Addison Wesley - Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on...
Part I: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Development <br> Chapter 1. The Object-Oriented Paradigm <br> Overview <br> Before The Object-Oriented Paradigm: Functional Decomposition <br> The Problem of Requirements <br> Dealing with Changes: Using Functional Decomposition <br> Dealing with Changing Requirements <br> The Object-Oriented Paradigm <br> Object-Oriented Programming in Action <br> Special Object Methods <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 2. The UML桾he Unified Modeling Language <br> Overview <br> What Is the UML? <br> Why Use the UML? <br> The Class Diagram <br> Interaction Diagrams <br> Summary <br> <br> <br> Part II: The Limitations of Traditional Object-Oriented Design <br> Chapter 3. A Problem That Cries Out for Flexible Code <br> Overview <br> Extracting Information from a CAD/CAM System <br> Understand the Vocabulary <br> Describe the Problem <br> The Essential Challenges and Approaches <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 4. A Standard Object-Oriented Solution <br> Overview <br> Solving with Special Cases <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Examples <br> <br> <br> Part III: Design Patterns <br> Chapter 5. An Introduction to Design Patterns <br> Overview <br> Design Patterns Arose from Architecture and Anthropology <br> Moving from Architectural to Software Design Patterns <br> Why Study Design Patterns? <br> Other Advantages to Studying Design Patterns <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 6. The Facade Pattern <br> Overview <br> Introducing the Facade Pattern <br> Learning the Facade Pattern <br> Field Notes: The Facade Pattern <br> Relating the Facade Pattern to the CAD/CAM Problem <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 7. The Adapter Pattern <br> Overview <br> Introducing the Adapter Pattern <br> Learning the Adapter Pattern <br> Field Notes: The Adapter Pattern <br> Relating the Adapter Pattern to the CAD/CAM Problem <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Example <br> <br> Chapter 8. Expanding Our Horizons <br> Overview <br> Objects: the Traditional View and the New View <br> Encapsulation: the Traditional View and the New View <br> Find What Is Varying and Encapsulate It <br> Commonality/Variability and Abstract Classes <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 9. The Bridge Pattern <br> Overview <br> Introducing the Bridge Pattern <br> Learning the Bridge Pattern: An Example <br> An Observation About Using Design Patterns <br> Learning the Bridge Pattern: Deriving It <br> The Bridge Pattern in Retrospect <br> Field Notes: Using the Bridge Pattern <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Examples <br> <br> Chapter 10. The Abstract Factory Pattern <br> Overview <br> Introducing the Abstract Factory Pattern <br> Learning the Abstract Factory Pattern: An Example <br> Learning the Abstract Factory Pattern: Implementing It <br> Field Notes: The Abstract Factory Pattern <br> Relating the Abstract Factory Pattern to the CAD/CAM Problem <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Examples <br> <br> <br> Part IV: Putting It All Together: Thinking in Patterns <br> Chapter 11. >How Do Experts Design? <br> Overview <br> Building by Adding Distinctions <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 12. Solving the CAD/CAM Problem with Patterns <br> Overview <br> Review of the CAD/CAM Problem <br> Thinking in Patterns <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 1 <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 2a <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 2b <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 2c <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 2d (Facade) <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 2d (Adapter) <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 2d (Abstract Factory) <br> Thinking in Patterns: Step 3 <br> Comparison with the Previous Solution <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 13. The Principles and Strategies of Design Patterns <br> Overview <br> The Open-Closed Principle <br> The Principle of Designing from Context <br> The Principle of Encapsulating Variation <br> Summary <br> <br> <br> Part V: Handling Variations with Design Patterns <br> Chapter 14. The Strategy Pattern <br> Overview <br> An Approach to Handling New Requirements <br> Initial Requirements of the Case Study <br> Handling New Requirements <br> The Strategy Pattern <br> Field Notes: Using the Strategy Pattern <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 15. The Decorator Pattern <br> Overview <br> A Little More Detail <br> The Decorator Pattern <br> Applying the Decorator Pattern to the Case Study <br> Another Example: Input/Output <br> Field Notes: Using the Decorator Pattern <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Examples <br> <br> Chapter 16. The Singleton Pattern and the Double-Checked Locking Pattern <br> Overview <br> Introducing the Singleton Pattern <br> Applying the Singleton Pattern to the Case Study <br> A Variant: The Double-Checked Locking Pattern <br> Field Notes: Using the Singleton and Double-Checked Locking Patterns <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Examples <br> <br> Chapter 17. The Observer Pattern <br> Overview <br> Categories of Patterns <br> More Requirements for the Case Study <br> The Observer Pattern <br> Applying the Observer to the Case Study <br> Field Notes: Using the Observer Pattern <br> Summary <br> Supplement: C++ Code Example <br> <br> Chapter 18. The Template Method Pattern <br> Overview <br> More Requirements for the Case Study <br> The Template Method Pattern <br> Applying the Template Method to the Case Study <br> Field Notes: Using the Template Method Pattern <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 19. The Factory Method Pattern <br> Overview <br> More Requirements for the Case Study <br> The Factory Method Pattern <br> Field Notes: Using the Factory Method Pattern <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 20. The Analysis Matrix <br> Overview <br> In the Real World: Variations <br> Case Study in Variation: An International E-Tail System <br> Field Notes <br> Summary <br> <br> <br> Part VI: Endings and Beginnings <br> Chapter 21. Design Patterns Reviewed from the New Perspective of Object-Oriented Design <br> Overview <br> A Summary of Object-Oriented Principles <br> How Design Patterns Encapsulate Implementations <br> Commonality/Variability Analysis and Design Patterns <br> Decomposing a Problem Domain into Responsibilities <br> Relationships Within a Pattern <br> Patterns and Contextual Design <br> Field Notes <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 22. Bibliography <br> Design Patterns Explained: The Web Site Companion <br> Recommended Reading on Design Patterns and Object Orientation <br> Recommended Reading for Java Programmers <br> Recommended Reading for C++ Programmers <br> Recommended Reading for COBOL Programmers <br> Recommended Reading on eXtreme Programming <br> Recommended Reading on General Programming <br> Personal Favorites <br>
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