# Gillespie.jl
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## Statement of need
This is an implementation of [Gillespie's direct method](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillespie_algorithm) as well as [uniformization/Jensen's method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniformization_(probability_theory)) for performing stochastic simulations, which are widely used in many fields, including systems biology and epidemiology. It borrows the basic interface (although none of the code) from the R library [`GillespieSSA`](http://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i12/paper) by Mario Pineda-Krch, although `Gillespie.jl` only implements exact methods at present, whereas `GillespieSSA` also includes tau-leaping, *etc.*. It is intended to offer performance on par with hand-coded C code; please file an issue if you find an example that is significantly slower (2 to 5 times) than C.
## Installation
The stable release of ```Gillespie.jl``` can be installed from the Julia REPL using the following command.
using Pkg
The development version from this repository can be installed as follows.
## Example usage
An example of a [susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) epidemiological model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology#The_SIR_model_without_vital_dynamics) is as follows.
using Gillespie
using Gadfly
using Random
function F(x,parms)
(S,I,R) = x
(beta,gamma) = parms
infection = beta*S*I
recovery = gamma*I
x0 = [999,1,0]
nu = [[-1 1 0];[0 -1 1]]
parms = [0.1/1000.0,0.01]
tf = 250.0
result = ssa(x0,F,nu,parms,tf)
data = ssa_data(result)
plot_theme = Theme(
Guide.title("SSA simulation"),
Julia versions of the examples used in [`GillespieSSA`](http://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i12/paper) are given in the [examples](https://github.com/sdwfrost/Gillespie.jl/blob/master/examples) directory.
## Jensen's method or uniformization
The development version of ```Gillespie.jl``` includes code to simulate via uniformization (a.k.a. Jensen's method); the API is the same as for the SSA, with the addition of **max_rate**, the maximum rate (`Float64`). Optionally, another argument, **thin** (`Bool`), can be set to `false` to return all the jumps (including the fictitious ones), and saves a bit of time by pre-allocating the time vector. This code is under development at present, and may change. Time-varying rates can be accommodated by passing a rate function with three arguments, `F(x,parms,t)`, where `x` is the discrete state, `parms` are the parameters, and `t` is the simulation time.
## The true jump method
The development version of ```Gillespie.jl``` also includes code to simulate assuming time-varying rates via the true jump method; the API is the same as for the SSA, with the exception that the rate function must have three arguments, as described above.
## Benchmarks
The speed of an SIR model in `Gillespie.jl` was compared to:
- A version using the R package `GillespieSSA`
- Handcoded versions of the SIR model in Julia, R, and Rcpp
- [DifferentialEquations.jl's](https://docs.sciml.ai/latest/) jump interface.
1000 simulations were performed, and the time per simulation computed (lower is better). Benchmarks were run on a Mac Pro (Late 2013), with 3 Ghz 8-core Intel Xeon E3, 64GB 1866 Mhz RAM, running OSX v 10.11.3 (El Capitan), using Julia v0.4.5 and R v.3.3. Jupyter notebooks for [Julia](https://gist.github.com/sdwfrost/8a0e926a5e16d7d104bd2bc1a5f9ed0b) and [R](https://gist.github.com/sdwfrost/afed3b881ef5742623b905a539197c7a) with the code and benchmarks are available as gists. A plain Julia file is also provided [in the benchmarks subdirectory](https://github.com/sdwfrost/Gillespie.jl/blob/master/benchmarks/sir-jl-benchmark.jl) for ease of benchmarking locally.
| Implementation | Time per simulation (ms) |
| -------------------------------------------| ------------------------ |
| R (GillespieSSA) | 463 |
| R (handcoded) | 785 |
| Rcpp (handcoded) | 1.40 |
| Julia (Gillespie.jl) | 1.69 |
| Julia (Gillespie.jl, Static) | 0.89 |
| Julia (DifferentialEquations.jl) | 1.14 |
| Julia (DifferentialEquations.jl, Static) | 0.72 |
| Julia (handcoded) | 0.49 |
(smaller is better)
Julia performance for `Gillespie.jl` is much better than `GillespieSSA`, and close to a handcoded version in Julia (which is itself comparable to Rcpp); as compiler performance improves, the gap in performance should narrow.
## Future work
`Gillespie.jl` is under development, and pull requests are welcome. Future enhancements include:
- Constrained simulations (where events are forced to occur at specific times)
- Discrete time simulation
## Citation
If you use `Gillespie.jl` in a publication, please cite the following.
- Frost, Simon D.W. (2016) Gillespie.jl: Stochastic Simulation Algorithm in Julia. *Journal of Open Source Software* 1(3) doi:0.21105/joss.00042
A Bibtex entry can be found [here](http://www.doi2bib.org/#/doi/10.21105/joss.00042).