# 迷你项目基于python-cli的代理测试仪(#77)
*作者:* Ingo Kleiber (ingo@kleiber.me)
这个迷你项目是一个基于 `requests` 的代理测试程序。它利用 `pandas` 处理csv文件,`click` 以获取CLI。
## Usage
This script tests proxies by querying (GET request) a testing website that returns the IP of the client. If the returned IP matches the IP of the proxy, we consider the proxy to be good.
### Testing Single Proxies
`python cli.py single`
This will test the HTTP proxy against the default testing website [iptest.ingokleiber.de](http://iptest.ingokleiber.de).
You can run your own testing service using the PHP script in `/ipinfo`. This service should be offered both via HTTP and HTTPs.
`python cli.py single --iptest iptest.yourdomain.com`
### (Re)Testing a CSV File
`python cli.py csv-file proxies.csv`
This will (re)test all proxies in the given file.
### Adding and Testing Proxies From a Text File
`python cli.py add-from-txt-file proxy_candidates.txt`
This will add and test each proxy (one per line) in `proxy_candidates.txt`.
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