function [soln, robotDistances, totTime, objectiveMinMax, flagIsFeasible, routeMatrix] = ...
runNaiveMethod(nodecoords,numOfCities, flagTether, ...
tetherLength,flagNorm, flagIterativeNew, timeLimit)
% Background
We want to take the mTSP formulation and incorporate constraints that
represent tethers
We've got two routes here.
ROUTE 1: Brute force
Make a toy example (2 robots, 3 or 4 cities) and add a bunch of tether
constraints like we talked about in our meeting. Run it and observe
the results
RESULT 2: Also Brute force, but different
Run the whole simulation and then check to see if a tether constraint was
violated. If a constraint was violated, exclude that solution, add a
constraint that prevents that solution from happening, and resolve.
The constraint would involve just saying x(i,j,1) and x(i,j,2) can't
both be 1 at the same time.
In this case, we'd also make a toy problem to speed things up. 2 robots
and 5 cities.
To change between norms, just change the distance function in the
% cost matrix.
%% Setup
% TO RUN: Press "Run" in the MATLAB editor
% clc;
clearvars -except nodecoords numOfCities ...
flagTether tetherLength flagNorm flagIterativeNew timeLimit;
close all;
flagIsFeasible = 1; % default this flag to 1
% If flagIterative == 1, the iterative method will run. Otherwise, only the
% original simulation will run.
% flagIterativeNew = 1;
flagIterative = 0;
flagSolveBaseProblem = 0;
% If flagTether == 1, the plotting tool will include tethers.
% flagTether = 1;
% Note that if you turn on flagIterative, you should probably turn on
% flagTether, as the Iterative Method is the version of the sim that
% implements the tether constraints.
% flagNorm = "2_norm"; % options: "2_norm", "1_norm"
numOfRobots = 3;
% numOfCities = 5; %
% tetherLength = 70;
% Distance value used for dummy node creation. Ensures that our 'zeroth'
% node has zero cost from 0 to node 1 but doesn't go to other nodes
% during optimization.
M = 10e4; % Tried M = inf, but YALMIP poops itself.
% Set that represents all nodes but the first. Used for generating a set of
% all possible subtours with Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johsnon (DFJ) subtour
% eliminiation constraints (SECs).
VminusFirst = num2cell(2:numOfCities);
V0 = num2cell(1:numOfCities); % set of nodes that includes dummy node
% Initialize bin for SECs before solving problem
% So first get all possible subtours:
S = PowerSet(VminusFirst);
% Ensure the cardinality of the subsets lays between 2 and (numOfCities-1)
% S = S(2:end-1);
S = S(2:end);
bin = binvar(numel(S),numOfRobots,'full');
% Initialize sdpvar object for use in constraints 3,4. Will be
% included in objective function. Traversal: any entrance or exit
numNodeTraversals = sdpvar(numOfCities, numOfRobots, 'full');
x = intvar(numOfCities, numOfCities, numOfRobots, 'full');
u = sdpvar(numOfCities, 1, 'full');
p = numOfCities - numOfRobots;
% Truncated eil51 node coords further to just 5 cities
% nodecoords = load('ToyProblemNodeCoords.txt');
% nodecoords = load('TruncatedEil51NodeCoords.txt');
% nodecoords = nodecoords(1:numOfCities,:);
C = zeros(numOfCities);
for i = 1:numOfCities
for j = 1:numOfCities
if( (strcmp(flagNorm,"1_norm") == 1) )
C(i,j) = distance1(nodecoords(i,2), nodecoords(i,3), ...
nodecoords(j,2), nodecoords(j,3));
if ( (strcmp(flagNorm,"2_norm") == 1) )
C(i,j) = distance(nodecoords(i,2), nodecoords(i,3), ...
nodecoords(j,2), nodecoords(j,3));
C = real(C);
% x = zeros(numOfCities,numOfCities,numOfRobots);
% x(:,:,1) = ...
% [0 1 0 0 0 0;
% 1 0 0 0 1 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;
% 0 1 0 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 1 0 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% x(:,:,2) = ...
% [0 1 0 0 0 0;
% 1 1 0 0 0 1;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;
% 0 1 0 0 0 1;];
% x(:,:,3) = ...
% [0 1 0 0 0 0;
% 1 1 1 0 0 0;
% 0 1 0 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;
% 0 0 0 0 0 0;];
%% mTSP constraints
% When setting j = 1 with no x(1,1,k) == 0 for all k constraint:
% 1 2 2 5 4 2 1
% 1 2 2 4 3 2 1
% 1 2 6 2 2 2 1
% When setting j=2 with x(1,1,k) == 0 for all k
% value(objective3)
% ans =
% 187.6801
% value(objective2)
% ans =
% 187.6621
% routeMatrix =
% 1 2 4 2 5 2 1
% 1 2 2 6 3 2 1
% 1 2 4 2 4 2 1
% ConstraintS 1 and 2 (eqns 10 and 11 in the ICTAI paper)
% Ensure robots start and end at the first (dummy node)
constraint1 = [];
constraint2 = [];
x1jkTotal = 0;
xj1kTotal = 0;
for k = 1:numOfRobots
x1jkTotal = 0;
xj1kTotal = 0;
for j = 1:numOfCities
x1jkTotal = x1jkTotal + x(1,j,k);
xj1kTotal = xj1kTotal + x(j,1,k);
constraint1 = [constraint1, (x1jkTotal >= 1)];
constraint2 = [constraint2, (xj1kTotal >= 1)];
% constraint1 = [];
% constraint2 = [];
% Constraints 3 and 4 (eqns 12 and 13)
% Ensures robots, as a whole, enter and exit each node once except for the
% first node. We want all robots to go to the first node, so we want the
% robots to enter and exit that node 3 times, not just once. We implement
% that change in the following constraints after these 2.
constraint3 = []; % constraint 3 start
% Then, build a vector to hold the sum of all of
% the values of each numOfCities x numOfRobots matrix.
% See handwritten work for a more intuitive visualiztion.
planeTotal_ik = 0;
% for j = 1:numOfCities
% % reset the value of planeTotal_ik to 0 for the next constraint:
% planeTotal_ik = 0;
% for i = 1:numOfCities
% for k = 1:numOfRobots
% planeTotal_ik = planeTotal_ik + x(i,j,k);
% end
% end
% % Build the constraint here
% constraint3 = [constraint3, (planeTotal_ik == numNodeTraversals(j)) ];
% end
for k = 1:numOfRobots
for j = 1:numOfCities
planeTotal_ik = 0;
for i = 1:numOfCities
planeTotal_ik = planeTotal_ik + x(i,j,k);
constraint3 = [constraint3, (planeTotal_ik == numNodeTraversals(j,k))];
constraint4 = []; % constraint 4 start
planeTotal_jk = 0;
% for i = 1:numOfCities
% planeTotal_jk = 0;
% for j = 1:numOfCities
% for k = 1:numOfRobots
% planeTotal_jk = planeTotal_jk + x(i,j,k);
% end
% end
% constraint4 = [constraint4, (planeTotal_jk == numNodeTraversals(i)) ];
% end
for k = 1:numOfRobots
for i = 1:numOfCities
planeTotal_jk = 0;
for j = 1:numOfCities
planeTotal_jk = planeTotal_jk + x(i,j,k);
constraint4 = [constraint4, (planeTotal_jk == numNodeTraversals(i,k))];
% Constraint 5 (eqn 14)
% Prevent robots from entering and exiting more than one city at a time
lhsSum = 0;
rhsSum = 0;
constraint5 = [];
for j = 2:numOfCities
for k = 1:numOfRobots
for i = 1:numOfCities
if i ~= j
lhsSum = lhsSum + x(i,j,k);
rhsSum = rhsSum + x(j,i,k);
constraint5 = [constraint5, (lhsSum == rhsSum)];
% 0 out sums for next constraint
lhsSum = 0;
rhsSum = 0;
% constraint5 = [];
% Constraint 6: subtour elimination constraints (SECs)
xS = 0;
constraint6 = [];
for j = 2:numOfCities
for i = 2:numOfCities
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1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
用系留机器人解决mTSP问题的算法(销售人员)matlab代码.rar (1570个子文件)
runNaiveMethod.asv 64KB
TEST_mTSP_tethers_OG_formulation_fix.asv 61KB
runSims.asv 17KB
mTSP_tethers_reformulation.asv 16KB
findhashsorted.c 2KB
findhash.c 1KB
.gitignore 7B
Run1.jpg 359KB
Run2.jpg 359KB
strictwarning.jpg 80KB
runNaiveMethod.m 65KB
definesolvers.m 60KB
yalmip.m 57KB
bnb.m 52KB
compileinterfacedata.m 51KB
mTSP_tethers_OG_formulation_fix.m 46KB
branch_and_bound.m 43KB
callmpcvx.m 39KB
cutsdp.m 38KB
sdpsettings.m 36KB
mTSP_tethers_working.m 32KB
mtimes.m 32KB
solvebilevel.m 28KB
iterative_refinement.m 26KB
selectsolver.m 26KB
sdpvar.m 25KB
bmibnb.m 25KB
decomposeUncertain.m 25KB
dualize.m 25KB
ncvar.m 22KB
lmi2sedumistruct.m 21KB
compilesos.m 21KB
categorizeproblem.m 19KB
yalmiptest.m 17KB
runTimedMethod.m 17KB
runTimedMethod.m 17KB
runSims.m 17KB
solvesdp.m 17KB
subsref.m 16KB
gams2yalmip.m 15KB
robustify.m 15KB
expandmodel.m 15KB
solvesos.m 15KB
expandrecursive.m 13KB
eliminatevariables.m 13KB
norm.m 12KB
Graph2.m 12KB
propagate_bounds_from_equalities.m 12KB
solvelower.m 12KB
pwa_yalmip.m 12KB
findapplicablesolvers.m 12KB
value.m 12KB
optimizer.m 12KB
times.m 12KB
mpcvx.m 12KB
norm.m 11KB
subsasgn.m 11KB
subsref.m 11KB
bnb_solvelower.m 11KB
normalizeExponentialCone.m 10KB
plus.m 10KB
sdisplay.m 10KB
minus.m 10KB
setupBMIBNB.m 10KB
generate_kernel_representation_data.m 10KB
mpt_appendmodel.m 9KB
binmodel.m 9KB
yalmip2gurobi.m 9KB
addExponentialCone.m 9KB
filter_duality.m 9KB
convert_sigmonial_to_sdpfun.m 9KB
milpsubsref.m 8KB
lmi.m 8KB
callsdpt34.m 8KB
convert_polynomial_to_quadratic.m 8KB
callpenbmim.m 8KB
pwq_yalmip.m 8KB
check.m 8KB
filter_enumeration.m 8KB
kkt.m 8KB
calllindo_nlp.m 8KB
coefficients.m 8KB
calllindo_geo.m 8KB
display.m 7KB
callbaron.m 7KB
saveampl.m 7KB
sdisplay2.m 7KB
yalmip2geometric.m 7KB
subsasgn.m 7KB
pwf.m 7KB
matrixcoefficients.m 7KB
monolist.m 7KB
DFSAdaptation.m 7KB
export.m 7KB
derivedualBounds.m 7KB
is.m 7KB
is.m 7KB
callscipnl.m 7KB
callmaxdet.m 6KB
yalmip2nonlinearsolver.m 6KB
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