# Boost.Redis
Boost.Redis is a high-level [Redis](https://redis.io/) client library built on top of
that implements the Redis protocol
The requirements for using Boost.Redis are:
* Boost. The library is included in Boost distributions starting with 1.84.
* C++17 or higher.
* Redis 6 or higher (must support RESP3).
* Gcc (10, 11, 12), Clang (11, 13, 14) and Visual Studio (16 2019, 17 2022).
* Have basic-level knowledge about [Redis](https://redis.io/docs/)
and [Boost.Asio](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_82_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview.html).
The latest release can be downloaded on
https://github.com/boostorg/redis/releases. The library headers can be
found in the `include` subdirectory and a compilation of the source
#include <boost/redis/src.hpp>
is required. The simplest way to do it is to included this header in
no more than one source file in your applications. To build the
examples and tests cmake is supported, for example
# Linux
$ BOOST_ROOT=/opt/boost_1_84_0 cmake --preset g++-11
# Windows
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -B bin64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
<a name="connection"></a>
## Connection
Let us start with a simple application that uses a short-lived
connection to send a [ping](https://redis.io/commands/ping/) command
to Redis
auto co_main(config const& cfg) -> net::awaitable<void>
auto conn = std::make_shared<connection>(co_await net::this_coro::executor);
conn->async_run(cfg, {}, net::consign(net::detached, conn));
// A request containing only a ping command.
request req;
req.push("PING", "Hello world");
// Response where the PONG response will be stored.
response<std::string> resp;
// Executes the request.
co_await conn->async_exec(req, resp, net::deferred);
std::cout << "PING: " << std::get<0>(resp).value() << std::endl;
The roles played by the `async_run` and `async_exec` functions are
* `async_exec`: Execute the commands contained in the
request and store the individual responses in the `resp` object. Can
be called from multiple places in your code concurrently.
* `async_run`: Resolve, connect, ssl-handshake,
resp3-handshake, health-checks, reconnection and coordinate low-level
read and write operations (among other things).
### Server pushes
Redis servers can also send a variety of pushes to the client, some of
them are
* [Pubsub](https://redis.io/docs/manual/pubsub/)
* [Keyspace notification](https://redis.io/docs/manual/keyspace-notifications/)
* [Client-side caching](https://redis.io/docs/manual/client-side-caching/)
The connection class supports server pushes by means of the
`boost::redis::connection::async_receive` function, which can be
called in the same connection that is being used to execute commands.
The coroutine below shows how to used it
receiver(std::shared_ptr<connection> conn) -> net::awaitable<void>
request req;
req.push("SUBSCRIBE", "channel");
generic_response resp;
// Loop while reconnection is enabled
while (conn->will_reconnect()) {
// Reconnect to channels.
co_await conn->async_exec(req, ignore, net::deferred);
// Loop reading Redis pushes.
for (;;) {
error_code ec;
co_await conn->async_receive(resp, net::redirect_error(net::use_awaitable, ec));
if (ec)
break; // Connection lost, break so we can reconnect to channels.
// Use the response resp in some way and then clear it.
<a name="requests"></a>
## Requests
Redis requests are composed of one or more commands (in the
Redis documentation they are called
[pipelines](https://redis.io/topics/pipelining)). For example
// Some example containers.
std::list<std::string> list {...};
std::map<std::string, mystruct> map { ...};
// The request can contain multiple commands.
request req;
// Command with variable length of arguments.
req.push("SET", "key", "some value", "EX", "2");
// Pushes a list.
req.push_range("SUBSCRIBE", list);
// Same as above but as an iterator range.
req.push_range("SUBSCRIBE", std::cbegin(list), std::cend(list));
// Pushes a map.
req.push_range("HSET", "key", map);
Sending a request to Redis is performed with `boost::redis::connection::async_exec` as already stated.
### Config flags
The `boost::redis::request::config` object inside the request dictates how the
`boost::redis::connection` should handle the request in some important situations. The
reader is advised to read it carefully.
<a name="responses"></a>
## Responses
Boost.Redis uses the following strategy to support Redis responses
* `boost::redis::request` is used for requests whose number of commands are not dynamic.
* **Dynamic**: Otherwise use `boost::redis::generic_response`.
For example, the request below has three commands
request req;
req.push("INCR", "key");
and its response also has three comamnds and can be read in the
following response object
response<std::string, int, std::string>
The response behaves as a tuple and must
have as many elements as the request has commands (exceptions below).
It is also necessary that each tuple element is capable of storing the
response to the command it refers to, otherwise an error will occur.
To ignore responses to individual commands in the request use the tag
`boost::redis::ignore_t`, for example
// Ignore the second and last responses.
response<std::string, boost::redis::ignore_t, std::string, boost::redis::ignore_t>
The following table provides the resp3-types returned by some Redis
Command | RESP3 type | Documentation
lpush | Number | https://redis.io/commands/lpush
lrange | Array | https://redis.io/commands/lrange
set | Simple-string, null or blob-string | https://redis.io/commands/set
get | Blob-string | https://redis.io/commands/get
smembers | Set | https://redis.io/commands/smembers
hgetall | Map | https://redis.io/commands/hgetall
To map these RESP3 types into a C++ data structure use the table below
RESP3 type | Possible C++ type | Type
Simple-string | `std::string` | Simple
Simple-error | `std::string` | Simple
Blob-string | `std::string`, `std::vector` | Simple
Blob-error | `std::string`, `std::vector` | Simple
Number | `long long`, `int`, `std::size_t`, `std::string` | Simple
Double | `double`, `std::string` | Simple
Null | `std::optional<T>` | Simple
Array | `std::vector`, `std::list`, `std::array`, `std::deque` | Aggregate
Map | `std::vector`, `std::map`, `std::unordered_map` | Aggregate
Set | `std::vector`, `std::set`, `std::unordered_set` | Aggregate
Push | `std::vector`, `std::map`, `std::unordered_map` | Aggregate
For example, the response to the request
request req;
req.push("HELLO", 3);
req.push_range("RPUSH", "key1", vec);
req.push_range("HSET", "key2", map);
req.push("LRANGE", "key3", 0, -1);
req.push("HGETALL", "key4");
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