**openage**: a volunteer project to create a free engine clone of the *Genie Engine* used by *Age of Empires*, *Age of Empires II (HD)* and *Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds*, comparable to projects like [OpenMW](https://openmw.org/), [OpenRA](http://openra.net/), [OpenSAGE](https://github.com/OpenSAGE/OpenSAGE/), [OpenTTD](https://openttd.org/) and [OpenRCT2](https://openrct2.org/). At the moment we focus our efforts on the integration of *Age of Empires II*, while being primarily aimed at POSIX platforms such as **GNU/Linux**.
openage uses the original game assets (such as sounds and graphics), but (for obvious reasons) doesn't ship them.
To play, you require *an original AoE II: TC or [AoE II: HD](http://store.steampowered.com/app/221380/)* installation
(via [Wine](https://www.winehq.org/) or [Steam-Linux](doc/media_convert.md#how-to-use-the-original-game-assets)).
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Contact | Where?
Issue Tracker | [SFTtech/openage](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/issues)
Development Blog | [blog.openage.dev](https://blog.openage.dev)
Forum | [<img src="https://www.redditstatic.com/about/assets/reddit-logo.png" alt="reddit" height="22"/> /r/openage](https://www.reddit.com/r/openage/)
Matrix Chat | [`#sfttech:matrix.org`](https://app.element.io/#/room/#sfttech:matrix.org)
IRC Chat | [`libera.chat #sfttech`](https://web.libera.chat/#sfttech)
Money Sink | [![money sink](https://liberapay.com/assets/widgets/donate.svg)](https://liberapay.com/SFTtech)
Technical foundation
Technology | Component
**C++20** | Engine core
**Python3** | Scripting, media conversion, in-game console, code generation
**Qt5** | Graphical user interface
**Cython** | Glue code
**CMake** | Build system
**OpenGL3.3** | Rendering, shaders
**SDL2** | Cross-platform Audio/Input/Window handling
**Opus** | Audio codec
[**nyan**](https://github.com/SFTtech/nyan) | Content Configuration and Modding
**Humans** | Mixing together all of the above
* Fully authentic look and feel
* This can only be approximated, since the behaviour of the original game is mostly undocumented,
and guessing/experimenting can only get you this close
* We will not implement useless artificial limitations (max 30 selectable units...)
* An easily-moddable content format: [**nyan** yet another notation](https://github.com/SFTtech/nyan)
* An integrated Python console and API, comparable to [blender](https://www.blender.org/)
* AI scripting in Python, you can use [machine learning](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/)
* here is some [additional literature](http://www.deeplearningbook.org/)
* Re-creating [free game assets](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage-data)
* Multiplayer (obviously)
* Matchmaking and ranking with a [haskell masterserver](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage-masterserver)
* Optionally, [improvements](/doc/ideas/) over the original game
* Awesome infrastructure such as our own [Kevin CI service](https://github.com/SFTtech/kevin)
But beware, for sanity reasons:
* No network compatibility with the original game.
You really wanna have the same problems again?
* No binary compatibility with the original game.
A one-way script to convert maps/savegames/missions to openage is planned though.
Current State of the Project
**Important notice**: Gameplay is currently non-functional as the internal simulation is replaced by a more sophisticated implementation. You also might experience errors when running a build. Gameplay will return in a later update. Detailed explanations can be found in this [blog post](https://blog.openage.dev/new-gamestate-2020.html).
* What features are currently implemented?
* See [status page](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/projects).
* What's the plan?
* See [doc/milestones.md](/doc/milestones.md). We also have [lists of crazy xor good ideas](/doc/ideas) and a [technical overview for requested features](/doc/ideas/fr_technical_overview.md).
Installation Packages
**Supported Platforms:** Linux, Windows 10, macOS (both Intel and ARM)
* For **Linux** check at [repology](https://repology.org/project/openage/versions) if your distribution has any packages available.
* For **Windows** check our [release page](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/releases) for the latest installer or [here](https://dl.bintray.com/simonsan/openage-packages/) for nightly builds.
* **NOTE:** If you have any problems starting conversion or starting *openage* take a look into the [package instructions](doc/build_instructions/packages.md) and our [troubleshooting guide](/doc/troubleshooting.md).
* **NOTE:** For **macOS** we currently don't have any packages.
Operating System | Build status
Debian Sid | [Todo: Kevin #11](https://github.com/SFTtech/kevin/issues/11)
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | [![Ubuntu 22.04 build status](https://github.com/SFTTech/openage/actions/workflows/ubuntu-22.04.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/actions/workflows/ubuntu-22.04.yml)
macOS | [![macOS build status](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/workflows/macOS-CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/actions?query=workflow%3AmacOS-CI)
Windows 10 - x64 | [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/66sx35key94u740e?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/simonsan/openage-sl215)
Windows Server 2019 | [![Windows Server 2019 build status](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/actions/workflows/windows-server-2019.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/actions/workflows/windows-server-2019.yml)
Windows Server 2022 | [![Windows Server 2022 build status](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/actions/workflows/windows-server-2022.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/actions/workflows/windows-server-2022.yml)
* How do I get this to run on my box?
* See [doc/building.md](/doc/building.md).
* I compiled everything. Now how do I run it?
* Execute `bin/run`.
* [The convert script](/doc/media_convert.md) will transform original assets into openage formats, which are a lot saner and more moddable.
* Use your brain and react to the things you'll see.
* Waaaaaah! It
* segfaults
* prints error messages I don't want to read
* ate my dog
All of those are features, not bugs.
To turn them off, use `./run --dont-segfault --no-errors --dont-eat-dog`.
If this still does not help, try our [troubleshooting guide](/doc/troubleshooting.md), the [contact section](#contact)
or the [bug tracker](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/issues).
You might ask yourself now "Yeah, this sounds cool and all, but how do *I* participate
and ~~get famous~~ contribute useful features?".
Fortunately for you, there is a lot to do and we are very grateful for help.
## Where do I start?
* The engine has several [core parts](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/projects) that need help.
You can look at the project related issues and find something for you, for example:
* **Asset Converter:** Converts wha
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
跨平台 RTS 遊戲引擎,提供帝國時代的遊戲機制 可以體驗成吉思汗在草原打拼的過程
需积分: 0 2 下载量 147 浏览量
收藏 3.17MB ZIP 举报
openage 是一個免費的(與自由一樣)跨平台 RTS 遊戲引擎,提供帝國時代的機制。 使用 C++17、OpenGL/GLSL、Python、Qt5 和 CMake 等現代技術,讓使用 GNU/Linux、BSD、macOS 或 Windows 的人們可以原生地玩遊戲。 openage使用原始的游戏资源(如声音和图形),但(出于明显的原因)不提供这些资源。要玩游戏,您需要原始的AoE II:TC或AoE II:HD安装(通过Wine或Steam Linux)。 混合编程技术组件: C++20 用于引擎内核 Python3 用于脚本、媒体转换、游戏内控制台、代码生成 Qt5 用于图形用户界面 Cython用于胶水代码 CMake用于构建系统 OpenGL3。3用于渲染、着色器 SDL2用于跨平台音频/输入/窗口处理 Opus用于音频编解码器 nyan用于内容配置和修改
跨平台 RTS 遊戲引擎,提供帝國時代的遊戲機制 可以體驗成吉思汗在草原打拼的過程 (1387个子文件)
LGPLv2.0 25KB
Dockerfile.ubuntu.2204 839B
about 147B
aoc_structures_00_09_26_0809 23KB
BSD-3-clause 1KB
.clang-format 4KB
python.cmake 19KB
HandleCXXOptions.cmake 6KB
FindPython.cmake 5KB
EmbedWinDependencies.cmake 3KB
cpp.cmake 3KB
codegen.cmake 3KB
DependencyFetch.cmake 3KB
CPackOptions.cmake 3KB
CheckRuntimeDependencies.cmake 2KB
HandlePythonOptions.cmake 2KB
FindHarfBuzz.cmake 2KB
options.cmake 2KB
FindGPerfTools.cmake 2KB
doxygen.cmake 2KB
FindGCCBacktrace.cmake 2KB
FindOpusfile.cmake 2KB
DetectProjectVersion.cmake 1KB
util.cmake 1KB
CheckInSourceBuild.cmake 1KB
CheckCompilerFeatures.cmake 1KB
EmbedFont.cmake 1KB
EmbedPython.cmake 993B
FindSDL2Image.cmake 907B
FindOgg.cmake 835B
DownloadCache.cmake 824B
FindEpoxy.cmake 596B
FindCython.cmake 478B
FindInotify.cmake 386B
qt.conf 62B
configure 13KB
unit_dummy.cpp 120KB
action.cpp 38KB
producer.cpp 30KB
buf.cpp 30KB
game_control.cpp 29KB
lzxd.cpp 27KB
terrain.cpp 22KB
tests.cpp 18KB
engine.cpp 16KB
game_spec.cpp 15KB
shader_program.cpp 14KB
game_control_link.cpp 14KB
physics.cpp 14KB
physics.cpp 14KB
terrain_object.cpp 13KB
ability.cpp 12KB
texture.cpp 12KB
renderer.cpp 11KB
terrain_dummy.cpp 11KB
tests.cpp 10KB
input_manager.cpp 9KB
tech_dummy.cpp 9KB
unit.cpp 8KB
game_renderer.cpp 8KB
selection.cpp 8KB
tests.cpp 8KB
gui_renderer_impl.cpp 8KB
civilisation_dummy.cpp 8KB
context.cpp 8KB
generator.cpp 8KB
player.cpp 8KB
actions_list_model.cpp 8KB
font.cpp 7KB
path.cpp 7KB
curve_types.cpp 7KB
tests.cpp 7KB
pyobject.cpp 7KB
stackanalyzer.cpp 7KB
loop.cpp 7KB
audio_manager.cpp 7KB
gui_subtree_impl.cpp 7KB
options.cpp 7KB
directory.cpp 7KB
quaternion_test.cpp 6KB
mom.cpp 6KB
gui_input_impl.cpp 6KB
text.cpp 6KB
gui.cpp 6KB
eventqueue.cpp 6KB
gui.cpp 6KB
dynamic_resource.cpp 6KB
graphic_dummy.cpp 6KB
mesh_data.cpp 6KB
pong.cpp 5KB
windowvk.cpp 5KB
texture_data.cpp 5KB
profiler.cpp 5KB
unit_texture.cpp 5KB
gamedata_dummy.cpp 5KB
subprocess.cpp 5KB
rng_tests.cpp 5KB
console.cpp 5KB
draw.cpp 5KB
graphics_device.cpp 5KB
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