oiocp:overlapped io completion port
net_t use both overlapped and io completion port
the put function
void put(const void* buf,unsigned long lenInByte,int id);
void put(netMsg_t *msg);
void put(buf_t *first,buf_t *last);
will make a copy of data that you passed in,
net_t internal use mempool to keep the data that will send and have recved
net_t will merge data(when send call not return and before next send call) and send in one call
the data size that send in one call is limited(in sendTask_t)
those async parameter of newServerMsg_t and newClientMsg_t
unsigned long asyncRecv;
unsigned long asyncSend;
unsigned long asyncAccept;
unsigned long asyncConnect;
means overlapped operation count
use one instance of net_t,you can create many peer listen to accept new connect
and create many peer connect to any server include those listen peer in the same
instance of net_t
send those control msg(newServerMsg_t,newClientMsg_t,...) to SYS_ID to control the net_t
net_t will send notify msg(newServerRetMsg_t,newClientRetMsg_tId,newConnectMsg_tId,...) to user with id = SYS_ID
one instance of net_t can only work in one mode,stream mode or msg mode.
stream mode:
send use:
void put(const void* buf,unsigned long lenInByte,int id);
void put(netMsg_t *msg);
recv use:
buf_t *getBuf(bool wait);
getBuf return a linked list,each buf_t may come from diffrent peer,
the data and data size of buf_t have no relation from put call
msg mode:
send use:
void put(const void* buf,unsigned long lenInByte,int id);
void put(netMsg_t *msg);
recv use:
netMsg_t *get(bool wait);
this function return a linked list,
each netMsg_t may come from diffrent peer,
the data and data size of netMsg_t is the same to each call of put
//warning:see src for use with this two function
netMsg_t &netMsg_t::operator>>(char *&v);
netMsg_t &netMsg_t::operator>>(unsigned char *&v);
warning:the byte order is in raw host order when use netMsg_t to serialize and deserialize data
see netTutorial for use example.
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稳定易用的大容量 windows socket api 封装库,采用重叠完成端口模型实现,引擎采用异步消息控制,实现了一个简明易用的网络框架,发送和接收数据全都采用异步模式,发送和接收数据都不会给调用线程带来等待或者延迟,同时引擎实现了两种通信模式,流模式和消息模式,可以节省用户大量的构建时间。 引擎内部实现参考了 ACE 的种种概念,比如 proactor(预先操作,前摄器),task(任务),主动对象(Active Object),message queue(消息队列),lock(锁),guard(锁守护). 在内部需要缓存的发送和接收的数据会被放入内存池,引擎会循环使用内存池中的内存,不会产生内存碎片,影响系统的稳定性 引擎实现了统一的监听和连接机制,同一个实例可以同时开多个端口监听同时开多个连接,能够大大的方便用户的使用
xgnet oiocp(重叠完成端口) 封装库,网络引擎 (640个子文件)
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