ActiveX programming with visual c++
Introduction Part I: Introduction to ActiveX Chapter 1 - What is ActiveX? Chapter 2 - What Can ActiveX Do for You? Part II: ActiveX Automation Servers Chapter 3 - Creating ActiveX Automation Servers Using MFC Chapter 4 - Creating ActiveX Automation Servers Using ATL Chapter 5 - Creating ActiveX Automation Servers Using BaseCtl Part III: ActiveX Controls Chapter 6 - Using MFC to Create a Basic ActiveX Control Chapter 7 - Advanced ActiveX Control Development with MFC Chapter 8 - Using ATL to Create a Basic ActiveX Control Chapter 9 - Advanced ActiveX Control Development with ATL Chapter 10 - Using BaseCtl to Create a Basic ActiveX Control Chapter 11 - Advanced ActiveX Control Development with BaseCtl Part IV: COM Objects and Custom Interfaces Chapter 12 - Creating ActiveX COM Objects and Custom Interfaces Using MFC Chapter 13 - Creating ActiveX COM Objects and Custom Interfaces Using ATL Chapter 14 - Creating ActiveX COM Objects and Custom Interfaces on Your Own Part V: Using Your Components Chapter 15 - Testing and Using Your Components Chapter 16 - Advanced Topics
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