# Bilinear Generalized Vector Approximate Message Passing (BiG-VAMP)
##### Mohamed Akrout, Anis Housseini, Faouzi Bellili, Amine Mezghani
This repository contains the Matlab code of the algorithm proposed in the paper: [Bilinear Generalized Vector Approximate Message Passing](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06854).
## Abstract
We introduce the bilinear generalized vector approximate message passing (BiG-VAMP) algorithm which jointly recovers two matrices $\boldsymbol{U}$ and $\boldsymbol{V}$ from their noisy product through a probabilistic observation model. BiG-VAMP provides computationally efficient approximate implementations of both max-sum and sum-product loopy belief propagation (BP). We show how the proposed BiG-VAMP recovers different types of structured matrices and overcomes the fundamental limitations of other state-of-the-art techniques to the bilinear recovery problem, such as BiG-AMP, BAd-VAMP and LowRAMP. In essence, BiG-VAMP applies to a broader class of practical applications which involve a general form of structured matrices. For the sake of theoretical performance prediction, we also conduct a state evolution (SE) analysis of the proposed algorithm and show its consistency with the asymptotic empirical mean-squared error (MSE). Numerical results on various applications such as matrix factorization, dictionary learning, and matrix completion demonstrate unambiguously the effectiveness of the proposed BiG-VAMP algorithm and its superiority over state-of-the-art algorithms. Using the developed SE framework, we also examine the phase transition diagrams of the matrix completion problem, thereby unveiling a low detectability region corresponding to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime.
## Repository Structure
This repository contains four folders:
- **Bi-VAMP**: it contains the code of Bi-VAMP algorithm solving the noisy matrix factorization problem whose observation model is $\boldsymbol{Y}~ =~ \boldsymbol{U}\boldsymbol{V}^{\top} + \boldsymbol{W}$. This folder has two files:
* *Bi-VAMP.m*: the file containing the algorithmic steps of BiG-VAMP.
* *Parameters.m*: the file defining the parameters of the BiG-VAMP simulation.
- **BiG-VAMP**: it contains the code of the BiG-VAMP solving the noisy real-valued matrix completion (MC) problem whose observation model is $\boldsymbol{Y}~ =~ \boldsymbol{S}\cdot(\boldsymbol{U}\boldsymbol{V}^{\top} + \boldsymbol{W})$. Here, $\boldsymbol{S}$ is the binary selection matrix masking a specific percentage of the entries in the matrix $\boldsymbol{U}\boldsymbol{V}^{\top} + \boldsymbol{W}$. This folder has two files
* *Bi-VAMP-MC.m*: the file containing the algorithmic steps of BiG-VAMP for matrix completion (BiG-VAMP-MC).
* *Parameters.m*: the file defining the parameters of the BiG-VAMP-MC simulation.
- **functions**: it contains specific functions called by Bi-VAMP and/or BiG-VAMP-MC.
- **bigamp-package**: it contains the code of the [BiG-AMP](https://arxiv.org/abs/1310.2632) algorithm from the [GAMPMATLAB](https://sourceforge.net/projects/gampmatlab/) package.
## Running Experiments
#### Key Parameters
The parameters of Bi-VAMP and BiG-VAMP-MC are summarized in the object `Parameters` and are summarized below:
| Name | Description |
| :--- | :--- |
| nb_iter | max number of iterations |
| conv_criterion | convergence criterion |
| damping | damping coefficient |
| prior_u | prior on the matrix U |
| prior_v | prior on the matrix V |
| prior_u_option | prior parameters for U |
| prior_v_option | prior parameters for V |
| selection_percentage | parameter to control the # of 0s in Y (only for BiG-VAMP-MC) |
| beta | temperature parameter |
| seed | seed for reproducibility |
#### Entry Points
- To run Bi-VAMP, execute the file `main_linear.m`
- To run BiG-VAMP for matrix completion, execute the file `main_MC.m`
- To run BiG-VAMP vs. BiG-AMP for matrix completion, execute the file `main_BiGAMP_vs_BiGVAMP_MC_binary_prior.m`. The output in the Matlab console should be:
Running BiG-AMP and BiG-VAMP with:
A binary {-1, 1} and X Gaussian(0,1)
===== Starting BiG-AMP =====
nrmse = 0.355609
running time = 28.550352
===== Starting BiG-VAMP =====
nrmse = 0.018408
running time = 1.105868
## Important facts
- If either $\boldsymbol{U}$ or $\boldsymbol{V}$ is known, BiG-VAMP coincides with the multiple measurement vectors setting of the [VAMP](https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.03082) algorithm.
- The BiG-VAMP algorithm outperforms the [BiG-AMP](https://arxiv.org/abs/1310.2632) algorithm for discrete-valued priors (e.g., binary priors).
- For benchmarking purposes, the value of the damping parameter should be tuned depending on the problem dimension (i.e., n, m, and r), the priors on $\boldsymbol{U}$ and $\boldsymbol{V}$, and the non-linearity parameters (e.g., selection percentage in matrix completion).
## Citing the paper (bib)
If you make use of our code, please make sure to cite our paper:
title={BiG-VAMP: The Bilinear Generalized Vector Approximate Message Algorithm},
author={Akrout, Mohamed and Housseini, Anis and Bellili, Faouzi and Mezghani, Amine},
booktitle={2022 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers},
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2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
双线性广义向量近似消息传递算法的Matlab代码.zip (119个子文件)
sparseMult2.c 3KB
fastWHtrans.cpp 3KB
SoftThreshEstimIn.m 44KB
BiGAMP_matrix.m 27KB
BiGAMP_X2.m 26KB
gampEst.m 25KB
QuantizeEstimOut.m 21KB
KernelLinTrans.m 18KB
gampEstBasic.m 16KB
ElasticNetEstimIn.m 14KB
AwgnEstimOut.m 13KB
BiGAMP_Lite.m 13KB
LaplaceEstimOut.m 12KB
CAwgnEstimOut.m 12KB
FourierLinTrans.m 12KB
GampOpt.m 11KB
SNIPEstim.m 11KB
gampEst_legacy.m 10KB
DCTLinTrans.m 10KB
ampEst.m 10KB
CQuantizeEstimOut.m 10KB
FWHTLinTrans.m 9KB
GMEstimIn.m 9KB
LinTransDemeanRC.m 9KB
NNGMEstimIn.m 8KB
MixScaEstimIn.m 8KB
GaussMixEstimOut.m 8KB
CGaussMixEstimOut.m 8KB
CGMEstimIn.m 8KB
LinTrans.m 8KB
MedImageLinTrans.m 7KB
SparseScaEstim.m 7KB
AwgnEstimIn.m 7KB
gampEstSimp.m 7KB
CAwgnEstimIn.m 7KB
EstimOutConcat.m 6KB
AwbgnEstimOut.m 6KB
ToeplitzLinTrans.m 6KB
CMultAwgnEstimOut.m 5KB
TuneVarScaleEstimIn.m 5KB
UnifVarLinTrans.m 5KB
LinTransWavelet.m 5KB
MultiSNIPEstim.m 5KB
gampShowHist.m 5KB
RandomUniTrans.m 5KB
LinTransConcat.m 5KB
estimInvert.m 5KB
LinTransDemean.m 4KB
NLEstimOut.m 4KB
main_BiGAMP_vs_BiGVAMP_MC_binary_prior.m 4KB
FxnhandleEstimIn.m 4KB
s_transform.m 4KB
EstimInConcat.m 4KB
UnifEstimIn.m 4KB
AmpOpt.m 4KB
DisCScaEstim.m 4KB
DiracEstimOut.m 4KB
BGZeroMeanEstimIn.m 4KB
fistaEst.m 3KB
DisScaEstim.m 3KB
FxnhandleLinTrans.m 3KB
PoissonEstim.m 3KB
EllpEstimIn.m 3KB
L1EstimOut.m 3KB
LTOperator.m 3KB
NullEstimIn.m 3KB
TuneVarEstimIn.m 3KB
getLineStyle.m 3KB
EstimOut.m 3KB
SoftThreshDMMEstimIn.m 2KB
LinTransDiag.m 2KB
NNSoftThreshEstimIn.m 2KB
GampOpt_legacy.m 2KB
LinTransTV.m 2KB
MatrixLinTrans.m 2KB
MaskedEstimOut.m 2KB
main_MC.m 2KB
ExpanderGraphLinTrans.m 2KB
main_linear.m 2KB
LinTransCompose.m 2KB
TruthReporter.m 2KB
EllpDMMEstimIn.m 2KB
prior_bernoulli_gauss.m 2KB
IdentityLinTrans.m 2KB
BlkdiagLinTrans.m 2KB
EstimIn.m 2KB
LinTransSubset.m 1KB
BiGAMPProblem.m 1KB
Parameters.m 1KB
DiracEstimIn.m 1KB
FistaOpt.m 1KB
Parameters.m 1KB
DisDist.m 1KB
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