v3.4.0 (2017-04-27)
- composer.js for Composer (PHP package manager) (#3617)
- fix toISOString for locales with non-trivial postformatting (#3619)
- fix for nested inverse-background events (#3609)
- Estonian locale (#3600)
- fixed Latvian localization (#3525)
- internal refactor of async systems
v3.3.1 (2017-04-01)
- stale calendar title when navigate away from then back to the a view (#3604)
- js error when gotoDate immediately after calendar initialization (#3598)
- agenda view scrollbars causes misalignment in jquery 3.2.1 (#3612)
- navigation bug when trying to navigate to a day of another week (#3610)
- dateIncrement not working when duration and dateIncrement have different units
v3.3.0 (2017-03-23)
- `visibleRange` - complete control over view's date range (#2847, #3105, #3245)
- `validRange` - restrict date range (#429)
- `changeView` - pass in a date or visibleRange as second param (#3366)
- `dateIncrement` - customize prev/next jump (#2710)
- `dateAlignment` - custom view alignment, like start-of-week (#3113)
- `dayCount` - force a fixed number-of-days, even with hiddenDays (#2753)
- `showNonCurrentDates` - option to hide day cells for prev/next months (#437)
- can define a defaultView with a duration/visibleRange/dayCount with needing
to create a custom view in the `views` object. Known as a "Generic View".
Behavior Changes:
- when custom view is specified with duration `{days:7}`,
it will no longer align with the start of the week. (#2847)
- when `gotoDate` is called on a custom view with a duration of multiple days,
the view will always shift to begin with the given date. (#3515)
- event rendering when excessive `minTime`/`maxTime` (#2530)
- event dragging not shown when excessive `minTime`/`maxTime` (#3055)
- excessive `minTime`/`maxTime` not reflected in event fetching (#3514)
- when minTime is negative, or maxTime beyond 24 hours, when event data is requested
via a function or a feed, the given data params will have time parts.
- external event dragging via touchpunch broken (#3544)
- can't make an immediate new selection after existing selection, with mouse.
introduced in v3.2.0 (#3558)
v3.2.0 (2017-02-14)
- `selectMinDistance`, threshold before a mouse selection begins (#2428)
- iOS 10, unwanted scrolling while dragging events/selection (#3403)
- dayClick triggered when swiping on touch devices (#3332)
- dayClick not functioning on Firefix mobile (#3450)
- title computed incorrectly for views with no weekends (#2884)
- unwanted scrollbars in month-view when non-integer width (#3453, #3444)
- incorrect date formatting for locales with non-standlone month/day names (#3478)
- date formatting, incorrect omission of trailing period for certain locales (#2504, #3486)
- formatRange should collapse same week numbers (#3467)
- Taiwanese locale updated (#3426)
- Finnish noEventsMessage updated (#3476)
- Croatian (hr) buttonText is blank (#3270)
- JSON feed PHP example, date range math bug (#3485)
v3.1.0 (2016-12-05)
- experimental support for implicitly batched ("debounced") event rendering (#2938)
- `eventRenderWait` (off by default)
- new `footer` option, similar to header toolbar (#654, #3299)
- event rendering batch methods (#3351):
- `renderEvents`
- `updateEvents`
- more granular touch settings (#3377):
- `eventLongPressDelay`
- `selectLongPressDelay`
- eventDestroy not called when removing the popover (#3416, #3419)
- print stylesheet and gcal extension now offered as minified (#3415)
- fc-today in agenda header cells (#3361, #3365)
- height-related options in tandem with other options (#3327, #3384)
- Kazakh locale (#3394)
- Afrikaans locale (#3390)
- internal refactor related to timing of rendering and firing handlers.
calls to rerender the current date-range and events from within handlers
might not execute immediately. instead, will execute after handler finishes.
v3.0.1 (2016-09-26)
- list view rendering event times incorrectly (#3334)
- list view rendering events/days out of order (#3347)
- events with no title rendering as "undefined"
- add .fc scope to table print styles (#3343)
- "display no events" text fix for German (#3354)
v3.0.0 (2016-09-04)
- List View (#560)
- new views: `listDay`, `listWeek`, `listMonth`, `listYear`, and simply `list`
- `listDayFormat`
- `listDayAltFormat`
- `noEventsMessage`
- Clickable day/week numbers for easier navigation (#424)
- `navLinks`
- `navLinkDayClick`
- `navLinkWeekClick`
- Programmatically allow/disallow user interactions:
- `eventAllow` (#2740)
- `selectAllow` (#2511)
- Option to display week numbers in cells (#3024)
- `weekNumbersWithinDays` (set to `true` to activate)
- When week calc is ISO, default first day-of-week to Monday (#3255)
- Macedonian locale (#2739)
- Malay locale
Breaking Changes:
- IE8 support dropped
- jQuery: minimum support raised to v2.0.0
- MomentJS: minimum support raised to v2.9.0
- `lang` option renamed to `locale`
- dist files have been renamed to be more consistent with MomentJS:
- `lang/` -> `locale/`
- `lang-all.js` -> `locale-all.js`
- behavior of moment methods no longer affected by ambiguousness:
- `isSame`
- `isBefore`
- `isAfter`
- View-Option-Hashes no longer supported (deprecated in 2.2.4)
- removed `weekMode` setting
- removed `axisFormat` setting
- DOM structure of month/basic-view day cell numbers changed
- `$.fullCalendar.version` incorrect (#3292)
Build System:
- using gulp instead of grunt (faster)
- using npm internally for dependencies instead of bower
- changed repo directory structure
v2.9.1 (2016-07-31)
- multiple definitions for businessHours (#2686)
- businessHours for single day doesn't display weekends (#2944)
- height/contentHeight can accept a function or 'parent' for dynamic value (#3271)
- fix +more popover clipped by overflow (#3232)
- fix +more popover positioned incorrectly when scrolled (#3137)
- Norwegian Nynorsk translation (#3246)
- fix isAnimating JS error (#3285)
v2.9.0 (2016-07-10)
- Setters for (almost) all options (#564).
See [docs](http://fullcalendar.io/docs/utilities/dynamic_options/) for more info.
- Travis CI improvements (#3266)
v2.8.0 (2016-06-19)
- getEventSources method (#3103, #2433)
- getEventSourceById method (#3223)
- refetchEventSources method (#3103, #1328, #254)
- removeEventSources method (#3165, #948)
- prevent flicker when refetchEvents is called (#3123, #2558)
- fix for removing event sources that share same URL (#3209)
- jQuery 3 support (#3197, #3124)
- Travis CI integration (#3218)
- EditorConfig for promoting consistent code style (#141)
- use en dash when formatting ranges (#3077)
- height:auto always shows scrollbars in month view on FF (#3202)
- new languages:
- Basque (#2992)
- Galician (#194)
- Luxembourgish (#2979)
v2.7.3 (2016-06-02)
internal enhancements that plugins can benefit from:
- EventEmitter not correctly working with stopListeningTo
- normalizeEvent hook for manipulating event data
v2.7.2 (2016-05-20)
- fixed desktops/laptops with touch support not accepting mouse events for
dayClick/dragging/resizing (#3154, #3149)
- fixed dayClick incorrectly triggered on touch scroll (#3152)
- fixed touch event dragging wrongfully beginning upon scrolling document (#3160)
- fixed minified JS still contained comments
- UI change: mouse users must hover over an event to reveal its resizers
v2.7.1 (2016-05-01)
- dayClick not firing on touch devices (#3138)
- icons for prev/next not working in MS Edge (#2852)
- fix bad languages troubles with firewalls (#3133, #3132)
- update all dev dependencies (#3145, #3010, #2901, #251)
- git-ignore npm debug logs (#3011)
- misc automated
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基于SSH框架的便利店系统的功能描述: 用户管理: 用户注册和登录:用户可以填写个人信息并注册账号,已注册的用户可以使用用户名和密码登录。用户信息将被保存在数据库中。 用户权限管理:根据用户角色划分权限,例如管理员、店员、普通用户等。不同角色有不同的功能访问权限,可以通过身份验证进行控制。 用户个人信息管理:用户可以查看和编辑个人信息,例如用户名、密码、联系方式等。 商品管理: 商品浏览:用户可以浏览便利店中的商品,可以按照分类、价格、热门程度等条件进行筛选和排序。商品信息将从数据库中读取并展示给用户。 商品详细信息展示:用户可以点击商品,查看详细信息,包括商品名称、价格、描述、库存等。商品信息将从数据库中读取并展示给用户。 商品搜索:用户可以通过关键字在商品库中进行搜索,匹配相关商品并展示。 购物车与订单管理: 购物车:用户可以将感兴趣的商品加入购物车,以便统一结算。购物车信息将被保存在数据库中。 订单生成和结算:用户可以查看购物车中的商品,并进行结算操作,生成订单。订单信息包括商品、数量、总金额等,并保存在数据库中。 订单支付:用户可以选择适合自己的支付方式进行订单支付。
java毕设课设基于SSH框架的便利店系统项目源码 (2456个子文件)
AMD_footer 31B
AMD_header 353B
.bowerrc 45B
.buildignore 8B
UsersAction.class 12KB
HuoPinAction.class 6KB
CaiwuAction.class 6KB
XiaoShouAction.class 6KB
UsersDAO.class 6KB
GongyingshangDAO.class 6KB
XiaoshouDAO.class 6KB
HuopinDAO.class 6KB
ShangPinAction.class 6KB
HuiyuanDAO.class 5KB
ShangpinDAO.class 5KB
ZhiweiDAO.class 5KB
CaiwuDAO.class 5KB
ZhuangtaiDAO.class 5KB
GonggaoDAO.class 5KB
SpquyuDAO.class 5KB
BumenDAO.class 5KB
HplbDAO.class 5KB
GongYingShangAction.class 4KB
HuiYuanAction.class 4KB
GongGaoAction.class 4KB
Huopin.class 3KB
Users.class 3KB
Xiaoshou.class 3KB
Page.class 2KB
FenYeCha.class 2KB
Gongyingshang.class 2KB
Shangpin.class 2KB
Gonggao.class 2KB
Zhiwei.class 1KB
Caiwu.class 1KB
Hplb.class 1KB
Huiyuan.class 1KB
Zhuangtai.class 1KB
Spquyu.class 1KB
Bumen.class 1KB
test.coffee 64KB
dropzone.coffee 55KB
morris.grid.coffee 14KB
morris.line.coffee 12KB
line_spec.coffee 8KB
label_series_spec.coffee 7KB
set_data_spec.coffee 7KB
morris.bar.coffee 7KB
morris.donut.coffee 6KB
bar_spec.coffee 4KB
donut_spec.coffee 3KB
hover_spec.coffee 2KB
area_spec.coffee 2KB
parse_time_spec.coffee 2KB
Gruntfile.coffee 2KB
morris.area.coffee 2KB
commas_spec.coffee 1KB
colours.coffee 1KB
auto_grid_lines_spec.coffee 1KB
morris.hover.coffee 1KB
morris.coffee 1006B
pad_spec.coffee 588B
y_label_format_spec.coffee 443B
placeholder.coffee 162B
style.unminified.css 278KB
style.css 278KB
bootstrap.css 143KB
spinners.css 136KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
material-design-iconic-font.css 88KB
materialdesignicons.min.css 76KB
material-design-iconic-font.min.css 69KB
easyui.css 56KB
animate.css 55KB
css-chart.css 40KB
jquery-ui.css 36KB
ie7.css 36KB
font-awesome.css 34KB
jquery-ui.min.css 31KB
jquery-ui.min.css 31KB
fullcalendar.css 30KB
gridstack-extra.css 29KB
font-awesome.min.css 27KB
bootstrap-theme.css 26KB
gridstack-extra.min.css 25KB
fullcalendar.css 24KB
demo.css 24KB
sweetalert.css 23KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 23KB
_all.css 20KB
bootstrap-social.css 20KB
custom-select.css 20KB
jquery-ui.structure.css 18KB
jquery-ui.theme.css 18KB
themify-icons.css 17KB
dataTables.jqueryui.css 16KB
bootstrap-datepicker.min.css 15KB
jquery-ui.structure.min.css 15KB
jquery.dataTables.css 15KB
fullcalendar.min.css 15KB
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