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基于变系数回归模型的黄金价格预测研究_王艳.caj 1.11MB
附件三位置.csv 297KB
会员地理位置.csv 252KB
附件一位置.csv 113KB
附件一改进的定价结果.csv 19KB
附件一改进的定价方案.csv 13KB
空间经纬度权重转换.doc 199KB
可再生每州能源概况.doc 29KB
四个重要基本信息+能源分布图.docx 4.76MB
C 总结.docx 234KB
解决.docx 133KB
聚类选择.docx 81KB
分析.docx 19KB
地理位置信息.docx 14KB
对附件一的定价改进.docx 12KB
R 广义相加.docx 11KB
~$C整理思路.docx 162B
图3-1.fig 3KB
图3-2.fig 2KB
美国四个州地理位置.gif 369KB
.gitattributes 66B
hui.gwt 4.02MB
fuelethanolandbiomass4_states_1960_2009.m 4KB
QA_selectnonrenewableresources.m 3KB
PA_selectnonrenewableresources.m 3KB
EA_selectnonrenewableresources.m 3KB
QA_selectrenewableresources.m 3KB
EA_selectrenewableresources.m 2KB
PA_selectrenewableresources.m 2KB
A_selectnonrenewableresources.m 2KB
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NMA_classrenewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
AZA_classrenewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
TXA_classrenewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
AZA_classrenewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
CAA_classrenewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
fenqu.m 2KB
CAA_renewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
juli.m 2KB
NMA_renewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
AZA_renewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
TXA_renewablesourcesdrawing.m 2KB
A_selectrenewableresources.m 2KB
Factor_analysis.m 2KB
windhydropowerelectricity4_states_1960_2009.m 2KB
topsis.m 2KB
geothermalsolarele4_states_1960_2009.m 1KB
fig1abc.m 1KB
jiage.m 1KB
DistgshAnalysis.m 1KB
youhuadabao.m 1KB
gray_predict.m 1KB
rwgroup.m 1KB
Reorganized_standized_data.m 887B
PolyReg.m 738B
MainAnalysis.m 731B
MultiLineReg.m 661B
Changjiang.m 647B
main0301.m 628B
renwufenpei.m 589B
duiying.m 364B
analysis.m 196B
fun.m 171B
fun.m 171B
cluster.m 166B
GeoDa(中文版).pdf 6.93MB
CArenewable.pdf 1.42MB
TOPSIS评价模型的稳健性分析及参数选择_许萍.pdf 1.24MB
topsis改进.pdf 1.08MB
空间统计分析方法简介及Geoda使用说明.pdf 838KB
rq.pdf 316KB
半参数空间变系数回归模型的Back_Fitting估计_魏传华.pdf 219KB
基于空间滞后模型的区域经济发展影响因素分析.pdf 199KB
广义可加模型及其SAS程序实现_冯国双.pdf 168KB
QRegVCM.pdf 157KB
AZwind, hydropower and electricity (part) of renewable resources (energy).png 199KB
CAwind_ hydropower and electricity (part) of renewable resources.png 195KB
AZfuel ethanol and biomass energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 173KB
NMGeothermal, solar, and electric power (part) energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 132KB
CAfuel ethanol and biomass energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 127KB
EThe use of fuel ethanol and biomass in four states in 1960-2009.png 126KB
CAGeotherma_ solar, and electric power (part) energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 126KB
EThe use of Geothermal, solar, and electric power (part) in four states in 1960-2009.png 114KB
EThe use of in wind, hydropower and electricity (part)four states in 1960-2009.png 111KB
NMfuel ethanol and biomass energy change with annual variation (quantity).png 110KB
NMethanol and biomass energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 97KB
AZGeothermal, solar, and electric power (part) energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 95KB
PThe use of fuel ethanol and biomass in four states in 1960-2009.png 92KB
QThe use of fuel ethanol and biomass in four states in 1960-2009.png 92KB
TXGeothermal, solar, and electric power (part) energy .png 83KB
TXfuel ethanol and biomass energy changes with the annual trend (energy).png 81KB
NMfuel ethanol and biomass energy change with annual variation (price).png 80KB
TXfuel ethanol and biomass energy change with annual variation (quantity).png 76KB
California renewable resource energy change with annual variation:quantitypriceenergeTotal output and total consumption.png 73KB
CA fuel ethanol and biomass energy change with annual variation (price).png 72KB
AZfuel ethanol and biomass energy change with annual variation (quantity),1-6 represent EMTCP, ENACP, ENCCP, ENICP, ENPRP, ENTCP.png 66KB
NMwind_ hydropower and electricity (part) of renewable resources.png 66KB
NewMexio renewable resource energy change with annual variation:quantitypriceenergeTotal output and total consumption.png 66KB
AZ 1-100.png 65KB
AZfuel ethanol and biomass energy change with annual variation (price).png 64KB
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