# Viola-Jones Face Detection for Matlab
### A CSCi 5561 Spring 2015 Semester Project
Authors: Chee Yi Ong, Stephen Peyton
### Introduction
This is a slightly modified Viola-Jones face detection algorithm built using Matlab. Here's a quick rundown of the code flow:
* Preprocessing: variance normalization, gamma correction for ‘hard’ (under/over-exposed) images
* Train weak classifiers from Haar-like features
* Boost weak classifiers using Adaboost
* Face detection using a cascade structure
### Assumptions
1. Frontal-facing images ONLY.
2. Background is not cluttered. Solid-colored background works the best.
3. Tilting of the head is at a minimum.
4. Image size is approximately 300x400 or similar. Individual features are a minimum of
19x19, because that is the smallest size of a single Haar feature or classifier.
5. One face-of-interest per image.
### Instructions
This folder contains two subfolders: `trainHaar` and `detectFaces`. `trainHaar` consists of the training algorithm which trains classifiers using Haar-like features, while `detectFaces` uses the trained classifiers to detect faces.
The `main` functions for both parts of the face detection routine are named identically to the folder containing the code, i.e., `trainHaar.m` for the training part, and `detectFaces.m` for the detection part.
1. Training: simply start the training by running the script `trainHaar` on the command line. Note that this takes _approximately 21 hours_ on a 2.6GHz quad-core i7.
2. Detection: `detectFaces('image.jpg')` or `detectFaces('someDirectory/image.jpg')`.
### Opportunities for improvements:
* Train algorithm with a larger set of images
* Better thresholding with more Adaboost training rounds
* Better cascade structuring with fewer, stronger classifiers: real-time detection possible
### Acknowledgements
* University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
* Viola, Paul, and Michael J. Jones. “Robust real-time face detection.” International journal of computer vision 57.2 (2004): 137-154.
* Freund, Yoav and Schapire, Robert E.. “A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting.” Second European Conference, EuroCOLT ’95, pages 23–37, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
* Anila, S. and Devarajan N.. “Preprocessing Technique for Face Recognition Applications under Varying Illumination Conditions.” Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 12.11-F (2012).
* MIT Center for Biological and Computational Learning. “CBCL Face Database 1”. N. p., 2015. Web. Accessed 16 April 2015. http://cbcl.mit.edu/software-datasets/FaceData2.html
* “AT&T Face Dataset”, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html
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基于haar特征+AdaBoost,CascadeBoost算法的人脸检测原理+matlab代码 (7274个子文件)
trainHaar.asv 13KB
~$问题.docx 162B
Lenna.jpg 23KB
cy.jpg 16KB
girl.jpg 10KB
baby.jpg 10KB
Lenna_gamma_corrected.jpg 9KB
trainHaar.m 13KB
trainCascadeAdaBoost.m 11KB
trainAdaBoostLearner.m 8KB
detectFaces.m 6KB
FeaSubsetCascadeAdaBoost.m 3KB
BoostingAlg.m 3KB
ShowTest.m 3KB
testCascadeAdaBoost.m 3KB
FastScanImage.m 3KB
adaboost.m 3KB
SimpleTrain.m 2KB
calcHaarVal.m 2KB
calcHaarVal.m 2KB
LearnWeakClassifier.m 1KB
cascade.m 1KB
testFeatureSubsetCascadeBoost.m 1KB
ComputeROC.m 1KB
gamma_correction.m 1KB
EnumAllFeatures.m 1KB
bootstrapTest.m 1KB
EvaluateImage.m 1KB
adjust_range.m 1KB
VecFeature.m 916B
SimpleTest.m 814B
ComputeFeatures.m 786B
ScanImageFixedSize.m 781B
CalcIntegralImage.m 760B
MakeFeaturePic.m 732B
Train.m 646B
integralImg.m 589B
getCorners.m 511B
getCorners.m 476B
ScanImageOverScale.m 445B
integralImg.m 408B
ShowClassifierPic.m 389B
test.m 363B
ComputeBoxSum.m 353B
VecAllFeatures.m 346B
PruneDetections.m 338B
ApplyDetector.m 236B
VecBoxSum.m 210B
DisplayDetections.m 209B
test.m 31B
trainedClassifiers.mat 18KB
Cparams.mat 11KB
基于AdaBoost算法的人脸检测.pdf 805KB
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