% Zebra Optimization Algorithm: A New Bio-inspired Optimization Algorithm for Solving Optimization Algorithm
% IEEE access
% Eva Trojovská1, Mohammad Dehghani1, and Pavel Trojovský1*
% 1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové, 50003 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
" Optimizer"
ZOA is simulated in MATLAB software environment. In order to implement ZOA on optimizing F1 to F23 functions, follow the instructions below:
1- The "main.m" file is the main implementation code that call the information of the objective functions (including: number of variables, upper and lower band of variables, and mathematical formula of the objective function). This code then puts the objective function information as the input of the ZOA optimizer to determine its optimal solution.
2- The "fun_info.m" file determines the information of the objective function and provides it to the main program.
3- "ZOA.m" file is a proposed algorithm that implements ZOA steps on optimization of objective functions and publishes the optimal solution in the output.
In order to implement the proposed ZOA algorithm in solving other optimization problems, dear researchers should put the optimization problem information in "fun_info.m". This includes the following information:
The number of variables, the upper and lower band of variables, and the mathematical formula of the objective function.
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