开场白要礼貌且自信,例如:“Hello, my name is XX. Nice to meet you.” 这句话既表达了礼貌,也表明了你的自信。
接着,介绍个人基本信息,如年龄、毕业院校和专业,例如:“I'm 22 years old, and I graduated from XXXX College with a major in Computer Multimedia.” 这里可以提及自己专业与未来职业规划的关系,如“我对计算机多媒体充满热情,这为我未来在数字媒体领域发展打下了坚实的基础。”
然后,分享个人经历和对行业的理解,比如实习或参观的经历:“During my studies, I had the opportunity to intern at several companies, gaining hands-on experience in the packaging industry. This exposure allowed me to understand the current state of China's packaging industry, which, compared to发达国家如美国,尽管自1978年以来取得了显著进步,但仍存在不少挑战和问题。”
接下来,表达对未来发展的期待和计划:“I aspire to further my education and explore the intersection of law and my previous studies, focusing on areas like patents, trademarks, and copyrights. I believe in the potential for a prosperous future in this field, given China's sustained economic growth.”
在介绍个人性格和兴趣爱好时,可以展示你的多元面貌,例如:“In terms of personality, I'm an optimistic and confident individual who enjoys solitary activities like reading and listening to music. However, I also love socializing and engaging in conversations about various topics with my peers. Basketball and online gaming are among my favorite hobbies, helping me maintain a balance between academic pursuits and leisure time.”
如果有机会,可以提及参与的课外活动或成就:“Being a part of the drama club, I've had memorable experiences performing on stage, which I consider a source of great pride.”
结束时,表示感谢并表达对面试机会的珍视:“I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here today, and I look forward to contributing my skills and enthusiasm to your organization. Thank you for considering my application.”