MMC examples: getting started
The following instrucons must be completed in order to successfully run the MMC case les.
Loading the library files (*.pslx)
To load a le in PSCAD:
1. Launch PSCAD
2. Click the home bu%on at the top le& corner of the window
3. Hover over “open” and click on “open project”. Make sure that the le type selected (at the
bo%om right corner) is either “Cases and Libraries (*.pscx, *.pslx)” or “All Files (*.*)”
4. Browse to the library le MMC_lib_2013_04_30.pslx and open the le
Linking the library files to the object files
1. Unzip (or extract) the object les. Find where the les have been saved, right click on the object
le and click “Extract Here.”
2. Find out which Fortran compiler is being used. For this purpose
Click the home bu%on at the top le& corner of the window
Click “Opons” at the bo%om of the box
Select “Dependencies”in the drop down menu
Take note which Fortran compiler is being used. The possible opons are:
i. GFortran
ii. Intel Fortran
iii. Compaq Fortran