The dynamic study of the port site com-
prised two phases.
A first phase validated the static study
and demonstrated the impact of dynamic
factors on the ships’ loading and the utili-
zation of the port:
• Monthly distribution of ships’ arrivals
in a semi-random way.
• Organization by the ships of scarce
resources such as the port entrance,
pilots, tugs, gantry cranes, ...
• Utilization of the wharfs: distribution
of ships to wharfs according to sev-
eral criteria (product transported,
size, type, etc.)
• Random breakdowns of wharf equip-
• Safety rules: restriction on entry/exit
into or out of the port or the ship’s
loading depending on weather condi-
tions, products transported. With an
annual calendar of weather condi-
The ad hoc impact of each of these pa-
rameters allowed to find a more realistic
ship loading/unloading value than the one
approximated in the static phase, where
these parameters were either not taken
into consideration (particularly for the
organization of scarce resources) or sum-
marized in an average annual time, to be
subtracted from the global available load-
ing time.
During the second phase, the model simu-
lated the increase in the volume loaded
and the commissioning of new equipment.
It therefore validated the investments pro-
posed for the expansion of the port and
estimated the increase in the necessary
scarce resources.
Following an initial static study, 1Point2 and ExtendSim
were chosen to realize the dynamic simulation of a port site
and its development, taking into account the hazards (ship
arrivals, weather conditions, etc.) as well as the impact of
scarce resources on ships’ loading/unloading time.
Port site: future tonnage
S U C C E S S S T O R Y N ° 6
⇒ I S S U ES
• Check that the new equip-
ment absorbs the increase of
loaded/unloaded volume.
• Estimate the waiting time of
the ships at anchor and the
cost due to late delivery pen-
⇒ S O L U T I O N S
Simulation model that can
take into account ship arrivals/
departures following a sched-
ule, organize port resources
and take into consideration
the ships’ safety rules
(weather conditions, other...)
as well as commissioning of
new equipment.
⇒ A D V A N T A G E S
• Validation of hold loading
• Impact of the scarcity of re-
sources on ship loading.
• Impact of safety rules on ship
• Estimation of the port’s ab-
sorption capacity following the
future tonnage increase.