I have made the MATLAB� source code for my system publicly available for research and testing purposes. For details of the underlying scientific principles please download my dissertation, available on the main project page.
The system basically inputs an eye image, and outputs a binary biometric template. Also included is code for calculating the Hamming distance between templates, which is required for matching of templates. I have not included code for storage of templates into a database, and code for determining match performance, although I may make this code available at a later stage.
A database of eye images is available from the Chinese Academy of Sciences at:
Terms and Conditions
This code is distributed without any warranty.
If you use this code or any portions of the source code in any publications you must make reference to it as follows.
Libor Masek, Peter Kovesi. MATLAB Source Code for a Biometric Identification System Based on Iris Patterns. The School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia. 2003.
An electronic copy of any such publications must be forwarded to:
You may modify the code, however, acknowledgement to the original author must remain.
Libor Masek
November 2003
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