# 练习题说明
- 关于数据库的题目有10几道题
- 关于多线程(并发or并行)的题目有10题左右
- 关于shell脚本的题目有5题左右
- 关注智力题的题目大概30多道题
## 算法题
- 数组双指针
- 🍎: 1 80 128 167 16 454 31 60 36 48 66 70 73 134 135 169 229 189 217 219 220 238 289 334 349 350 3sum smaller meeting rooms 136 121 122 88 118 11 384 69 162 33 127 433 41
- 二分搜索
- 34
- 704
- 354
- 392
- 793
- 875
- 1011
- 滑动窗口
- 3
- 76
- 438
- 567
- 239
- 其它
- 26
- 27
- 283
- 42
- 986
- 870
- 15
- 18
- 链表双指针
- 🍎:206 328 2 445 86 82 61 24 138
143 146 460 432
- 19
- 21
- 23
- 141
- 142
- 160
- 876
- 25
- 83
- 92
- 234
- 前缀和
- 303
- 304
- 560
- 差分数组
- 370
- 1094
- 1109
- 字符串
- 🍎: 344 709 541 7 917 387 680 438 151 557
- 125
- 28
- 8
- 5
- 10
- 44
- 14
- 65
- 12
- 13
- 38
- 49
- 242
- 71
- 58
- 205
- 290
- 394
- 队列和栈
- 🍎:155 150 84,295, moving average of data stream 496 856 84 641 622
- 32
- 20
- 921
- 1541
- 225
- 232
- 22
- 239
- 二叉堆
- 🍎:剑指0ffer 40 703 347 239
- 21
- 215
- 295
- 数据结构设计题
- 146
- 341
- 380
- 460
- 895
- 二叉树
- 🍎: 637 98 589 590 429 235 236
- 二叉树的遍历
- 144 94 145 102 107 199 173 103 99 100 101 110 117
- 二叉树的构建
- 二叉搜索树
- 109 108 lca of bst
- 二叉树的递归
- 104 113 112 124 129 lca of binary tree 297
- 线段树
- 307
- 字典树
- 208 212
- 105
- 106
- 654
- 111
- 114
- 116
- 226
- 222
- 297
- 341
- 652
- 二叉搜索树
- 95
- 96
- 98
- 450
- 700
- 701
- 230
- 538
- 1038
- 1373
- 哈希表
- 349
- 350
- 242
- 771
- 49
- 438
- 146
- 380
- 排序
- 🍎: 1122 242 56 493
- 插入排序
- 147
- 归并排序
- 21
- 23
- merge two sorted arrays
- 快速排序
- 75
- 215
- 桶排序
- 41
- 计数排序
- 274
- 基数排序
- 164
- 堆排序
- meeting rooms ii
- 347
- 692
- 其它
- 179
- 查找
- search for a range
- 35
- 81
- 153
- 154
- 4
- 275
- 528
- 暴力枚举
- 78
- 90
- 46
- 47
- 77
- 图论算法
- 🍎: 133 graph valid tree 743 1514
- 图的遍历
- 797
- 二分图
- 785
- 886
- 环的检测/拓跋排序
- 207
- 210
- 并查集算法
- 547
- 200
- 120
- 130
- 990
- 最小生成树
- 261
- 1135
- 1584
- 最短路径
- 743
- 1514
- 1631
- 分治算法
- 50
- 69
- 贪心算法
- 55
- 45
- 121
- 122
- 3
- 11
- 330
- 621
- 回溯算法
- 🍎: 79 212 547 52
- 22
- 37
- 46
- 77
- 78
- 51
- 494
- 698
- dfs
- 🍎:306 131 62 63 51 52 93 39 40 216 22 37 79
android unlock patterns robot room cleanr
- 130
- 200
- 694
- 695
- 1020
- 1254
- 1905
- bfs
- 🍎:127 126 130 ,the maze, the maze ii the maze iii
- 111
- 752
- 773
- 动态规划
- 🍎: 746 62 63 91 10 152
120 132 85 97 87 91 639 303 304 403 474 1049
- 一维动态规划
- 45
- 55
- 53
- 198
- 213
- 337
- 300
- 322
- 354
- 二维动态规划
- 10
- 64
- 72
- 121
- 122
- 123
- 188
- 309
- 714
- 174
- 312
- 416
- 494
- 514
- 518
- 583
- 712
- 1143
- 787
- 887
- 931
- 背包问题
- 416
- 494
- 518
- 位运算
- 190
- 187
- 191
- 136
- 137
- 260
- 231
- 338
- 268
- 318
- 201
- 326
- 223
- 数学题
- 77
- 78
- 134
- 136
- 191
- 231
- 172
- 793
- 204
- 268
- 292
- 319
- 877
- 295
- 372
- 382
- 398
- 391
- 509
- 645
- 710
- 区间问题
- 56
- 986
- 1288
- 435
- 452
- 1024
- 数论
- 202
- 263
- 264
- 313
- 166
- 172
- 模拟题
- 7
- 9
- 57
- 56
- 76
- 67
- 415
- 43
- 30
- 118
- 119
- 6
- 29
- 68
- 149
## 数据库操作的题目
|组合两个表|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/combine-two-tables)||[combine tables](./sql/combine-two-tables.md)|
|查找重复的电子邮件|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/duplicate-emails)||[find emails](./sql/duplicate-emails.md)|
|删除重复的电子邮件|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/delete-duplicate-emails)||[delete emails](./sql/delete-duplicate-emails.md)|
|行程和用户|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/trips-and-users)||[trips users](./sql/trips-and-users.md)|
|第二高的薪水|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/second-highest-salary)||[second salary](./sql/second-highest-salary.md)|
|第n高的薪水|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/nth-highest-salary)||[n salary](./sql/nth-highest-salary.md)|
|分数排名|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/rank-scores)||[rank scores](./sql/rank-scores.md)|
|连续出现的数字|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/consecutive-numbers)||[consecutive numbers](./sql/consecutive-numbers.md)|
|部门工资最高的员工|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/department-highest-salary)||[highest salary](./sql/department-highest-salary.md)|
|部门工资前三高的所有员工|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/department-top-three-salaries)||[three salaries](./sql/department-top-three-salaries.md)|
## 多线程,并发,并行的题目
|哲学家进餐|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/the-dining-philosophers)||[dining philosophers](./chan/the-dining-philosophers.md)|
|打印零和奇偶数|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/print-zero-even-odd)||[print zero](./chan/print-zero-even-odd.md)|
## shell脚本操作的题目
|统计词频|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/word-frequency)||[word frequency](./shell/word-frequency.md)|
|有效的电话号码|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/valid-phone-numbers)||[phone numbers](./shell/valid-phone-numbers.md)|
|转置文件|[leetcode](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/transpose-file)||[transpose file](./shell/transpose-file.md)|
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go 后端程序员宝典:go基础语法,go底层原理,go runtime 实现原理,go 并发模式 ,go语言项目经验,包含go语言的基本语法、go语言高级用法、算法与数据结构。具体请见README.md,有详细目录。
go 后端程序员宝典:go基础语法,go底层原理,go runtime 实现原理,go 并发模式 ,go语言项目经验 (268个子文件)
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