% Optimization program to find the transmit covariance matrix that achieves
% the ergodic capacity of a MIMO channel given the channel mean and transmit
% correlation matrices. The program then calculates the mutual information
% using the covariance matrix that maximizes Jensen's upper bound on
% the average mutual information, and compares that with the capacity itself.
% Author: Mai Vu
% Date: Mar 02, 2004
% Modified: Apr 19, 2004
% INPUT: The channel mean and transmit correlation matrices
% The program either takes inputs from channel_file, or generates the
% matrices arbitrarily.
% OUTPUT: It saves the results in save_file, which includes:
% - The channel parameters: mean H0, transmit correlation Rt, SNR
% - The optimal transmit covariance matrix: Q_opt, x_opt (the
% vectorized form of Q_opt)
% - The channel ergodic capacity: mi_opt
% - Optimality gap (a bound on the gap between the numerical
% solution and the true capacity): fgap_opt
% - The mutual information obtained using the input covariance matrix
% which is optimal for the Jensen bound: mutual_jen_fw
% - The mutual information with iid equal power input: mutual_equal
% The program also produces two graph files:
% - graph_mi_file: plots the capacity and the other two mutual
% information curves
% - graph_eig_file: plots the input power distribution (i.e. the
% eigenvalue of the transmit covariance matrix) for the three
% cases: optimal, Jensen bound and equal power.
% N: Number of transmit antennas
% M: Number of receive antennas
% NSAMPLE: number of channel samples used in each Monte-Carlo simulation
% SNR_dB: input signal to noise ratio in dB
% K: Rician K factor
% random_data: 0 means generate random channel mean and correlation matrices
% 1 means take input from channel_file
% spec_case: 0 means channel has both mean and tx corr
% 1 means channel has zero mean
% 2 means channel has no transmit correlation
% file_version: file version
% channel_file: input mat file for channel parameters (.mat)
% save_file: output mat file (.mat)
% graph_mi_file: output graph file (.eps)
% graph_eig_file: output graph file (.eps)
clear all;
close all;
% change these parameters to run different simulations
N = 4; % number of Tx antennas
M = 4; % number of Rx antennas
NSAMPLE = 10000;
SNR_dB = [-10:5:15]; % SNR in dB
K = 5; % channel K factor
random_data = 0; % generate random channel mean and correlation matrices
spec_case = 0; % 1 is no mean, 2 is no tx corr
% setting up various file names
if spec_case == 1
suffix = 'corr';
elseif spec_case == 2
suffix = 'mean';
suffix = 'both';
file_version = 'a';
channel_file = ['mutual_mimo_channel_4_4_', file_version];
save_file = ['opt_mutual_mimo_', suffix, '_', file_version];
graph_mi_file = ['mutual_mimo_compare_', suffix, '_', file_version, '.eps'];
graph_eig_file = ['eigval_cov_compare_', suffix, '_', file_version, '.eps'];
I = eye(N);
SNR = 10.^(SNR_dB/10);
% use the test data or create random channel statistics
if random_data
Rt_half = randn(N,N) + j*randn(N,N);
Rt = Rt_half*Rt_half';
Rt = Rt/(K+1);
H0 = randn(M,N) + j*randn(M,N);
H0 = H0/norm(H0, 'fro')*sqrt(K*M*N/(K+1));
[M N] = size(H0);
if (spec_case == 2)
% check for mean only case
Rt = I*real(trace(Rt))/N; % this is to retain the same K factor
elseif (spec_case == 1)
% check for correlation only case
Rt = Rt/trace(Rt)*N; % full correlation
H0 = zeros(M,N);
Rt_sqrt = sqrtm(Rt);
% Jensen upper bound waterfill matrix
S0 = (H0'*H0 + M*Rt);
[U lambda] = eig(S0);
lambda = real(diag(lambda));
% mutual information at the initial input covariance matrix
% for k=1:length(SNR_db)
% fval_init(k) = mutual_mimo_func(M,N,H0,Rt_sqrt,gamma(k),Q,NSAMPLE,I);
% end
disp('Optimizing the average mutual information...');
[x_opt, Q_opt, fval_opt, fgap_opt] = mutual_mimo_opt(H0, Rt, M, N, SNR_dB);
lambda_equal = ones(N,1)/N;
disp('Calculating Jensen''s upper bound on the average mutual information...');
for k = 1:length(SNR_dB)
disp([' SNR = ', num2str(SNR_dB(k)), 'dB']);
lambda_jen_wf(:,k) = waterfill(SNR(k), lambda);
mutual_jen_wf(k) = ...
- mutual_mimo_func_diag(M,N,H0*U,U'*Rt_sqrt*U,...
mutual_equal(k) = ...
- mutual_mimo_func_diag(M,N,H0,Rt_sqrt,...
if (size(x_opt,1) > N)
lambda_opt(:,k) = eig(Q_opt(:,:,k));
lambda_opt(:,k) = x_opt(:,k);
mi_opt = -fval_opt;
%--------------------SAVE AND DISPLAY RESULTS--------------------
% save data and plot graphs
save(save_file, 'H0', 'Rt', 'SNR_dB', 'x_opt', 'Q_opt', 'mi_opt', 'fgap_opt', ...
'lambda_jen_wf', 'mutual_jen_wf', 'mutual_equal');
disp('Optimization successful.');
disp(' The optimum covariance matrix is in Q_opt');
disp(' The optimum power allocation is in lambda_opt');
disp(' The ergodic capacity is in mi_opt');
plot(SNR_dB, mi_opt/log(2), 'r');
hold on;
plot(SNR_dB, mutual_jen_wf/log(2), '-.');
plot(SNR_dB, mutual_equal/log(2), 'g:');
xlabel('SNR in dB');
ylabel('Mutual information (bps/Hz)');
legend('Ergodic capacity', 'MI w/Jensen cov', 'MI w/equal power',2);
saveas(gcf, graph_mi_file, 'psc2');
fig_leg(:, 1) = plot(SNR_dB, lambda_opt, 'r');
hold on;
fig_leg(:, 2) = plot(SNR_dB, lambda_jen_wf, 'b--');
fig_leg(:, 3) = plot(SNR_dB, lambda_equal*ones(1, length(SNR_dB)), 'g:');
xlabel('SNR in dB');
ylabel('Eigenvalues of the transmit covariance matrix');
legend(fig_leg(1, :), 'Optimum power', 'Jensen power', 'Equal power',1);
saveas(gcf, graph_eig_file, 'psc2');