# ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
Bash script for Ubuntu (and derivatives as LinuxMint) to easily (un)install kernels from the [Ubuntu Kernel PPA](https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/).
## Warnings
:warning: Use this script at your own risk. Be aware that the kernels installed by this script are [unsupported](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds#Support_.28BEWARE:_there_is_none.29)
:unlock: Do not use this script if you don't have to or don't know what you are doing. You won't be [covered](https://github.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/issues/32) by any security guarantees. The intended purpose by Ubuntu for the mainline ppa kernels is for debugging issues.
:information_source: We strongly advise to keep the default Ubuntu kernel installed as there is no safeguard that at least one kernel is installed on your system.
## Install
apt install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/master/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
chmod +x ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
sudo mv ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh /usr/local/bin/
If you want to automatically check for a new kernel version when you login:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/master/UbuntuMainlineKernel.desktop
mv UbuntuMainlineKernel.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
## SecureBoot
> :warning: There is no support for creating and enrolling your own MOK. If you don't know how to do that then you could use the `mok-setup.sh` script from [berglh/ubuntu-sb-kernel-signing](https://github.com/berglh/ubuntu-sb-kernel-signing) to help you get started (at your own risk)
The script supports self signing the mainline kernels. Edit the script and set `sign_kernel=1` and
update the paths to your MOK key & certificate. (The default paths are the ones as created by the `mok-setup.sh` script from [berglh/ubuntu-sb-kernel-signing](https://github.com/berglh/ubuntu-sb-kernel-signing))
## Usage
Usage: ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c|-l|-r|-u
Download & install the latest kernel available from kernel.ubuntu.com
-c Check if a newer kernel version is available
-i [VERSION] Install kernel VERSION, see -l for list. You don't have to prefix
with v. E.g. -i 4.9 is the same as -i v4.9. If version is
omitted the latest available version will be installed
-l [SEARCH] List locally installedkernel versions. If an argument to this
option is supplied it will search for that
-r [SEARCH] List available kernel versions. If an argument to this option
is supplied it will search for that
-u [VERSION] Uninstall the specified kernel version. If version is omitted,
a list of max 10 installed kernel versions is displayed
--update Update this script by redownloading it from github
-h Show this message
-p, --path DIR The working directory, .deb files will be downloaded into
this folder. If omitted, the folder /tmp/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/
is used. Path is relative from $PWD
-ll, --low-latency Use the low-latency version of the kernel, only for amd64 & i386
-lpae, --lpae Use the Large Physical Address Extension kernel, only for armhf
--snapdragon Use the Snapdragon kernel, only for arm64
-do, --download-only Only download the deb files, do not install them
-ns, --no-signature Do not check the gpg signature of the checksums file
-nc, --no-checksum Do not check the sha checksums of the .deb files
-d, --debug Show debug information, all internal commands echo their output
--rc Also include release candidates
--yes Assume yes on all questions (use with caution!)
> :information_source: Since ~v5.18 Ubuntu does not publish low-latency mainline kernels anymore, see this [AskUbuntu](https://askubuntu.com/questions/1397410/where-are-latest-mainline-low-latency-kernel-packages) for more info
## Elevated privileges
This script needs elevated privileges when installing or uninstalling kernels.
Either run this script with sudo or configure the path to sudo within the script to sudo automatically
## Example output
Install latest version:
~ $ sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -i
Finding latest version available on kernel.ubuntu.com
Latest version is v4.9.0 but seems its already installed, continue? (y/N)
Will download 5 files from kernel.ubuntu.com:
Signature of checksum file has been successfully verified
Checksums of deb files have been successfully verified with sha256sum
Installing 3 packages
[sudo] password for pimlie:
Cleaning up work folder
Uninstall a version from a list
~ $ sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -u
Which kernel version do you wish to uninstall?
[0]: v4.8.6-040806
[1]: v4.8.8-040808
[2]: v4.9.0-040900
type the number between []: 0
Are you sure you wish to remove kernel version v4.8.6-040806? (y/N)
The following packages will be removed:
linux-headers-4.8.6-040806-generic:amd64 linux-headers-4.8.6-040806-generic:all linux-image-4.8.6-040806-generic:amd64
Are you really sure? (y/N)
[sudo] password for pimlie:
Kernel v4.8.6 successfully purged
## Dependencies
* bash
* gnucoreutils
* dpkg
* wget (since 2018-12-14 as kernel ppa is now https only)
## Optional dependencies
* libnotify-bin (to show notify bubble when new version is found)
* bsdmainutils (format output of -l, -r with column)
* gpg (to check the signature of the checksum file)
* sha1sum/sha256sum (to check the .deb checksums)
* sbsigntool (to sign kernel images for SecureBoot)
* sudo
## Known issues (with workarounds)
- GPG is unable to import the key behind a proxy: #74