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<h1>Movie Recomendation System with Sentiment Analysis</h1>
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-3.7.3-brown" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Frontend-ReactJS-orange" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/BackendAPI-Flask-yellow" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/OtherAPI-TMDB-red" />
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## About
<b>KVG Movie Zone</b> is an AI based web application in which you can search for any Hollywood Movie. This application will provide all the information related to that movie, does <b>sentiment analysis</b> on the movie reviews and the most interesting part, this application will provide you the top 10 <b>movie recommendations</b> based on your search.<br/>
<b>ReactJS</b> was used for frontend which was deployed using <b>firebase hosting</b> and a <b>Flask API</b> was deployed using <b>Docker</b> container on <b>Heroku</b> to serve the machine learning models to the Frontend.
This application uses <b>Content Based Movie Recommendation</b> to recommend movies to the user.<b>TMDB</b> API was used to retrieve all the information related to the movie and its cast. <b>Web Scraping</b> was done on <b>IMDB</b> website to get the reviews related to the searched movie. Sentiments analysis is done using a machine learning model trained on a sample of IMDB Dataset.<br/>
<b>Deployed Web Application Link: </b>https://kvg-movie-zone.web.app/ <br/>
<b>Deployed Flask API Link: </b>https://kvgmrs-api.herokuapp.com/
## Demo
<div align="center">
<img src="./readme_assets/demo.gif" alt="demo" />
## Architecture
<div align="center">
<img src="./readme_assets/architecture.png" alt="architecture" />
## How to generate TMDB API Key?
1. Login to you your tmdb account: https://www.themoviedb.org/ or create one if you dont have.
2. Then open https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api link and create your api key by filing all the necessary information.
3. <b>IMPORTANT:</b> After generating the TMDB API KEY, replace "ENTER YOUR TMDB_API_KEY" with your generated key in the API and FRONTEND code.
## TMDB API End Points
1. BASE URL: https://api.themoviedb.org/3
2. FOR MOVIE DATA: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{tmdb_movie_id}?api_key={TMDB_API_KEY}
3. FOR MOVIE CAST DATA: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{tmdb_movie_id}/credits?api_key={TMDB_API_KEY}
<b>NOTE: </b>Please do refer the documentation at the BASE URL for better understanding.
## Flask API end points
1. To get recommendations: https://kvgmrs-api.herokuapp.com/recommend_movie
Data to be sent in POST request:
movie_name:"The Avengers",
Data Returned by the API in JSON format:
2. To get Movie Reviews with Sentiments: https://kvgmrs-api.herokuapp.com/movie_reviews_sentiment
Data to be sent in POST request:
Data Returned by the API in JSON format:
id: 1,
content: "THE REVIEW",
id: 2,
content: "THE REVIEW",
<b>NOTE: </b>The error messages are returned in the following format:
error:"Content of ERROR Message"
## Steps to run the React Project
1. Clone or download the repository in your local machine.
2. Open command prompt in the following folder `FRONTEND/kvg-mrs`
3. Install all the npm packages
npm install
4. Since the Flask API is already deployed on Heroku no need to run the Flask API in your local machine to start the React frontend. You can start the react application using the following command:
npm start
## Steps to run the Flask API
1. Clone or download the repository and open command prompt in `API` folder.
2. Create a virtual environemt
mkvirtualenv environment_name
3. Install all the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Run the app.py file
python app.py
The API will be running at
<b>NOTE: </b>You can run the Flask API and the React Frontend in parallel and can use for development by replacing the baseURL,present in `FRONTEND/kvg-mrs/src/api/recommenderapi.js`, with the Flask API running link.
## Steps to Dockerize and Deploy the Flask API on Heroku
1. Clone or download the repository and open command prompt in `API` folder.
2. Create your docker account at https://hub.docker.com
3. Download the docker desktop based on you windows version from the official website of Dockers and login to the docker desktop.
4. Start the Docker desktop in you machine.
5. The Dockerfile for dockerinzing this Flask API is already present in the API folder.
6. Open command prompt in API folder and run the below mentioned commands:
7. Building the Image:
docker build -t ENTER_YOUR_OWN_TAG_NAME .
It will take some time for the execution of the above command. After execution of the above command you can see the docker image details using the following command:
docker images
8. Install Heroku CLI in your local machine.
9. Login to your account using follwing command:
heroku login
10. Run the following commands for deplyment. Logging into heroku container:
heroku container:login
11. Create a app in heroku:
heroku create YOUR_APP_NAME
11. Pushing the docker image into heroku:
heroku container:push web --app YOUR_APP_NAME
12. Releasing the web app:
heroku container:release web --app YOUR_APP_NAME
That's it, you can see your API running at `https://YOUR_APP_NAME.herokuapp.com/`
## Steps to Dockerize and run the Flask API in local machine
1. Clone or download the repository and open command prompt in `API` folder.
2. Create your docker account at https://hub.docker.com
3. Download the docker desktop based on you windows version from the official website of Dockers and login to the docker desktop.
4. Start the Docker desktop in you machine.
5. Replace the code present in Dockerfile with the code present in localhost_docker_code.txt.
6. Open command prompt in API folder and run the below mentioned commands:
7. Building the Image:
docker build -t ENTER_YOUR_OWN_TAG_NAME .
8. Run the docker container:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 PREVIOUSLY_ENTERED_TAG_NAME
After execution of the above command you can notice the Flask API running at http://localhost:5000
## Tech Stack Used
<div align="center">
<td><img src="./readme_assets/react.png" width="200px" height="200px" /></td>
<td><img src="./readme_assets/firebase.png" width="200px" height="200px" /></td>
<td><img src="./readme_assets/docker.png" width="200px" height="200px" /></td>
<td><img src="./readme_assets/flask.png" width="200px" height="200px" /></td>
<td><img src="./readme_assets/gunicorn.png" width="200px" height="200px" /></td>
<td><img src="./readme_assets/heroku.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" /></td>
## Referred Article Links
For Movie Recommendation System
1. [Article 1](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-from-scratch-a-content-based-movie-recommender-with-natural-language-processing-25ad400eb243)
2. [Article 2](https://analyticsindiamag.com/how-to-build-a-content-based-movie-recommendation-system-in-python/)
For Deployment Using Dockers
1. [Article 1](https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/dockerize-your-python-flask-application-and-deploy-it-onto-heroku-650b7a605cc9)
2. [Article 2](https://pythonise.com/series/learning-flask/building-a-flask-app-with-docker-compose)
3. [Article 3](h
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
一个基于Flask、React和机器学习的Web应用程序,用于电影推荐和电影评论的情感分析。_Jupyter Notebook_.zip (52个子文件)
MovieRecommender.ipynb 16KB
MovieReviewsSentimentAnalysis.ipynb 22KB
MovieRecommendationDatasetPreparation.ipynb 96KB
final_data.csv 1MB
movie_names.json 181KB
MovieCastCard.css 533B
TitleCard.css 521B
AboutMe.css 2KB
utils.js 1KB
tmdbapi.js 184B
recommenderapi.js 204B
App.js 7KB
App.css 4KB
ReviewsCard.js 2KB
AboutMe.js 2KB
InputMovieCard.js 2KB
TitleCard.js 556B
MovieCastCard.js 708B
RowMovieCard.js 2KB
ReviewLoading.js 313B
Loading.js 293B
Error.js 318B
index.js 219B
index.css 366B
package.json 982B
kvg_mrs_logo.png 108KB
Venu_Gopal_Photo.jpg 485KB
loading.gif 74KB
logo.png 54KB
reviews_loading.gif 151KB
manifest.json 295B
robots.txt 67B
index.html 941B
package-lock.json 1.49MB
.gitignore 310B
tf_idf.pkl 19.04MB
sentiment_classifier.pkl 13.05MB
final_data.csv 1MB
app.py 7KB
Dockerfile 151B
requirements.txt 676B
localhost_docker_code.txt 150B
flask.png 38KB
docker.png 13KB
react.png 212KB
firebase.png 7KB
architecture.png 87KB
heroku.jpg 25KB
gunicorn.png 19KB
demo.gif 22.49MB
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