### 考研英语高分作文必备知识点
#### 一、理解考研英语大纲的重要性与使用方法
1. **大纲的作用**:大纲作为官方发布的考试指南,明确了考试的重点、难点以及考查目标,为考生提供了清晰的方向。
2. **如何利用大纲**:
- **全面阅读**:要完整阅读大纲,了解考试的整体结构。
- **实战演练**:结合大纲进行模拟训练,熟悉题型及答题技巧。
#### 二、高分作文结构与内容分析
1. **开篇引入**:通过使用复合句和复杂句型增强文章的可读性,如:“It goes without saying that the drawings aim at revealing a common and serious problem in China: how to educate and cultivate the young.”
2. **细节描写**:具体描述图画内容,如:“In an ideal condition, the flower blooms. But when moved out of the greenhouse, it perishes under the rain and storm.” 这里使用了时间状语从句来增加句子的层次感。
3. **寓意阐释**:深入剖析图画背后的含义,如:“It is obvious that the flowering in the greenhouse can’t withstand wind and rains.” 使用了it句型,使表达更加地道。
4. **社会现象探讨**:将图画内容与现实社会现象相结合,如:“Nowadays the young generation in China, like the flower in the greenhouse, live under the full protection from their parents.”
5. **提出观点或建议**:基于以上分析,提出自己的见解或解决方案,如:“Thus, it’s high time that parents, educators and the government made concerted efforts to put an end to this situation.”
#### 三、实用句型与表达
1. **从句+分词形式**:例如,“When moved out of the greenhouse, it perishes under the rain and storm.” 这种结构可以使句子更具有表现力。
2. **并列形式**:
- 形容词并列:“a common and serious problem”
- 动词并列:“educate and cultivate the young”
- 名词并列:“wind and rains”
3. **it句型**:“It goes without saying that...”、“It is obvious that...”等句型可以使语言更加正式。
4. **短语开头**:使用介词短语开头可以增加句子的变化性,如:“In an ideal condition, the flower blooms.”