### Generic Build Instructions
#### Setup
To build GoogleTest and your tests that use it, you need to tell your build
system where to find its headers and source files. The exact way to do it
depends on which build system you use, and is usually straightforward.
### Build with CMake
GoogleTest comes with a CMake build script
that can be used on a wide range of platforms ("C" stands for cross-platform.).
If you don't have CMake installed already, you can download it for free from
CMake works by generating native makefiles or build projects that can be used in
the compiler environment of your choice. You can either build GoogleTest as a
standalone project or it can be incorporated into an existing CMake build for
another project.
#### Standalone CMake Project
When building GoogleTest as a standalone project, the typical workflow starts
git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git -b release-1.10.0
cd googletest # Main directory of the cloned repository.
mkdir build # Create a directory to hold the build output.
cd build
cmake .. # Generate native build scripts for GoogleTest.
The above command also includes GoogleMock by default. And so, if you want to
build only GoogleTest, you should replace the last command with
If you are on a \*nix system, you should now see a Makefile in the current
directory. Just type `make` to build GoogleTest. And then you can simply install
GoogleTest if you are a system administrator.
sudo make install # Install in /usr/local/ by default
If you use Windows and have Visual Studio installed, a `gtest.sln` file and
several `.vcproj` files will be created. You can then build them using Visual
On Mac OS X with Xcode installed, a `.xcodeproj` file will be generated.
#### Incorporating Into An Existing CMake Project
If you want to use GoogleTest in a project which already uses CMake, the easiest
way is to get installed libraries and headers.
* Import GoogleTest by using `find_package` (or `pkg_check_modules`). For
example, if `find_package(GTest CONFIG REQUIRED)` succeeds, you can use the
libraries as `GTest::gtest`, `GTest::gmock`.
And a more robust and flexible approach is to build GoogleTest as part of that
project directly. This is done by making the GoogleTest source code available to
the main build and adding it using CMake's `add_subdirectory()` command. This
has the significant advantage that the same compiler and linker settings are
used between GoogleTest and the rest of your project, so issues associated with
using incompatible libraries (eg debug/release), etc. are avoided. This is
particularly useful on Windows. Making GoogleTest's source code available to the
main build can be done a few different ways:
* Download the GoogleTest source code manually and place it at a known
location. This is the least flexible approach and can make it more difficult
to use with continuous integration systems, etc.
* Embed the GoogleTest source code as a direct copy in the main project's
source tree. This is often the simplest approach, but is also the hardest to
keep up to date. Some organizations may not permit this method.
* Add GoogleTest as a git submodule or equivalent. This may not always be
possible or appropriate. Git submodules, for example, have their own set of
advantages and drawbacks.
* Use CMake to download GoogleTest as part of the build's configure step. This
approach doesn't have the limitations of the other methods.
The last of the above methods is implemented with a small piece of CMake code
that downloads and pulls the GoogleTest code into the main build.
Just add to your `CMakeLists.txt`:
# Specify the commit you depend on and update it regularly.
URL https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/609281088cfefc76f9d0ce82e1ff6c30cc3591e5.zip
# For Windows: Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker settings
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
# Now simply link against gtest or gtest_main as needed. Eg
add_executable(example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example gtest_main)
add_test(NAME example_test COMMAND example)
Note that this approach requires CMake 3.14 or later due to its use of the
`FetchContent_MakeAvailable()` command.
##### Visual Studio Dynamic vs Static Runtimes
By default, new Visual Studio projects link the C runtimes dynamically but
GoogleTest links them statically. This will generate an error that looks
something like the following: gtest.lib(gtest-all.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch
detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MTd_StaticDebug' doesn't match value
'MDd_DynamicDebug' in main.obj
GoogleTest already has a CMake option for this: `gtest_force_shared_crt`
Enabling this option will make gtest link the runtimes dynamically too, and
match the project in which it is included.
#### C++ Standard Version
An environment that supports C++11 is required in order to successfully build
GoogleTest. One way to ensure this is to specify the standard in the top-level
project, for example by using the `set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)` command. If this
is not feasible, for example in a C project using GoogleTest for validation,
then it can be specified by adding it to the options for cmake via the
### Tweaking GoogleTest
GoogleTest can be used in diverse environments. The default configuration may
not work (or may not work well) out of the box in some environments. However,
you can easily tweak GoogleTest by defining control macros on the compiler
command line. Generally, these macros are named like `GTEST_XYZ` and you define
them to either 1 or 0 to enable or disable a certain feature.
We list the most frequently used macros below. For a complete list, see file
### Multi-threaded Tests
GoogleTest is thread-safe where the pthread library is available. After
`#include "gtest/gtest.h"`, you can check the
`GTEST_IS_THREADSAFE` macro to see whether this is the case (yes if the macro is
`#defined` to 1, no if it's undefined.).
If GoogleTest doesn't correctly detect whether pthread is available in your
environment, you can force it with
When GoogleTest uses pthread, you may need to add flags to your compiler and/or
linker to select the pthread library, or you'll get link errors. If you use the
CMake script, this is taken care of for you. If you use your own build script,
you'll need to read your compiler and linker's manual to figure out what flags
to add.
### As a Shared Library (DLL)
GoogleTest is compact, so most users can build and link it as a static library
for the simplicity. You can choose to use GoogleTest as a shared library (known
as a DLL on Windows) if you prefer.
To compile *gtest* as a shared library, add
to the compiler flags. You'll also need to tell the linker to produce a shared
library instead - consult your linker's manual for how to do it.
To compile your *tests* that use the gtest shared library, add
to the compiler flags.
Note: while the above steps aren't technically necessary today when using some
compilers (e.g. GCC), they may become necessary in the future, if we decide to
improve the speed of loading the library (see
<http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility> for details). Therefore you are recommended
to always add the above flags when using GoogleTest as a shared library.
Otherwise a future release of GoogleTest may break your build script.
### Avoiding Macro Na
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北京邮电大学2021级《计算导论和程序设计》实践课大作业.zip (333个子文件)
BUILD.bazel 15KB
BUILD.bazel 6KB
BUILD.bazel 3KB
main.c 10KB
main.c 9KB
bus_io.c 7KB
controller.c 6KB
tools.c 4KB
bus.c 3KB
query.c 2KB
rail.c 2KB
gmock-matchers_test.cc 277KB
gtest_unittest.cc 254KB
gtest.cc 243KB
gtest_pred_impl_unittest.cc 76KB
gmock-spec-builders_test.cc 73KB
googletest-printers-test.cc 61KB
gtest-death-test.cc 61KB
gmock-more-actions_test.cc 52KB
gmock-actions_test.cc 50KB
googletest-death-test-test.cc 47KB
gtest-port.cc 47KB
googletest-param-test-test.cc 40KB
googletest-port-test.cc 39KB
googletest-output-test_.cc 35KB
gmock-function-mocker_test.cc 33KB
gmock-spec-builders.cc 33KB
gmock-internal-utils_test.cc 26KB
googletest-listener-test.cc 24KB
googletest-filepath-test.cc 22KB
gmock-matchers.cc 18KB
gtest-printers.cc 17KB
gmock-nice-strict_test.cc 15KB
gtest-typed-test_test.cc 14KB
gtest-filepath.cc 14KB
gtest-unittest-api_test.cc 13KB
gmock-cardinalities_test.cc 12KB
gtest_stress_test.cc 9KB
sample6_unittest.cc 9KB
gmock-pp-string_test.cc 9KB
gmock_output_test_.cc 8KB
googletest-catch-exceptions-test_.cc 8KB
gmock.cc 8KB
googletest-test-part-test.cc 8KB
googletest-options-test.cc 8KB
gmock-internal-utils.cc 7KB
gtest_repeat_test.cc 7KB
gmock_stress_test.cc 7KB
sample5_unittest.cc 6KB
gtest_environment_test.cc 6KB
gmock_test.cc 6KB
gtest_xml_output_unittest_.cc 6KB
sample8_unittest.cc 6KB
sample9_unittest.cc 6KB
googletest-failfast-unittest_.cc 5KB
sample3_unittest.cc 5KB
googletest-message-test.cc 5KB
gmock-cardinalities.cc 5KB
sample1_unittest.cc 5KB
sample10_unittest.cc 5KB
googletest-list-tests-unittest_.cc 5KB
sample7_unittest.cc 5KB
gtest_premature_exit_test.cc 4KB
gtest-test-part.cc 4KB
sample2_unittest.cc 4KB
gtest_assert_by_exception_test.cc 4KB
gtest-typed-test.cc 4KB
gtest_test_macro_stack_footprint_test.cc 4KB
gtest-matchers.cc 4KB
googletest-env-var-test_.cc 4KB
googletest-death-test_ex_test.cc 4KB
gmock-pp_test.cc 3KB
googletest-filter-unittest_.cc 3KB
gtest_throw_on_failure_ex_test.cc 3KB
gmock_ex_test.cc 3KB
googletest-break-on-failure-unittest_.cc 3KB
gmock_leak_test_.cc 3KB
googletest-shuffle-test_.cc 3KB
gtest_list_output_unittest_.cc 3KB
googletest-throw-on-failure-test_.cc 3KB
gmock_main.cc 3KB
googletest-param-test2-test.cc 3KB
googletest-color-test_.cc 2KB
sample1.cc 2KB
gtest_no_test_unittest.cc 2KB
gmock_all_test.cc 2KB
googletest-global-environment-unittest_.cc 2KB
sample2.cc 2KB
gtest_all_test.cc 2KB
gtest_sole_header_test.cc 2KB
gtest-all.cc 2KB
gtest_prod_test.cc 2KB
googletest-param-test-invalid-name2-test_.cc 2KB
sample4.cc 2KB
gmock-all.cc 2KB
gtest_help_test_.cc 2KB
gtest_skip_in_environment_setup_test.cc 2KB
googletest-param-test-invalid-name1-test_.cc 2KB
gtest_skip_test.cc 2KB
sample4_unittest.cc 2KB
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