# AVWX: Aviation Weather for Humans
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[![Requirements Status](https://requires.io/github/avwx-rest/avwx-engine/requirements.svg?branch=master)](https://requires.io/github/avwx-rest/avwx-engine/requirements/?branch=master)
[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/avwx-engine/badge/?version=latest)](http://avwx-engine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
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![AVWX logo](https://avwx.rest/static/favicons/apple-icon-76x76.png)
## Install
The easiest way to get started is to download the library from pypi using pip
pip install avwx-engine
## Basic Usage
Reports use ICAO idents when specifying the desired station. Exceptions are thrown if a potentially invalid ident is given.
>>> import avwx
>>> metar = avwx.Metar('KJFK')
>>> metar.station.name
'John F Kennedy International Airport'
>>> metar.update()
>>> metar.data.flight_rules
You can learn more by reading the [project documentation](https://avwx-engine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
**Note**: This library requires Python 3.6 or above
## Develop
Download and install the source code and its development dependencies:
git clone github.com/avwx-rest/AVWX-Engine
cd AVWX-Engine
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
Code formatting should be handled by hooks in pre-commit. Before committing any code, be should to install pre-commit into the local git project:
pre-commit install
## Test
The easiest way to test the package is using the `nox` library, which is installed as a dev dependencies. It will manage all tests, sessions, supported versions (when available), and cleanup. The tests will pick up the local version of `avwx`.
If you want to run the tests directly, the test suite was built while using the `pytest` library, which is also installed as a dev dependency.
The end-to-end test files were generated using `util/build_tests.py` and placed into `tests/{report}`. Because Timestamp generation interprets the text based on the current date, Timestamp objects are nullified in the end-to-end tests.
## Docs
AVWX uses `mkdocs` to build its documentation. It's just another install:
pip install mkdocs
To serve the docs during development:
cd docs
mkdocs serve