* Copyright (C) 2007 Sly Technologies, Inc. This library is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.jnetpcap;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
import org.jnetpcap.nio.JBuffer;
import org.jnetpcap.nio.JMemory;
import org.jnetpcap.nio.JNumber;
import org.jnetpcap.nio.JNumber.Type;
* @author Mark Bednarczyk
* @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
public class TestPcapJNI
extends TestCase {
// private final static String device =
// "\\Device\\NPF_{BC81C4FC-242F-4F1C-9DAD-EA9523CC992D}";
private final static String win =
private final static String linux = "any";
private final static boolean isWindows =
"Windows XP".equals(System.getProperty("os.name"));
private final static String device = (isWindows) ? win : linux;
private final static String fname = "tests/test-l2tp.pcap";
private static final int OK = 0;
private static final int snaplen = 64 * 1024;
private static final int promisc = 1;
private static final int oneSecond = 1000;
* Will generate HTTP traffic to a website. Use start() to start in a test
* method, and always put stop() in tearDown. Safe to call stop even when
* never started.
private static final HttpTrafficGenerator gen = new HttpTrafficGenerator();
private static File tmpFile;
static {
try {
tmpFile = File.createTempFile("temp-", "-TestPcapJNI");
} catch (IOException e) {
tmpFile = null;
System.err.println("Unable to initialize a temporary file");
* Command line launcher to run the jUnit tests cases in this test class.
* @param args
* -h for help
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length == 1 && "-h".equals(args[0])) {
.println("Usage: java -jar jnetpcap.jar [-h]\n"
+ " -h This help message\n"
+ " (No other command line options are supported.)\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
+ "The 'main' method invoked here, runs several dozen jUnit tests\n"
+ "which test the functionality of this jNetPcap library.\n"
+ "The tests are actual excersizes using native libpcap\n"
+ "library linked with 'jnetpcap.dll' or 'libjnetpcap.so' on\n"
+ "unix systems.\n\n"
+ "If you are having trouble linking the native library and get\n"
+ "'UnsatisfiedLinkError', which means java is not finding the\n"
+ "library, here are a few pointers:\n\n"
+ "Java's native library loader DOES NOT USE CLASSPATH variable\n"
+ "to locate native libraries. Each operating system uses different\n"
+ "algorithm to locate files, as described below. You can always\n"
+ "force java to look for native library with Java VM command\n"
+ "line option 'java -Djava.library.path=lib' where lib is\n"
+ "a directory where 'jnetpcap.dll' or 'libjnetpcap.so' resides\n"
+ "relative to the installation directory of jNetStream package.\n"
+ "Or replace lib with the directory where you have installed the\n"
+ "library.\n\n"
+ "On Win32 systems:\n"
+ " Windows systems use /windows and /windows/system32 folder\n"
+ " to search for jnetpcap.dll. Also the 'PATH' variable, the same\n"
+ " one used to specify executable commands, is used as well.\n\n"
+ "On Unix systems:\n"
+ " All unix systems use the standard 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' variable.\n\n"
+ "Of course as mentioned earlier, to override this behaviour use\n"
+ "the '-Djava.library.path=' directory, to force java to look in\n"
+ "that particular directory. Do not set the path which includes the\n"
+ "name of the library itself, just the directory to search in.\n\n"
+ "Final note, native librariers can not be loaded from jar files.\n"
+ "You have to extract it to a physical directory if you want java to\n"
+ "load it. This was done purposely by Sun for security reasons.");
TestRunner.main(new String[] { "org.jnetpcap.TestPcapJNI" });
private StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder();
private final PcapHandler<?> doNothingHandler = new PcapHandler<Object>() {
public void nextPacket(Object userObject, long seconds, int useconds,
int caplen, int len, ByteBuffer buffer) {
// Do nothing handler
* @throws java.lang.Exception
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
errbuf = new StringBuilder();
if (tmpFile.exists()) {
* Test disabled, as it requires live packets to capture. To enable the test
* just rename the method, by removing the prefix SKIP. Then make sure there
* are live packets to be captured.
public void SKIPtestOpenLiveAndDispatch() {
Pcap pcap = Pcap.openLive(device, 10000, 1, 60 * 1000, errbuf);
assertNotNull(errbuf.toString(), pcap);
PcapHandler<String> handler = new PcapHandler<String>() {
public void nextPacket(String user, long seconds, int useconds,
int caplen, int len, ByteBuffer buffer) {
// System.out.printf("%s, ts=%s caplen=%d len=%d capacity=%d\n", user
// .toString(), new Date(seconds * 1000).toString(), caplen, len,
// buffer.capacity());
pcap.dispatch(10, handler, "Hello");
* @throws java.lang.Exception
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
errbuf = null;
* Stop the traffic generator, even when not running need to call to make
* sure its not running.
if (tmpFile != null && tmpFile.exists()) {
public void testCompileNoPcapNullPtrHandling() {
try {
Pcap.compileNoPcap(1, 1, null, null, 1, 1);
fail("Expected a NULL pointer exception.");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// OK
public void testCompileNullPtrHandling() {
Pcap pcap = Pcap.openOffline(fname, errbuf);
try {
pcap.compile(null, null, 1, 0);
fail("Expected a NULL pointer exception.");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// OK
} finally {
public void testDataLinkNameToValNullPtrHandling() {
try {
fail("Expected a NULL pointer exception.");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// OK
public void testPcapClosedExceptionHandling() {
Pcap pcap = Pcap.openOffline(fname, errbuf);
try {
fail("Expected PcapClosedException");
} catch (PcapClosedException e) {
// Success
public void testDatalinkNameToValue() {
assertEquals(1, Pcap.datalinkNam
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jNetPcap是libpcap的一个Java完整封装。jNetPcap使用与libpcap相同风格的API。libpcap是unix/linux平台下的网络数据包捕获函数库,大多数网络监控软件都以它为基础。 Libpcap可以在绝大多数类unix平台下工作。Libpcap提供了系统独立的用户级别网络数据包捕获接口,并充分考虑到应用程序的可移植性。
JnetPcap源码 (230个子文件)
TestPcapJNI.class 20KB
TestPcapBetaJNI.class 19KB
IEEE802dot11_RADIOTAP.class 11KB
TestJBuffer.class 10KB
MyHeader.class 10KB
TestWinPcapExtensions.class 7KB
Http.class 7KB
TestPcapDispatchers.class 7KB
TestExpandableString.class 7KB
TestPcapPacket.class 6KB
JHandlerTest.class 5KB
TestJRegistry.class 5KB
JMappedHeader.class 5KB
TestAnotatedDefinition.class 5KB
TestTransmitter.class 5KB
TestJScanner.class 5KB
JFieldMap.class 4KB
MyHeader$Timestamp.class 4KB
TestHttp.class 4KB
Test.class 4KB
TestUtils.class 4KB
TestSubHeader.class 4KB
TestIcmp.class 4KB
TestWinPcapCommentExamples.class 3KB
TestOpenCloseMultiThreaded.class 3KB
IEEE802dot11_RADIOTAP$DataField_Channel.class 3KB
TestClassicExample.class 3KB
MyHeader$Ip4Type.class 3KB
TestJMemory.class 3KB
TestSniffer.class 3KB
TestSearchPaths.class 3KB
Http2.class 3KB
HttpTrafficGenerator.class 2KB
MyHeader$Routing.class 2KB
TestJScanner$1.class 2KB
StatisticManager$JavaCounters.class 2KB
StatisticManager$Catetory.class 2KB
TestPcapUtils.class 2KB
TestJScanner$2.class 2KB
MyHeader$Security$SecurityType.class 2KB
MyHeader$Security.class 2KB
Http2$Request.class 2KB
MyHeader$IpOption$OptionCode.class 2KB
Http2$Response.class 2KB
AbstractMessageHeader.class 2KB
TestSetFilter.class 2KB
TestUtils$4.class 2KB
Html.class 2KB
IEEE802dot11_RADIOTAP$DataField_Flags.class 2KB
TestIpv6.class 2KB
TestOpenCloseMultiThreaded$1.class 2KB
TestFormatter.class 2KB
TestPcapUtils.class 2KB
TestWinPcapExtensions$3.class 2KB
TestWinPcapExtensions$2.class 2KB
TestClassicExample$1.class 2KB
MyHeader$IpOption.class 2KB
IEEE802dot11_RADIOTAP$DataField_FHSS.class 2KB
IEEE802dot11_RADIOTAP$DataField_DBM_TX_POWER.class 2KB
TestAnotatedDefinition$TestHeader.class 2KB
TestUtils$5.class 2KB
TestSniffer$1.class 2KB
TestUtils$3.class 2KB
TestSetFilter$1.class 2KB
IEEE802dot11_RADIOTAP$DataField_Rate.class 2KB
TestPcapDispatchers$Counter.class 2KB
StatisticManager.class 2KB
TestPcapDispatchers$2.class 2KB
TestPcapDispatchers$1.class 1KB
TestPcapDispatchers$8.class 1KB
TestPcapDispatchers$7.class 1KB
TestJRegistry$1.class 1KB
TestPcapDispatchers$4.class 1KB
TestPcapDispatchers$3.class 1KB
AbstractMessageHeader$MessageType.class 1KB
MyHeader$Timestamp$Flag.class 1KB
JFieldMap$1.class 1KB
TestPcapBetaJNI$8.class 1KB
TestPcapBetaJNI$7.class 1KB
BuildTests.class 1KB
TestPcapDispatchers$6.class 1KB
TestPcapDispatchers$5.class 1KB
TestPcapJNI$8.class 1KB
TestPcapJNI$7.class 1KB
JMappedHeader$1.class 1KB
Http$Entry.class 1KB
TestPcapBetaJNI$10.class 1KB
TestPcapBetaJNI$9.class 1KB
TestPcapBetaJNI$11.class 1KB
TestPcapJNI$10.class 1KB
TestPcapJNI$9.class 1KB
TestPcapJNI$11.class 1KB
TestPcapBetaJNI$4.class 1KB
共 230 条
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- tabuaiwo5212012-08-28楼主可以有详细的操作指导说明附送就最好了,多谢
- ryf123012012-04-11现在正在用它来做自己的毕业设计,因为要用java来编写捕获和分析数据包,但是java并不支持底层协议的处理,所以用此开发包可以解决这个问题。
- 右_手2013-05-03没有例子看不懂啊 郁闷了
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- UnboundLocalError.md
- PluginError解决办法.md
- SocketTimeoutException(解决方案).md
- NSDataCompressionError如何解决.md
- BindException(解决方案).md
- StoreError解决办法.md
- NSDataDecompressionError如何解决.md
- ProtocolException(解决方案).md
- RouterError解决办法.md
- UnicodeError.md
- NSAttributedStringError如何解决.md
- NoClassDefFoundError(解决方案).md
- UnicodeEncodeError.md
- NavigationGuardError解决办法.md
- NSStreamError如何解决.md
- UnicodeDecodeError.md