% All rights reserved by Krishna Pillai, http://www.dsplog.com
% The file may not be re-distributed without explicit authorization
% from Krishna Pillai.
% Checked for proper operation with Octave Version 3.0.0
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Bit Error Rate for 16-QAM modulation using Gray modulation mapping
N = 10^5; % number of symbols
M = 16; % constellation size
k = log2(M); % bits per symbol
% defining the real and imaginary PAM constellation
% for 16-QAM
alphaRe = [-(2*sqrt(M)/2-1):2:-1 1:2:2*sqrt(M)/2-1];
alphaIm = [-(2*sqrt(M)/2-1):2:-1 1:2:2*sqrt(M)/2-1];
k_16QAM = 1/sqrt(10);
Eb_N0_dB = [0:15]; % multiple Es/N0 values
Es_N0_dB = Eb_N0_dB + 10*log10(k);
% Mapping for binary <--> Gray code conversion
ref = [0:k-1];
map = bitxor(ref,floor(ref/2));
[tt ind] = sort(map);
for ii = 1:length(Eb_N0_dB)
% symbol generation
% ------------------
ipBit = rand(1,N*k,1)>0.5; % random 1's and 0's
ipBitReshape = reshape(ipBit,k,N).';
bin2DecMatrix = ones(N,1)*(2.^[(k/2-1):-1:0]) ; % conversion from binary to decimal
% real
ipBitRe = ipBitReshape(:,[1:k/2]);
ipDecRe = sum(ipBitRe.*bin2DecMatrix,2);
ipGrayDecRe = bitxor(ipDecRe,floor(ipDecRe/2));
% imaginary
ipBitIm = ipBitReshape(:,[k/2+1:k]);
ipDecIm = sum(ipBitIm.*bin2DecMatrix,2);
ipGrayDecIm = bitxor(ipDecIm,floor(ipDecIm/2));
% mapping the Gray coded symbols into constellation
modRe = alphaRe(ipGrayDecRe+1);
modIm = alphaIm(ipGrayDecIm+1);
% complex constellation
mod = modRe + j*modIm;
s = k_16QAM*mod; % normalization of transmit power to one
% noise
% -----
n = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(1,N) + j*randn(1,N)]; % white guassian noise, 0dB variance
y = s + 10^(-Es_N0_dB(ii)/20)*n; % additive white gaussian noise
% demodulation
% ------------
y_re = real(y)/k_16QAM; % real part
y_im = imag(y)/k_16QAM; % imaginary part
% rounding to the nearest alphabet
ipHatRe = 2*floor(y_re/2)+1;
ipHatRe(find(ipHatRe>max(alphaRe))) = max(alphaRe);
ipHatRe(find(ipHatRe<min(alphaRe))) = min(alphaRe);
ipHatIm = 2*floor(y_im/2)+1;
ipHatIm(find(ipHatIm>max(alphaIm))) = max(alphaIm);
ipHatIm(find(ipHatIm<min(alphaIm))) = min(alphaIm);
% Constellation to Decimal conversion
ipDecHatRe = ind(floor((ipHatRe+4)/2+1))-1; % LUT based
ipDecHatIm = ind(floor((ipHatIm+4)/2+1))-1; % LUT based
% converting to binary string
ipBinHatRe = dec2bin(ipDecHatRe,k/2);
ipBinHatIm = dec2bin(ipDecHatIm,k/2);
% converting binary string to number
ipBinHatRe = ipBinHatRe.';
ipBinHatRe = ipBinHatRe(1:end).';
ipBinHatRe = reshape(str2num(ipBinHatRe).',k/2,N).' ;
ipBinHatIm = ipBinHatIm.';
ipBinHatIm = ipBinHatIm(1:end).';
ipBinHatIm = reshape(str2num(ipBinHatIm).',k/2,N).' ;
% counting errors for real and imaginary
nBitErr(ii) = size(find([ipBitRe- ipBinHatRe]),1) + size(find([ipBitIm - ipBinHatIm]),1) ;
simBer = nBitErr/(N*k);
theoryBer = (1/k)*3/2*erfc(sqrt(k*0.1*(10.^(Eb_N0_dB/10))));
close all; figure
hold on
axis([0 15 10^-5 1])
grid on
legend('theory', 'simulation');
xlabel('Eb/No, dB')
ylabel('Bit Error Rate')
title('Bit error probability curve for 16-QAM modulation')
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