# IoSR Matlab Toolbox
A general purpose Matlab toolbox containing functions and classes for: auditory modelling, signal processing, sound source separation, statistics, plotting, etc. See [Contents.m](https://github.com/IoSR-Surrey/Toolbox/blob/master/+iosr/Contents.m) for a full list of functions/classes.
## Installation
Basic installation only requires you to add the install directory to the Matlab search path.
If you wish to perform certain audio / signal processing tasks (especially spatialisation), please navigate to the install directory and type
This will automatically download the toolbox's dependencies for these tasks, and add the necessary paths to your search path.
## Usage
Use these functions as:
(Ignoring the '+' in the folder name.) Alternatively, use the `import` directive to add one or more namespaces, e.g.:
import iosr.auditory
import iosr.*
If using `import`, note that some function names may conflict with built-in Matlab function names (e.g. `quantile`). One method of resolving the conflict and shortening the function call is to create a handle to any functions with conflicting names, e.g.
qntl = @iosr.statistics.quantile;
help iosr
for more information.
- 粉丝: 3w+
- 资源: 4139
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- 机房预约系统/应用软件开发+C++/面向对象编程/文件操作/控制台输入输出+用户身份/登录验证/预约管理/系统菜单
- TetraCPSPlus-R07.30.09.30.zip