# [Flat UI Free](http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/)
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Flat UI is a beautiful theme for [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com). We have redesigned many of its components to look flat in every pixel.
To get started, check out [getting started page](http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/docs/getting-started.html) or follow instructions below.
## Links:
+ [Demo Page](http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/)
+ [Download PSD](https://designmodo.com/flat-free/) (for designers)
+ [Flat UI Pro 1.3.2](https://designmodo.com/flat/) (from $39)
## Quick start
Three quick start options are available:
- [Download the latest release](https://github.com/designmodo/Flat-UI/archive/2.3.0.zip).
- Clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/designmodo/Flat-UI.git`.
- Install with [Bower](http://bower.io): `bower install flat-ui`.
Run `npm install` and `bower install` to install dependencies.
Read the [getting started page](http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/docs/getting-started.html) for information on the framework contents.
Examples: <https://github.com/designmodo/Flat-UI/tree/master/docs/examples>.
### What's included
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations. You'll see something like this:
├── dist/
| ├── css/
| | ├── vendors/
│ | ├── flat-ui.css
│ | └── flat-ui.min.css
| ├── js/
| | ├── vendors/
│ | ├── flat-ui.js
│ | └── flat-ui.min.js
| ├── fonts/
| | ├── lato/
| | └── glyphicons/
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.eot
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.svg
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.ttf
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.woff
| | └── selection.json
| ├── img/
| └── index.html
├── docs/
| ├── examples/
| ├── components.html
| ├── getting-started.html
| └── template.html
├── fonts/
| ├── glyphicons/
| └── lato/
├── img/
├── js/
└── less/
├── mixins/
├── modules/
├── flat-ui.less
├── mixins.less
└── variables.less
We provide compiled CSS and JS (`flat-ui.*`), as well as compiled and minified CSS and JS (`flat-ui.min.*`). Fonts with icons are included.
## Documentation
Flat UI's documentation, included in this repo in the docs directory and publicly hosted on GitHub Pages at <http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/docs/components.html>.
## SASS support
If you are interested in SASS source files - you can visit this project made by @wingrunr21:
[Designmodo's Flat-UI ported to SASS with support for Flat-UI Pro](https://github.com/wingrunr21/flat-ui-sass)
## Authors
**Sergey Shmidt**
+ <http://shmidt.in>
+ <http://twitter.com/monstercritic>
**Sergii Iurevych**
+ <http://twitter.com/iurevych>
+ <http://github.com/iurevych>
**Dmitry Pytkin**
+ <http://twitter.com/pytkin>
+ <http://github.com/pytkin>
## Copyright and license
Flat UI Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) and MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html.
You are allowed to use these elements anywhere you want, however we’ll highly appreciate if you will link to our [website](https://designmodo.com).
## Typeface
Flat UI Free is made using the Lato typeface, which can be downloaded for free here: http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Lato
## Useful Links (How To)
More products from Designmodo: <https://designmodo.com/shop/>
Designmodo Market: <http://market.designmodo.com/>
Tutorials: <https://designmodo.com/tutorials/>
Freebies: <https://designmodo.com/freebies/>
Affiliate Program (earn money): <https://designmodo.com/affiliates/>
Social Media:
Twitter: <http://www.twitter.com/designmodo>
Facebook: <http://www.facebook.com/designmodo>
RSS: <http://feeds.feedburner.com/designmodo>
Google+: <https://www.google.com/+DesignModo>
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【项目资源】: 包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。 包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】: 所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。 功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】: 适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。 可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】: 项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。 对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】: 有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。 鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。
基于 Flask 的 web 站点。.zip (504个子文件)
site.min.css 217KB
site.min.css 174KB
flat-ui.css 151KB
flat-ui.css 147KB
bootstrap.min.css 140KB
flat-ui.min.css 128KB
bootstrap.min.css 111KB
bootstrap.min.1.css 107KB
flat-ui-ok.css 69KB
bootflat.css 65KB
bootflat.css 65KB
bootflat.min.css 52KB
site.css 18KB
docs.css 8KB
docs.css 8KB
demo.css 7KB
demo.css 7KB
remodal-default-theme.css 6KB
base.css 5KB
normal.css 3KB
spaces.css 2KB
remodal.css 2KB
prettyprint.css 1KB
book-detail.css 1KB
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personal.css 383B
pending.css 359B
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login.css 152B
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variables.css 0B
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pallets.css 0B
pagination.css 0B
clearfix.css 0B
center-block.css 0B
resize.css 0B
select.css 0B
grid.css 0B
hide-text.css 0B
responsive-visibility.css 0B
buttons.css 0B
.csslintrc 508B
.csslintrc 369B
.editorconfig 190B
angularicons.eot 112KB
lato-bold.eot 31KB
lato-bold.eot 31KB
lato-regular.eot 30KB
lato-regular.eot 30KB
lato-black.eot 30KB
lato-black.eot 30KB
lato-bolditalic.eot 30KB
lato-bolditalic.eot 30KB
lato-light.eot 29KB
lato-light.eot 29KB
lato-italic.eot 29KB
lato-italic.eot 29KB
flat-ui-icons-regular.eot 25KB
flat-ui-icons-regular.eot 25KB
glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot 20KB
ascii-logo.gif 4KB
share.gif 3KB
.gitattributes 184B
.gitignore 1KB
.gitignore 496B
.gitignore 425B
documentation.html 118KB
components.html 68KB
index.html 36KB
color-picker.html 26KB
dropdowns.html 25KB
buttons.html 23KB
forms.html 22KB
navbars-with-elements.html 17KB
getting-started.html 16KB
navbars.html 15KB
index.html 13KB
color-picker-yellow.html 12KB
select.html 12KB
free-psd.html 12KB
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