## SpaceFX
A simple tiny space game written in JavaFX.
The "dev" branch contains new developments that might come to the game later on. The "simpleversion" branch is like the name says more simple and should also run on
embedded devices etc.
The "master" branch now contains some more fun things like enemies attacking in waves, a level boss that needs more hits to kill, enemies that drop bombs and an
enemy boss that also fires rockets.
If you want to see/play it in a browser you can check it out at the [jpro demo page](https://demos.jpro.one/spacefx.html)
Donations are welcome at [Paypal](https://paypal.me/hans0l0)
### Desktop and Mobile
<p>Desktop<br><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HanSolo/SpaceFX/master/SpaceFX_Desktop.jpg" width=50%></img></p>
<p>iOS<br><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HanSolo/SpaceFX/master/SpaceFX_iOS.jpg" width=50%></img></p>
<p>Android<br><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HanSolo/SpaceFX/master/SpaceFX_Android.jpg" width=50%></img></p>
<p>Web<br><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HanSolo/SpaceFX/master/SpaceFX_Web.jpg" width=50%></img></p>
### Youtube video
I've recorded a little [video](https://youtu.be/Kc0lv3R5VG0) that shows the game in action.
### Requirements for building a native package
If you would like to build a native package you should have at least JDK 13 installed
on your machine. Make sure you run on Java13 and do a `gradle clean build jar` on the
command line and execute the build app script e.g. `bash build_app.sh`. If everything
worked ok you will find the native app in the folder `/build/installer`.
To build a native package you will need the early access release of the
jpackage tool. Please find more info [here](https://github.com/dlemmermann/JPackageScriptFX).
### master branch
This branch is using gradle for the build and it needs JDK 17 with OpenJFX
On my machines I use [Zulu](https://cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin/) for the JDK 17 installation and
[OpenJFX](https://openjfx.io/) for the JavaFX installation.
You should be able to fork the branch and open the build.gradle file in your favourite IDE as a project to run it from the code.
To compile it you need to make sure you are on JDK13 and OpenJFX is installed, then execute the following on the command line.
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
./gradlew clean build
bash ./build_app.sh
cd \PATH\TO\SpaceFX
.\gradlew.bat clean build
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
./gradlew clean build
bash ./build_app_linux.sh
After that you will find the runnable jar file in
and the bundle created by the jpackage tool from JDK17 in
### mobile branch
This branch uses maven for the build and it needs at least JDK 11. In principle you simply have to follow the instructions
over at [github](https://github.com/gluonhq/client-samples) from Gluon to make it run on iOS and Android.
If you have the setup your system as mentioned on the github page with the Gluon examples you can build/deploy SpaceFX to your
device as follows. To build/run it on iOS you need to run it on a Mac and to build/run it on Android you need to run it on Linux.
First of all make sure you are on JDK11 and that you have installed all things described on github.
Make sure your iPhone is registered as a developer device at [apple](https://developer.apple.com/) and is plugged into your Mac.
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
mvn clean -Pios client:build
mvn -Pios client:run
The iOS spacefx.app file can be found at
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
mvn clean client:build
The OSX spacefx binary can be found at
Make sure your Android phone is a developer phone and is plugged into your Linux machine.
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
mvn clean -Pandroid client:build
mvn -Pandroid client:run
The Android spacefx.apk file can be found at
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
mvn clean client:build
The Linux binary can be found at
Keep in mind that at the moment there is no support for sound when using the GraalVM/Substrate combo.
Because we use different build tools for the master and mobile branch at the moment it can lead to problems
in your favourite IDE when switching branches. To avoid those problems just keep the following steps in mind:
When switching from the master to the mobile branch you should follow these simple steps:
- remove the project from your IDE
- close your IDE
- switch branch from master to mobile
- remove files/folders like .gradle, .idea, /build and /logs
- start your IDE
- open the pom.xml file as a project
When switching from mobile to the master branch you should follow these simple steps:
- remove the project from your IDE
- close your IDE
- switch branch from mobile to master
- start your IDE
- open the build.gradle file as a project
### Run SpaceFX in the browser using jpro
To run SpaceFX in the browser you will need to set the used JDK to 11 in
the build.gradle file. In the future you will also be able to use JDK 13 etc.
More info on how to run a JavaFX application in the browser can be found
here [jpro](https://www.jpro.one/?page=docs/current/1.1/).
To make SpaceFX run in your browser you need to be on the master branch and execute the following steps:
Open the build.gradle file in an editor and comment out the line:
//mainClassName = "$moduleName/eu.hansolo.spacefx.SpaceFX"
Now enable the line:
mainClassName = "eu.hansolo.spacefx.SpaceFX"
On the command line execute:
cd /PATH/TO/SpaceFX
./gradlew jproRun
Open a browser and go to ```localhost:8080```
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
只是一个用 JavaFX 编写 的简单的微型太空游戏_java_代码_下载
0 下载量 51 浏览量
收藏 176.77MB ZIP 举报
一个用 JavaFX 编写的简单的微型太空游戏。 “dev”分支包含稍后可能会出现在游戏中的新开发。“simpleversion”分支就像名字所说的更简单,也应该在嵌入式设备等上运行。“master”分支现在包含一些更有趣的东西,比如敌人在波浪中攻击,一个需要更多命中才能杀死的关卡老板,敌人投掷炸弹和一个也会发射火箭的敌人老板。 效果展示: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HanSolo/SpaceFX/master/SpaceFX_Desktop.jpg 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
只是一个用 JavaFX 编写 的简单的微型太空游戏_java_代码_下载
startscreenAndroid.afdesign 12.44MB
halloffamescreenAndroid.afdesign 12.44MB
startscreenIOS.afdesign 12.43MB
gameoverIOS.afdesign 12.43MB
halloffamescreenIOS.afdesign 12.43MB
gameoverAndroid.afdesign 12.43MB
ArcadeBanner.afdesign 2.58MB
startscreen.afdesign 1.05MB
gameover.afdesign 1.05MB
halloffamescreen.afdesign 1.05MB
fighter.afdesign 238KB
buttons.afdesign 15KB
EnemyWaveBezier.afdesign 9KB
background.afphoto 4.38MB
torpedos.afphoto 556KB
build_app.bat 3KB
gradlew.bat 2KB
spacefx-mobile.css 717B
spacefx.css 717B
.gitignore 265B
build.gradle 3KB
settings.gradle 30B
gradlew 5KB
icon.icns 147KB
icon.ico 122KB
iTunesArtwork 290KB
iTunesArtwork@2x 846KB
gradle-wrapper.jar 54KB
SpaceFXView.java 144KB
WaveType.java 17KB
Config.java 15KB
InitialDigit.java 11KB
Level2.java 8KB
Level3.java 7KB
Level1.java 7KB
SpaceFX.java 6KB
PropertyManager.java 4KB
Helper.java 3KB
Level.java 1KB
Fonts.java 1KB
Difficulty.java 951B
WaveCoordinate.java 875B
Launcher.java 741B
module-info.java 276B
SpaceFX_Android.jpg 711KB
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SpaceFX_Web.jpg 381KB
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gameoverIOS.jpg 66KB
halloffamescreenIOS.jpg 65KB
Contents.json 3KB
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RaceToMars.mp3 9.39MB
CityStomper.mp3 7.39MB
EnemyWave_Bezier_Calculation.numbers 198KB
Default-Info.plist 1KB
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backgroundL2.png 2.67MB
backgroundL1.png 2.44MB
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enemyBossExplosionL2.png 2.01MB
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levelBossExplosionL1.png 1.76MB
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explosionL2.png 1.35MB
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enemyBoss3L3.png 1.17MB
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enemyBoss1L3.png 868KB
enemyBoss3L1.png 867KB
enemyBoss2L1.png 832KB
enemyBoss4L2.png 825KB
enemyBoss3L2.png 819KB
enemyBoss2L2.png 789KB
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spaceshipUp.png 775KB
enemyBoss1L1.png 771KB
spaceship.png 748KB
enemyBoss1L2.png 739KB
spaceshipDown.png 718KB
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