# Interactive Power Flow & Transient Stability Program
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Interactive Power Flow (IPF) is a family of programs for doing power flow studies. IPF models the balanced steady-state operation of an electric power network. It is used by power system planners, design engineers, and students to investigate electric power networks, determine bus voltage distribution, study real and reactive power flows in lines, check for line overloads, understand system reactive requirements, plan area controls, examine effects of load shedding, generator dropping, and line outages.
IPF was originally developed by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). IPF was made public domain by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) back in 1994. This project is a fork of Bonneville Power Administration's Interactive Power Flow (IPF) programs including the Transient Stability Program (TSP). The original source code for this repo was obtained from ftp://ftp.bpa.gov, which no longer seems to be available. The goal of this project is to breathe life into this codebase again and continue enhancing it while preserving *all* of its legacy features. Most of the command line tools are working. Note that the original programs had a GUI component built with [Motif X Window][], but given how dated it is, most will find it cumbersome to use relative to modern applications.
## Documentation
You can find complete documentation for this project [here](https://bpa-ipf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). The documentation at that site has details on how to install it, what command line tools are available, record and command syntax for defining the model and studies, how to use the C API, how to use the GUI, and more. Most of the content on that site came from the original documentation for IPF and TSP applications in these [manuals](https://github.com/mbheinen/bpa-ipf-tsp/tree/master/manuals) so if something is missing from the ReadTheDocs site, check the manuals. Additionally, check out [John Schaad's website](http://members.efn.org/~jschaad/ipf-1.html) for some additional history on the original BPA project.
## Sample Cases
There are a variety of sample cases in the [data](https://github.com/mbheinen/bpa-ipf-tsp/tree/master/data) directory of this repo. Some of them came from original IPF codebase others came from publically available cases like Texas A&M's set of synthetic cases found [here](https://electricgrids.engr.tamu.edu/electric-grid-test-cases/). None of the data is from real power system networks since such information is generally considered confidential by Transmission System Operators.
## Quick Reference
If you're looking for a quick reference on using some of the IPF commands, see below.
### Batch Power Flow -- bpf
Batch Power Flow (`bpf`) executes using commands from a Power Flow Control (`.pfc`) file. Users write commands in the `.pfc` to do power flow runs. The [documentation][] describes the commands available. You can try it out using test cases found in the [data](https://github.com/mbheinen/bpa-ipf-tsp/tree/master/data) directory. To run a case just run `bpf <controlfile.pfc>` or `bpf` and follow the prompts. For example,
$ bpf bench.pfc
The output is a Power Flow Output file `<casename>.pfo`. When you use `bpf`, you must first create a `<casename>.pfc` file with the appropriate commands to accomplish the solution task at hand. At runtime these commands are accepted by `bpf` and executed according to a logical processing order determined by the program. Hence you need not be concerned with the ordering of commands in your PFC file. Input commands will be processed first, and a solution done automatically before any output is produced. Finally, a new base (`.bse`) file will be created, if you have requested one. See the [IPF Batch Users Guide][] for more information.
### Cutting Program -- ipfcut
Cuts out a section of the entire system model and prepares it to be set up for running with its own slack bus.
Usage: `ipfcut <controlfile.pfc>` or `ipfcut`
Output: Powerflow Network Data file `<cutcasename.bse>`
This is a stand-alone program that cuts out a subsystem from a solved base case (`.bse`) file. Flows at the cut branches are converted into equivalent generation or load on specially formatted `+A` continuation bus records. An ensuing power flow run should solve with internal branch flows and bus voltages which are identical to those quantities in the original base case.
In almost all cases, you will have to convert one of the buses in the cut
subsystem into a slack bus, to replace the original system slack bus.
Several methods are available to define the cut system: bus names, zones,
base kVs, and individual branches. A pi-back feature replaces selected buses with a passive-node sequence (lines consisting of sections) with the original loads pi-backed in proportion to the line admittances.
Below is a sample control file:
>SAVE_ZONES NC,SAVE_BASES 500,230,115,69<
### Batch Analysis Tool -- ipfbat
The batch version of `ipfsrv`. It accepts a Power Flow Control Language (PCL) file. This is an alternate set of commands from PFC used by `bpf`.
Usage: `ipfbat <controlfile.pcl>`
Example of use: `ipfbat test.pcl`.
The PCL commands used with `ipfsrv` and `ipfbat` (standard filename extension of `.pcl`) are described in the [IPF Advanced Users Guide] and in Appendix A of the [IPF CFLOW Users Guide]. Many of the PFC commands from Chapter 4 of this manual are supported, but not all, and there are many additional new commands.
`ipfbat` allows you fine control over the case and solution engine (`ipfsrv`). When you use the PCL approach, you first create a PCL file with the
appropriate commands to accomplish the solution task at hand. At runtime these commands are interpreted by `ipfbat`. The PCL file commands are processed sequentially. Additional PCL command files may be specified by name, so that a chain of PCL files may be processed in one run. See the [IPF Advanced Users Guide] for details.
`ipfbat` command summary:
processed by p_pfinit_
/NETWORK_DATA, FILE = <filename>
processed by p_gtnetdat_
/OLD_BASE, FILE = <* | filename> [, CASE = <casename>]
[, REBUILD = < on | off> ]
processed by cmd_parse.c
/CHANGES, FILE = <* | filename>
processed by cmd_parse.c
> DEBUG, BUS = ON,(page 3-51 to 3-56)
processed by cmd_parse.c
A <areaname> to be added 22 July by wlp
I <area1 area2> to be added 22 July by wlp
B <busname, etc> returns all data associatated with bus
+ <busname, etc> returns all data if id fields have wild cards
(type - column 2, owner, columns 3-5, and code-year
columns 20-21)
X <busname, etc>
L <bus1 bus2, etc> returns all paralles if id is wild card (*)
returns all sections if section is 0
T <bus1 bus2, etc>
R <bus1 bus2, etc>
E <bus1 bus2, etc>
processed by cmd_parse.c
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Bonneville 电力管理局交互式潮流和暂态稳定计划_Fortran_代码_下载
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交互式潮流 (IPF) 是一系列用于进行潮流研究的程序。IPF 模拟电力网络的平衡稳态运行。电力系统规划人员、设计工程师和学生使用它来调查电力网络、确定母线电压分布、研究线路中的有功和无功功率流、检查线路过载、了解系统无功要求、规划区域控制、检查减载、发电机掉电和线路中断。 示例案例 在这个 repo的数据目录中有多种样例。其中一些来自原始 IPF 代码库,另一些来自公开可用的案例,例如 Texas A&M 的一组综合案例,见此处。这些数据都不是来自真实的电力系统网络,因为传输系统运营商通常认为这些信息是机密的。 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
Bonneville 电力管理局交互式潮流和暂态稳定计划_Fortran_代码_下载
sds.f.0 11KB
ACTIVSg2000_contingencies.aux 670KB
dot327M.bas 1002B
tstipc.bash 324B
make.bat 760B
findoutx.c 199KB
selection.c 148KB
pf_cb.c 127KB
mimic.c 121KB
findout.c 120KB
pvcurve_pro.c 106KB
graphpscor.c 102KB
graphdata.c 100KB
pscordat.c 95KB
pvcurve_pro_experimental.c 94KB
safe_pscordat.c 93KB
pvcurve_pro_back.c 90KB
qvcurve_gen.c 82KB
qvcurve_pro.c 81KB
pvcurve.c 75KB
dmgr.c 74KB
pam.c 71KB
edgeg.c 71KB
qvcurve.c 68KB
linezcalc.c 58KB
e.c 53KB
gui.c 52KB
gui.c 52KB
swginitc.c 51KB
toolbox.c 50KB
lineflow.c 50KB
safe_gui.c 49KB
post_pvcurve.c 48KB
filedlgrtn.c 47KB
slctdmo.c 40KB
printopts.c 37KB
reports.c 37KB
six.c 36KB
edge.c 34KB
dmgrdoc.c 34KB
branch.c 32KB
base_data.c 31KB
pf_rec.c 31KB
base_data.c 30KB
ft.c 27KB
fmtpg.c 27KB
increm.c 25KB
drawgadget.c 25KB
vertex.c 24KB
toolmove.c 22KB
utils.c 22KB
xycurve.c 22KB
tspbatch.c 22KB
pqcurve.c 21KB
coloredit.c 21KB
edge_research.c 21KB
cfuse.c 20KB
graphcor.c 20KB
busfilter.c 19KB
bussect.c 19KB
linetap.c 19KB
ipc_cb.c 19KB
convtbl.c 18KB
fields.c 18KB
graphbase.c 17KB
utils_db.c 16KB
networkedt.c 16KB
solver_intact.c 15KB
cflowspeed.c 15KB
capcurve.c 12KB
isvalidp.c 12KB
alt_load.c 12KB
help_cb.c 12KB
ge_utils.c 12KB
screen.c 11KB
convert.c 11KB
reformat.c 11KB
filetest.c 11KB
c2f_wraps.c 10KB
ipc_inet.c 10KB
ipc_inet.c 10KB
getrpts.c 10KB
ipfdefine.c 9KB
ipf_rsrc.c 9KB
chkentry.c 9KB
convert_new.c 9KB
pf_descrip.c 9KB
drawchar.c 8KB
comp_soln.c 8KB
ipc_vms.c 8KB
ipc_unix.c 8KB
ipc_unix.c 8KB
swginutil.c 8KB
qvp.c 7KB
ipc_dnet.c 7KB
linetap2.c 7KB
fstout_main.c 7KB
substation.c 7KB
see_nodes.c 6KB
ipcclient.c 6KB
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