# PhpRedis
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The phpredis extension provides an API for communicating with the [Redis](http://redis.io/) key-value store. It is released under the [PHP License, version 3.01](http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt).
This code has been developed and maintained by Owlient from November 2009 to March 2011.
You can send comments, patches, questions [here on github](https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/issues), to michael.grunder@gmail.com ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/grumi78), <a rel="me" href="https://phpc.social/@mgrunder">Mastodon</a>), p.yatsukhnenko@gmail.com ([@yatsukhnenko](https://twitter.com/yatsukhnenko)), or n.favrefelix@gmail.com ([@yowgi](https://twitter.com/yowgi)).
## [API Documentation](https://phpredis.github.io/phpredis)
These are a work in progress, but will eventually replace our **ONE README TO RULE THEM ALL** docs.
## Supporting the project
PhpRedis will always be free and open source software, but if you or your company has found it useful please consider supporting the project. Developing a large, complex, and performant library like PhpRedis takes a great deal of time and effort, and support would be appreciated! :heart:
The best way to support the project is through [GitHub sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/michael-grunder). Many of the reward tiers grant access to our [slack channel](https://phpredis.slack.com) where [myself](https://github.com/michael-grunder) and [Pavlo](https://github.com/yatsukhnenko) are regularly available to answer questions. Additionally this will allow you to provide feedback on which fixes and new features to prioritize.
You can also make a one-time contribution with [![PayPal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-green.svg)](https://www.paypal.me/michaelgrunder/5)
## Sponsors
<a href="https://audiomack.com"><img src="https://styleguide.audiomack.com/assets/dl/inline-orange-large.png" align="center" alt="Audiomack.com" width="150"></a>
<a href="https://bluehost.com"><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Bluehost-logo.png" align="center" alt="Bluehost.com" width="150"></a>
<a href="https://objectcache.pro"><img src="https://objectcache.pro/assets/wordmark-padded.png" align="center" alt="Object Cache Pro" width="150"></a>
<a href="https://openlms.net"><img src="https://help.openlms.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-open-lms.png" align="center" alt="OpenLMS.net" width="150"></a>
# Table of contents
1. [Installing/Configuring](#installingconfiguring)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [PHP Session handler](#php-session-handler)
* [Distributed Redis Array](./array.md#readme)
* [Redis Cluster support](./cluster.md#readme)
* [Redis Sentinel support](./sentinel.md#readme)
* [Running the unit tests](#running-the-unit-tests)
1. [Classes and methods](#classes-and-methods)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Connection](#connection)
* [Retry and backoff](#retry-and-backoff)
* [Server](#server)
* [Keys and strings](#keys-and-strings)
* [Hashes](#hashes)
* [Lists](#lists)
* [Sets](#sets)
* [Sorted sets](#sorted-sets)
* [HyperLogLogs](#hyperloglogs)
* [Geocoding](#geocoding)
* [Streams](#streams)
* [Pub/sub](#pubsub)
* [Transactions](#transactions)
* [Scripting](#scripting)
* [Introspection](#introspection)
# Installing/Configuring
## Installation
For everything you should need to install PhpRedis on your system,
see the [INSTALL.md](./INSTALL.md) page.
## PHP Session handler
phpredis can be used to store PHP sessions. To do this, configure `session.save_handler` and `session.save_path` in your php.ini to tell phpredis where to store the sessions:
session.save_handler = redis
session.save_path = "tcp://host1:6379?weight=1, tcp://host2:6379?weight=2&timeout=2.5, tcp://host3:6379?weight=2&read_timeout=2.5"
`session.save_path` can have a simple `host:port` format too, but you need to provide the `tcp://` scheme if you want to use the parameters. The following parameters are available:
* weight (integer): the weight of a host is used in comparison with the others in order to customize the session distribution on several hosts. If host A has twice the weight of host B, it will get twice the amount of sessions. In the example, *host1* stores 20% of all the sessions (1/(1+2+2)) while *host2* and *host3* each store 40% (2/(1+2+2)). The target host is determined once and for all at the start of the session, and doesn't change. The default weight is 1.
* timeout (float): the connection timeout to a redis host, expressed in seconds. If the host is unreachable in that amount of time, the session storage will be unavailable for the client. The default timeout is very high (86400 seconds).
* persistent (integer, should be 1 or 0): defines if a persistent connection should be used.
* prefix (string, defaults to "PHPREDIS_SESSION:"): used as a prefix to the Redis key in which the session is stored. The key is composed of the prefix followed by the session ID.
* auth (string, or an array with one or two elements): used to authenticate with the server prior to sending commands.
* database (integer): selects a different database.
Sessions have a lifetime expressed in seconds and stored in the INI variable "session.gc_maxlifetime". You can change it with [`ini_set()`](http://php.net/ini_set).
The session handler requires a version of Redis supporting `EX` and `NX` options of `SET` command (at least 2.6.12).
phpredis can also connect to a unix domain socket: `session.save_path = "unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?persistent=1&weight=1&database=0"`.
### Session locking
**Support**: Locking feature is currently only supported for Redis setup with single master instance (e.g. classic master/slave Sentinel environment).
So locking may not work properly in RedisArray or RedisCluster environments.
Following INI variables can be used to configure session locking:
; Should the locking be enabled? Defaults to: 0.
redis.session.locking_enabled = 1
; How long should the lock live (in seconds)? Defaults to: value of max_execution_time.
redis.session.lock_expire = 60
; How long to wait between attempts to acquire lock, in microseconds (µs)?. Defaults to: 20000
redis.session.lock_wait_time = 50000
; Maximum number of times to retry (-1 means infinite). Defaults to: 100
redis.session.lock_retries = 2000
## Running the unit tests
phpredis uses a small custom unit test suite for testing functionality of the various classes. To run tests, simply do the following:
# Run tests for Redis class (note this is the default)
php tests/TestRedis.php --class Redis
# Run tests for RedisArray class
tests/mkring.sh start
php tests/TestRedis.php --class RedisArray
tests/mkring.sh stop
# Run tests for the RedisCluster class
tests/make-cluster.sh start
php tests/TestRedis.php --class RedisCluster
tests/make-cluster.sh stop
# Run tests for RedisSentinel class
php tests/TestRedis.php --class RedisSentinel
Note that it is possible to run only tests which match a substring of the test itself by passing the additional argument '--test <str>' when invoking.
# Just run the 'echo' test
php tests/TestRedis.php --class Redis --test echo
# Classes and methods
## Usage
1. [Class Redis](#class-redis)
1. [Class RedisException](#class-redisexception)
1. [Predefined constants](#predefined-constants)
### Class Redis
_**Description**_: Creates a Redis client
##### *Example*
$redis = new Redis();
Starting from version 6.0.0 it's possible to specify configuration options.
This allows to connec
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