/*********************************Implement of CPR.cpp************************************/
/******************************************************** *******************************/
Surface : be attention that the CPREncoderLoc() only use 17 bits to encode the lat/lon ,
when decode, it needs special dispose... its Nb = 19 , k = 1 ;
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "CPR.h"
int CPR::floorx(double *x)
int result;
result = (int) *x ;
if((*x < 0) && (*x != result)) result -- ;
return result;
// Function : Modulus(double *x,double *y,double *r,short flag)
// *x : input parameter ;
// *y : input parameter ;
// *r : output parameter , return the result ;
// flag : input parameter ;
// flag = 1 , then *x & *y are angle ;
// flag = 0 , numerical case ;
bool CPR::Modulus(double *xa,double *ya,double *r,short flag)
double x,y,z ;
x = *xa;
y = *ya;
printf("Parameter *ya is invalid !\n");
return false;
else if(x>=0)
z = x / y ;
*r = x - y * floorx(&z);
else if(flag == 1)
x = x + 360.0 ; // angle case
z = x / y ;
*r = x - y * floorx(&z);
z = x / y ; //mod(-3.5,1.7) = 1.6 ,fmod(-3.5,1.7)=-0.1
*r = x - y * floorx(&z);
return true;
int CPR::Modulus(int x,int y)
int r;
double z ;
if( ! (y > 0) )
printf("Parameter y is invalid !\n");
return false;
#if 0
r = x % y;
z = double(x) / y ;
r = x - y * floorx(&z);
return r;
int CPR::NL(double *lat)
int nl;
double z = 0.0 ;
if(*lat == 0)
nl = 59; //the equator
else if((*lat == 87) || (*lat == -87))
nl = 2;
else if((*lat > 87) || (* lat < -87))
nl = 1;
z = (2 * $PI_CPR) / acos(1 - (1 - cos($PI_CPR / (2 * NZ))) / pow(cos($PI_CPR * fabs(*lat) / 180) , 2)) ;
nl = floorx(&z);
return nl;
// Function: CPR Encoder
// lon/lat: input longitude/latitude to be encoded
// i: even=0,odd=1
// Nb: airborne=17,surface=19,intent=14,TIS-B=12
// k: default=1,TIS-b(surface)=4
// E_lon/E_lat: output the encoded longitude/latitude
void CPR::CPREncoder(double *lon,double *lat,short i,short Nb,short k,int *E_lon,int *E_lat)
double Dlat , Rlat , Dlon ;
double remainderlat , remainderlon ;
int pow_2_Nb ,pow_2_17 ;/*pow_2_17 for surface */
bool test;
pow_2_Nb = (int)pow(2,Nb) ;
pow_2_17 = (int)pow(2,17) ;
Dlat = 360.0 / (4 * NZ - i) ;/*//a // NZ=15,i=0,get Dlat=6;;;NZ=15,i=1, get Dlat=6.1016949152542370£»*/
test = Modulus(lat,&Dlat,&remainderlat,1) ;/*//b angle*/
double lat_1 ;
lat_1 = k * pow(2 , Nb) * remainderlat / Dlat + 0.5 ;
*E_lat = floorx(&lat_1) ;//obtain YZ //f
double lat_2;
lat_2 = *lat / Dlat ;
Rlat = Dlat * (*E_lat / pow(2,Nb) + floorx(&lat_2)) ; //c
if((NL(&Rlat)-i) == 0) //d
Dlon = 360.0 ;
Dlon = 360.0 / (NL(&Rlat)-i) ;
test = Modulus(lon,&Dlon,&remainderlon,1) ; //e angle
double lon_1 ;
lon_1 = k * pow_2_Nb * remainderlon / Dlon + 0.5 ;
*E_lon = floorx(&lon_1) ;//obtain XZ
if(Nb == 19 )
*E_lon = Modulus(*E_lon , pow_2_17) ; //f
*E_lat = Modulus(*E_lat , pow_2_17) ;
*E_lon = Modulus(*E_lon, pow_2_Nb) ;
*E_lat = Modulus(*E_lat , pow_2_Nb) ;
// Function: Local Decoder
// XZ/YZ : even or odd encoded lon / lat to be decoded;
// i : the most recently recieved encode type value;
// Nb: aiborne=17; surface=19;intent=14;Tis-B=12;
// k : default=1; TIS-B(Surface)=4;
// *Rlon/*Rlat : output , the local decoded parameter;
void CPR::CPRDecoderLoc(double *lons,double *lats,int *XZ,int *YZ,short i,short Nb,short k,double *Rlon,double *Rlat)
double Dlat , Dlon ;
Dlat = 360.0 / k / (4 * NZ - i) ;//a
if( Nb == 19 )
Dlat = Dlat / 4 ;
int j , nl , m ;
double lat_0 , lat_1 , lon_0 , lon_1 ,remainderlat , remainderlon ;
lat_0 = *lats / Dlat;
Modulus(lats,&Dlat,&remainderlat,1); // angle
if( Nb == 19 )
lat_1 = remainderlat / Dlat - *YZ / pow(2,17) + 0.5 ;
lat_1 = remainderlat / Dlat - *YZ / pow(2,Nb) + 0.5 ;
j = floorx(&lat_0) + floorx(&lat_1) ;//b
if( Nb == 19 )
*Rlat = Dlat * (j + *YZ / pow(2,17)) ;
*Rlat = Dlat * (j + *YZ / pow(2,Nb)) ; //c //obtain *Rlat
nl = NL(Rlat) ;
if(nl-i > 0)
Dlon = 360.0 / k / (nl - i) ; //d
else if(nl-i == 0)
Dlon = 360.0 / k ;
if( Nb == 19 )
Dlon = Dlon / 4 ;
lon_0 = *lons / Dlon ;
Modulus(lons,&Dlon,&remainderlon,1) ; // angle
if( Nb == 19 )
lon_1 = remainderlon / Dlon - *XZ / pow(2,17) + 0.5 ;
lon_1 = remainderlon / Dlon - *XZ / pow(2,Nb) + 0.5 ;
m = floorx(&lon_0) + floorx(&lon_1) ;//e
if( Nb == 19 )
*Rlon = Dlon*(m + *XZ / pow(2,17)) ;
*Rlon = Dlon*(m + *XZ / pow(2,Nb)) ; //f //obtain *Rlon
// Function: Global Decoder
// XZ0/YZ0 : even encoded lon / lat to be decoded;
// XZ1/YZ1 : odd encoded lon / lat to be decoded;
// i : the most recently recieved encode type value;
// Nb: aiborne=17; surface=19;intent=14;Tis-B=12;
// k : default=1; TIS-B(Surface)=4;
// *Rlon/*Rlat : output , the global decoded parameter;
// if return *Rlon=*Rlon=9999 , then the two input latitude coordinates straddle a transition;
void CPR::CPRDecoderGbl(int *XZ0,int *YZ0,int *XZ1,int *YZ1,short i,double *Rlon,double *Rlat)
double Dlat0 , Dlat1 , Rlat0 , Rlat1 , Dlon ;
int j , nl0 , nl1 , m ;
double j_index , m_index ;
Dlat0 = 360.0 / ( 4 * NZ) ;//a Dlat0=6
Dlat1 = 360.0 / (4 * NZ-1) ;// Dlat1=6.1016949152542370£»
j_index = (*YZ0 * 59 - *YZ1 * 60) / pow(2,17) + 0.5 ;
j = floorx(&j_index);//b
Rlat0 = Dlat0 * (Modulus(j,60) + *YZ0 / pow(2,17));//c //this place using % ,ok ?
Rlat1 = Dlat1 * (Modulus(j,59) + *YZ1 / pow(2,17));
if((Rlat0 >= 270 )&& (Rlat0 <= 360)) Rlat0 = Rlat0 - 360.0 ;
if((Rlat1 >= 270 )&& (Rlat1 <= 360)) Rlat1 = Rlat1 - 360.0 ;
nl0 = NL(&Rlat0) ;
nl1 = NL(&Rlat1) ;
if(nl0 != nl1)//d
*Rlon = 9999;
*Rlat = 9999;
else if(nl0-i > 1)
Dlon = 360.0 / (nl0-i);//e
m_index = ( *XZ0 * (nl0-1) - *XZ1 * nl0 ) / pow(2,17) + 0.5 ;
m = floorx(&m_index);//f
if(i == 0)
//according to the most recently recieved even/odd flat , store Rlon,Rlat;
*Rlon = Dlon * (Modulus(m,(nl0-i)) + *XZ0 / pow(2,17));//g
*Rlat = Rlat0;
if(i == 1)
*Rlon = Dlon * (Modulus(m,(nl0-i)) + *XZ1 / pow(2,17));
*Rlat = Rlat1;
// here ni=1
Dlon = 360.0 ;//e
//m=floor((*XZ0*(nl0-1)-*XZ1*nl0)/pow(2,17)+1/2); //f
// m is a integer £¬ni = 1 , Mod(m,ni)=0 ; so we can easily get the value of Rlon ;
*Rlon = Dlon * ( *XZ0 / pow(2,17)); //g
if(i == 0) *Rlat = Rlat0 ; // according to the most recently recieved type flag i,
if(i == 1) *Rlat = Rlat1 ; // store Rlat