## Current development going on here :arrow_right: [Development Branch](https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/tree/development)
# WiFiManager
ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with fallback web configuration portal
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tzapu/WiFiManager.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tzapu/WiFiManager)
The configuration portal is of the captive variety, so on various devices it will present the configuration dialogue as soon as you connect to the created access point.
First attempt at a library. Lots more changes and fixes to do. Contributions are welcome.
#### This works with the ESP8266 Arduino platform with a recent stable release(2.0.0 or newer) https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
## Contents
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Wishlist](#wishlist)
- [Quick start](#quick-start)
- Installing
- [Through Library Manager](#install-through-library-manager)
- [From Github](#checkout-from-github)
- [Using](#using)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Access Point Password](#password-protect-the-configuration-access-point)
- [Callbacks](#callbacks)
- [Configuration Portal Timeout](#configuration-portal-timeout)
- [On Demand Configuration](#on-demand-configuration-portal)
- [Custom Parameters](#custom-parameters)
- [Custom IP Configuration](#custom-ip-configuration)
- [Filter Low Quality Networks](#filter-networks)
- [Debug Output](#debug)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Releases](#releases)
- [Contributors](#contributions-and-thanks)
## How It Works
- when your ESP starts up, it sets it up in Station mode and tries to connect to a previously saved Access Point
- if this is unsuccessful (or no previous network saved) it moves the ESP into Access Point mode and spins up a DNS and WebServer (default ip
- using any wifi enabled device with a browser (computer, phone, tablet) connect to the newly created Access Point
- because of the Captive Portal and the DNS server you will either get a 'Join to network' type of popup or get any domain you try to access redirected to the configuration portal
- choose one of the access points scanned, enter password, click save
- ESP will try to connect. If successful, it relinquishes control back to your app. If not, reconnect to AP and reconfigure.
## How It Looks
![ESP8266 WiFi Captive Portal Homepage](http://i.imgur.com/YPvW9eql.png) ![ESP8266 WiFi Captive Portal Configuration](http://i.imgur.com/oicWJ4gl.png)
## Wishlist
- [x] remove dependency on EEPROM library
- [x] move HTML Strings to PROGMEM
- [x] cleanup and streamline code (although this is ongoing)
- [x] if timeout is set, extend it when a page is fetched in AP mode
- [x] add ability to configure more parameters than ssid/password
- [x] maybe allow setting ip of ESP after reboot
- [x] add to Arduino Library Manager
- [x] add to PlatformIO
- [ ] add multiple sets of network credentials
- [x] allow users to customize CSS
- [ ] ESP32 support or instructions
- [ ] rewrite documentation for simplicity, based on scenarios/goals
- [ ] rely on the SDK's built in auto connect more than forcing a connect
## Quick Start
### Installing
You can either install through the Arduino Library Manager or checkout the latest changes or a release from github
#### Install through Library Manager
__Currently version 0.8+ works with release 2.0.0 or newer of the [ESP8266 core for Arduino](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino)__
- in Arduino IDE got to Sketch/Include Library/Manage Libraries
![Manage Libraries](http://i.imgur.com/9BkEBkR.png)
- search for WiFiManager
![WiFiManager package](http://i.imgur.com/18yIai8.png)
- click Install and start [using it](#using)
#### Checkout from github
__Github version works with release 2.0.0 or newer of the [ESP8266 core for Arduino](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino)__
- Checkout library to your Arduino libraries folder
### Using
- Include in your sketch
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //ESP8266 Core WiFi Library (you most likely already have this in your sketch)
#include <DNSServer.h> //Local DNS Server used for redirecting all requests to the configuration portal
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h> //Local WebServer used to serve the configuration portal
#include <WiFiManager.h> //https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager WiFi Configuration Magic
- Initialize library, in your setup function add
WiFiManager wifiManager;
- Also in the setup function add
//first parameter is name of access point, second is the password
wifiManager.autoConnect("AP-NAME", "AP-PASSWORD");
if you just want an unsecured access point
or if you want to use and auto generated name from 'ESP' and the esp's Chip ID use
After you write your sketch and start the ESP, it will try to connect to WiFi. If it fails it starts in Access Point mode.
While in AP mode, connect to it then open a browser to the gateway IP, default, configure wifi, save and it should reboot and connect.
Also see [examples](https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/tree/master/examples).
## Documentation
#### Password protect the configuration Access Point
You can and should password protect the configuration access point. Simply add the password as a second parameter to `autoConnect`.
A short password seems to have unpredictable results so use one that's around 8 characters or more in length.
The guidelines are that a wifi password must consist of 8 to 63 ASCII-encoded characters in the range of 32 to 126 (decimal)
wifiManager.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP", "password")
#### Callbacks
##### Enter Config mode
Use this if you need to do something when your device enters configuration mode on failed WiFi connection attempt.
Before `autoConnect()`
`configModeCallback` declaration and example
void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
Serial.println("Entered config mode");
##### Save settings
This gets called when custom parameters have been set **AND** a connection has been established. Use it to set a flag, so when all the configuration finishes, you can save the extra parameters somewhere.
See [AutoConnectWithFSParameters Example](https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/tree/master/examples/AutoConnectWithFSParameters).
`saveConfigCallback` declaration and example
//flag for saving data
bool shouldSaveConfig = false;
//callback notifying us of the need to save config
void saveConfigCallback () {
Serial.println("Should save config");
shouldSaveConfig = true;
#### Configuration Portal Timeout
If you need to set a timeout so the ESP doesn't hang waiting to be configured, for instance after a power failure, you can add
which will wait 3 minutes (180 seconds). When the time passes, the autoConnect function will return, no matter the outcome.
Check for connection and if it's still not established do whatever is needed (on some modules I restart them to retry, on others I enter deep sleep)
#### On Demand Configuration Portal
If you would rather start the configuration portal on demand rather than automatically on a failed connection attempt, then this is for you.
Instead of calling `autoConnect()` which does all the connecting and failover configuration portal setup for you, you need to use `startConfigPortal()`. __Do not use BOTH.__
Example usage
void loop() {
// is configuration portal requested?
if ( digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW ) {
WiFiManager wifiManager;
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
See example for a more complex version. [OnDemandConfigPo
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基于Arduino+Blynk+ESP8266设计的WiFi遥控小车(皆可应用在毕设/课设/大作业/实训/竞赛/项目开发) (486个子文件)
blynk-ser.bat 2KB
com2tcp.bin 92KB
project.checksum 40B
.clang-format 136B
OLEDDisplay.cpp 29KB
WiFiManager.cpp 22KB
OLEDDisplayUi.cpp 15KB
BlynkHandlers.cpp 14KB
main.cpp 10KB
BlynkTimer.cpp 7KB
BlynkDebug.cpp 6KB
utility.cpp 5KB
_LetsEncryptAuthorityX3.crt 2KB
_ISRGRootX1.crt 2KB
_blynk-cloudcom.crt 1KB
server.crt 1KB
_LetsEncryptAuthorityX3.der 1KB
_ISRGRootX1.der 1KB
_blynk-cloudcom.der 1001B
_DSTRootX3.der 846B
.gitattributes 66B
.gitattributes 16B
.gitignore 270B
.gitignore 157B
.gitignore 8B
OLEDDisplayFonts.h 103KB
BlynkDetectDevice.h 16KB
BlynkProtocol.h 15KB
OLEDDisplay.h 11KB
BlynkDebug.h 10KB
BlynkHandlers.h 10KB
ConfigMode.h 10KB
ConfigMode.h 9KB
WiFiManager.h 9KB
BlynkApi.h 9KB
BlynkSimpleRedBear_Duo_BLE.h 9KB
letsencrypt_der.h 9KB
BlynkParam.h 9KB
isrgroot_der.h 8KB
OLEDDisplayUi.h 8KB
ConfigMode.h 7KB
ConfigMode.h 7KB
ConfigMode.h 7KB
Indicator.h 7KB
Indicator.h 7KB
Indicator.h 7KB
Indicator.h 6KB
Indicator.h 6KB
blynkcloud_der.h 6KB
BlynkEthernet.h 6KB
BlynkSimpleEsp8266_SSL.h 6KB
BlynkApiArduino.h 5KB
BlynkApiParticle.h 5KB
BlynkWildFire.h 5KB
BlynkSimpleRedBearLab_BLE_Nano.h 5KB
BlynkTimer.h 5KB
BlynkSimpleEsp32_BT.h 5KB
BlynkBLEPeripheralSerial.h 5KB
SSD1306Wire.h 5KB
BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h 5KB
dst_der.h 5KB
BlynkCC3000.h 5KB
BlynkApiMbed.h 5KB
SSD1306Brzo.h 5KB
SH1106Wire.h 5KB
SSD1306Spi.h 5KB
SSD1306I2C.h 5KB
BlynkSimpleEsp32_BLE.h 5KB
BlynkDateTime.h 5KB
BlynkSimpleCurieBLE.h 4KB
SH1106Brzo.h 4KB
SH1106Spi.h 4KB
BlynkProtocolDefs.h 4KB
BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h 4KB
WidgetTimeInput.h 3KB
Settings.h 3KB
Settings.h 3KB
BlynkGsmClient.h 3KB
BlynkSimpleEthernetSSL.h 3KB
BlynkArduinoClient.h 3KB
Settings.h 3KB
BlynkFifo.h 3KB
BlynkSimpleRFduinoBLE.h 3KB
BlynkSimpleSimbleeBLE.h 3KB
BlynkSimpleFishino.h 3KB
BlynkWiFiCommon.h 3KB
BlynkWiFly.h 3KB
BlynkParticle.h 3KB
BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h 3KB
Settings.h 3KB
Settings.h 3KB
BlynkSimpleEsp32.h 2KB
template.h 2KB
BlynkSimpleLinkItONE.h 2KB
BlynkArduinoGSM.h 2KB
BlynkConfig.h 2KB
BlynkEveryN.h 2KB
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