在打电话和接电话的场景中,学习者需要掌握基本的电话用语。打电话时,可以使用"Hello!May I speak to...?"或"I’d like to speak to..."来发起通话,并通过"Is that...speaking?"确认对方身份。如果需要稍后再联系,可以表达为"I’ll call back later again."或"I’ll ring him up again."。接电话时,常见的回应有"Hello! This is...speaking. Who’s that?",若对方不在,礼貌地提供留言服务:"Sorry, he isn’t here right now. Can I take a message for you?",或者告诉对方打错号码:"Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number."。
在问路和谈论天气的部分,学习者要学会如何准确询问和提供路线。例如,可以使用"Excuse me. Where is...?"或"Could you tell me how I can get to...?"寻求帮助。在回答时,可以指示方向,如"Look! It’s on the other side of the road."或"Go down this road. At the end of the road you’ll see it."。当遇到不熟悉路线的情况,可以诚实回答"Sorry, I’m a stranger here."。至于天气,基本表达有"What’s the weather like?"和"How is the weather?",询问天气预报,可以用"What does the weather forecast say?",并能描述天气状况,如"It’s a fine day for a walk, isn’t it?"或"It’s been raining intermittently all morning."。
在表示问候、介绍和告别的环节,基础的问候语如"Good morning/afternoon/evening!",重逢时可以说"Long time no see!",关心对方近况可问"How are things with you?"或"How are you?"。进行介绍时,可以使用"This is..."、"May I introduce you to...?"或"Please allow me to introduce you to...". 结识新朋友时的回应,如"Oh, yes. It’s very nice to meet you."和"I’m honored to know you.",而在告别时,一句"I’m glad to have met you and your friends. Hope to meet you again."既能表达愉快的心情,也传达了期待再次见面的愿望。