CryptoAuthLib - Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library
This code base implements an object-oriented C library which supports
Microchip CryptoAuth devices. The family of devices supported currently are:
- [ATSHA204A](
- [ATECC108A](
- [ATECC508A](
- [ATECC608A](
Online documentation is at
Latest software and examples can be found at:
Prerequisite skills:
- strong C programming and code reading
- Atmel Studio familiarity
- Knowledge of flashing microcontrollers with new code
- Familiarity with Microchip CryptoAuth device functionality
Prerequisite hardware to run CryptoAuthLib examples:
- [ATSAMR21 Xplained Pro]( )
or [ATSAMD21 Xplained Pro]( )
- [CryptoAuth Xplained Pro Extension]( )
or [CryptoAuthentication SOIC Socket Board]( )
to accept SOIC parts
For most development, using socketed top-boards is preferable until your
configuration is well tested, then you can commit it to a CryptoAuth Xplained
Pro Extension, for example. Keep in mind that once you lock a device, it will
not be changeable.
There are two major compiler defines that affect the operation of the library.
- ATCA_NO_POLL can be used to revert to a non-polling mechanism for device
responses. Normally responses are polled for after sending a command,
giving quicker response times. However, if ATCA_NO_POLL is defined, then
the library will simply delay the max execution time of a command before
reading the response.
- ATCA_NO_HEAP can be used to remove the use of malloc/free from the main
library. This can be helpful for smaller MCUs that don't have a heap
implemented. If just using the basic API, then there shouldn't be any code
changes required. The lower-level API will no longer use the new/delete
functions and the init/release functions should be used directly.
- Watch [CryptoAuthLib Documents]( )
for new examples coming online.
- Node Authentication Example Using Asymmetric PKI is a complete, all-in-one
example demonstrating all the stages of crypto authentication starting from
provisioning the Crypto Authentication device ATECC608A/ATECC508A with keys
and certificates to demonstrating an authentication sequence using
asymmetric techniques.
Release notes
- Patches for CVE-2019-16128 & CVE-2019-16129: Ensure reported packet length
is valid for the packet being processed.
- Improvement to encrypted read operations to allow supply of a host nonce
(prevent replay of a read sequence to the host). Default API is changed
but can be reverted by setting the option ATCA_USE_CONSTANT_HOST_NONCE
- Added Azure compatible TNGTLS and TNGLORA certificates. Use the TNG client
API to retrieve the proper certificate based on the device.
- Misc Python updates (updated APIs for encrypted reads to match the C-API change)
atcacert_cert_element_t now initializes properly
- Added big-endian architecture support
- Fixes to atcah_gen_dig() and atcah_nonce()
- Added support for TNG devices (cert transforms, new API)
- atcab_write_pub_key() now works when the data zone is unlocked
- mbed TLS wrapper added
- Minor bug fixes
- Python JWT support
- Python configuration structures added
- Restructure of secure boot app
- Added GCM functions
- Split AES modes into separate files
- Bug fix in SWI START driver
- Added basic certificate functions to the python wrapper.
- Added Espressif ESP32 I2C driver.
- Made generic Atmel START drivers to support most MCUs in START.
- Added AES-CTR mode functions.
- Python wrapper functions now return single values with AtcaReference.
- Added mutex support to HAL and better support for freeRTOS.
- Better support for multiple kit protocol devices
- Clean up python wrapper
- Added ATCA_NO_HEAP define to remove use of malloc/free.
- Moved PEM functions to their own file in atcacert.
- Added wake retry to accomodate power on self test delay.
- Added ca_cert_def member to atcacert_def_s so cert chains can be traversed
as a linked list.
- Added support for response polling by default, which will make commands
return faster (define ATCA_NO_POLL to use old delay method).
- Removed atcatls related files as they were of limited value.
- Test framework generates a prompt before locking test configuration.
- Test framework puts device to sleep between tests.
- Fixed mode parameter issue in atcah_gen_key_msg().
- ATECC608A health test error code added.
- Added AES-128 CBC implementation using AES command
- Added AES-128 CMAC implementation using AES command
- Added support for FLEXCOM6 on SAMG55 driver
- Added library support for the ATECC608A device
- Added support for Counter command
- atca_basic functions and tests now split into multiple files based on
- Added support for multiple base64 encoding rules
- Added support for JSON Web Tokens (jwt)
- Fixed atcab_write_enc() function to encrypt the data even when the device
is unlocked
- Fixed atcab_base64encode_() for the extra newline
- Updated atcab_ecdh_enc() to work more consistently
- Removed assumption of SN[0:1]=0123, SN[8]=EE. SN now needs to be passed in
for functions in atca_host and atca_basic functions will now read the
config zone for the SN if needed.
- Renamed atcab_gendig_host() to atcab_gendig() since it's not a host
function. Removed original atcab_gendig(), which had limited scope.
- Fixed atcah_hmac() for host side HMAC calculations. Added atcab_hmac().
- Removed unnecessary ATCADeviceType parameters from some atca_basic
- Added atcacert_create_csr() to create a signed CSR.
- New HAL implementation for Kit protocol over HID on Linux. Please see the
Incorporating CryptoAuthLib in a Linux project using USB HID devices
section in this file for more information.
- Added atcacert_write_cert() for writing certificates to the device.
- Added support for dynamic length certificate serial numbers in atcacert.
- Added atcab_write() for lower level write commands.
- Fixed atcah_write_auth_mac(), which had wrong OpCode.
- Added atcab_verify() command for lower level verify commands.
- Added atcab_verify_stored() for verifying data with a stored public key.
- Removed atcab_write_bytes_slot(). Use atcab_write_bytes_zone() instead.
- Modified atcab_write_bytes_zone() and atcab_read_bytes_zone() to specify a
- Added atcab_verify_validate() and atcab_verify_invalidate()
- Improvements to host functions to handle more cases.
- Added atcab_updateextra(), atcab_derive_key()
- Added support for more certificate formats.
- Added general purpose hardware SHA256 functions. See atcab_hw_sha2_256().
- Removed device specific config read/write. Generic now handles both.
- Removed unnecessary response parameter from lock commands.
- Enhanced and added unit tests.
- Encrypted read and write functions now handle keys with S
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atcacert_def.c 57KB
atca_host.c 50KB
gattc_gatts_coex.c 48KB
gattc_multi_connect.c 45KB
hid_device_le_prf.c 42KB
ble_mesh_register_cmd.c 40KB
tjpgd.c 35KB
esp_eth_mac_enc28j60.c 34KB
main.c 34KB
gatts_demo.c 32KB
main.c 32KB
atcacert_date.c 32KB
ble_ancs_demo.c 31KB
main.c 31KB
main.c 31KB
ble_compatibility_test.c 30KB
example_ble_server_throughput.c 29KB
ble_spp_server_demo.c 27KB
esp_hid_gap.c 27KB
esp_hid_gap.c 27KB
example_ble_sec_gattc_demo.c 26KB
nmea_parser.c 26KB
spp_client_demo.c 26KB
main.c 26KB
example_ble_client_throughput.c 25KB
esp_http_client_example.c 25KB
atca_helpers.c 25KB
gatts_table_creat_demo.c 24KB
main.c 24KB
example_ble_sec_gatts_demo.c 24KB
ble_mesh_fast_prov_server_model.c 23KB
main.c 23KB
main.c 23KB
atca_basic_read.c 23KB
main.c 22KB
gattc_demo.c 22KB
atca_command.c 22KB
ble_mesh_reg_cfg_client_cmd.c 21KB
hal_win_kit_cdc.c 20KB
atca_basic_aes_gcm.c 20KB
esp_modem.c 19KB
atca_basic_verify.c 19KB
atca_basic_write.c 19KB
file_server.c 18KB
peer.c 18KB
mesh_main.c 18KB
hal_sam4s_i2c_asf.c 18KB
main.c 18KB
hal_samd21_i2c_asf.c 18KB
atca_basic_sha.c 18KB
hal_samg55_i2c_asf.c 18KB
hal_samv71_i2c_asf.c 18KB
hal_xmega_a3bu_i2c_asf.c 18KB
ble_mesh_fast_prov_operation.c 18KB
mcpwm_bldc_control_hall_sensor_example.c 17KB
hal_i2c_start.c 17KB
udp_multicast_example_main.c 17KB
mesh_main.c 17KB
hal_at90usb1287_i2c_asf.c 17KB
smtp_client_example_main.c 17KB
hal_swi_uart.c 17KB
coap_client_example_main.c 17KB
blufi_example_main.c 16KB
master.c 16KB
sync.c 16KB
sim800.c 16KB
mesh_netif.c 16KB
atcacert_der.c 16KB
bg96.c 16KB
hal_samb11_i2c_asf.c 16KB
spi_master_example_main.c 16KB
hal_win_kit_hid.c 16KB
mcpwm_basic_config_example.c 16KB
kit_protocol.c 15KB
connect.c 15KB
hal_i2c_bitbang.c 15KB
ble_mesh_fast_prov_client_model.c 15KB
esp_hid_device_main.c 15KB
button.c 14KB
cmd_wifi.c 14KB
app_main.c 14KB
hal_linux_kit_cdc.c 14KB
mesh_main.c 14KB
hal_pic32mx695f512h_i2c.c 14KB
hal_linux_kit_hid.c 13KB
cmd_i2ctools.c 13KB
main.c 13KB
bt_app_av.c 13KB
bt_app_av.c 13KB
app_prov.c 13KB
hal_pic32mz2048efm_i2c.c 13KB
app_prov.c 13KB
hal_uc3_i2c_asf.c 13KB
app_prov.c 13KB
main.c 13KB
sh2lib.c 12KB
tests.c 12KB
iperf.c 12KB
pppos_client_main.c 12KB
atca_basic.c 12KB
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