Fight Against Gravity
Hope all of you can enjoy Fight Against Gravity!
- 项目开始于2022年9月27日
- 总代码数约为8000行(截至2023年1月5日)
Project Brief Introduction
- The project starts on September 27, 2022
- The total number of codes is about 8000 lines (as of January 5, 2023)
- 以宇宙为背景,两名玩家分别操控自己的飞船在有限地图中遨游
- 地图中包含位居中心的行星或处于运动中的多星系统
- 玩家需要在行星引力的干扰之下控制自己的飞船和子弹
- 所有玩家需要在尽力击落对方飞船的同时避免自己被吸入行星或被对方子弹攻击导致摧毁
Game Brief Introduction
- With the universe as the background, two players control their own spaceships to travel in a limited map.
- The map contains a planet in the center or a multi satellite system in motion.
- Players need to control their spaceship and bullets under the interference of the planet's gravity.
- All of players have to shoot down the opponent's spaceship while avoiding being sucked into the planet or being destroyed by the opponent's bullet.
项目信息/About Fight Against Gravity
语言与模块/Lang & Modules
- 语言/Lang:Python
- 主体/Main Part:pygame
- 在线/Online Part:socket,pycryptodome,base64,smtplib
- 数据/Data Part:json,sqlite3
- 其他/Other Part: os,sys
开源协议/Open-Source Protocol
- GNU General Public License 3.0
最后,衷心地感谢您对Fight Against Gravity的支持!
Feed Back
The project's development spends not so long, which inevitably leads to some omissions. We also look forward to your providing us with the problems you found, which will be so helpful to us.
When you encounter problems, you can send email to our BugReport Email: , you can also open a discussion in GitHub, we'll reply you in very soon.
Finally, we sincerely thank you for your support to Fight Against Gravity!