12KB
i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector.js 12KB
ast-spec.js 11KB
ClassVisitor.js 11KB
no-type-alias.js 11KB
consistent-type-exports.js 11KB
index.js 11KB
watchman.js 11KB
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