se do not use this charger with a power source other than the rated voltage specified in this manual. Using it with an unauthorized power source may cause overheating and fire. Do not charge the battery below 0°C or above 40°C to avoid the risk of explosion or fire. Charge the battery in a well-ventilated area and never cover the charger or battery with cloth or similar materials as it may lead to explosion or fire. Unplug the charger from the power outlet when not in use to prevent electric shock or fire. ③Consider the surrounding environment when working. Do not use the wrench, charger, or battery in rainy conditions, damp or wet locations, as it may cause electric shock or smoke. Ensure adequate lighting in the work area to prevent accidents caused by poor visibility. Avoid using the tool near flammable liquids or explosive gases, as it could lead to explosions, fires, or accidents. ④Always use designated accessories and optional parts as specified in this manual. Do not use any other accessories or options not listed in this manual, as they can cause accidents or injuries. 【东日数字扭矩扳手DATA TORK® Model CEM3】 这款东日数字扭矩扳手是专为精确和安全的紧固作业设计的。它配备了一个内置的数字显示屏,可以实时显示当前的扭矩值,确保您能够准确地达到所需的紧固力度。该工具具有预设扭矩功能,当达到设定值时会发出声音和视觉警报,防止过紧或过松,从而保证了工作的质量和安全性。 使用注意事项: 1. 充电与电池维护:请只使用手册指定的充电器和电池,不要使用非原厂配件,以免引发火灾或损坏设备。正确充电,避免在极端温度下进行,保持充电区域通风良好。 2. 安全操作:在潮湿、雨水或有可燃物质的环境中禁止使用,以防触电、起火或爆炸。确保工作环境光线充足,以减少因视线不清导致的意外。 3. 配件使用:使用手册推荐的专用附件和选项,以确保工具性能和使用者安全,避免使用未经授权的配件可能导致的事故。 4. 维护与检查:定期检查扳手、充电器和电池的状态,确保所有部件完好无损。如有异常或疑问,请及时联系东日授权分销商或东日公司。 5. 存储:在不使用时,将工具存放在干燥、清洁且温度适宜的地方,避免阳光直射和极端温度。 了解并遵循这些使用说明,不仅可以确保东日数字扭矩扳手DATA TORK® Model CEM3的高效运行,还能保障您的工作安全。在使用过程中如遇到任何问题,应立即停止操作并联系销售商或东日公司寻求帮助。妥善保管此操作手册,以便日后查阅。
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