MATLAB Compiler
1. Prerequisites for Deployment
* Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you
have installed version 7.10.
* If the MCR is not installed, run MCRInstaller, located in:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32\MCRInstaller.exe
For more information on the MCR Installer, see the MATLAB Compiler
2. Files to Deploy and Package
Files to package for Standalone
-include when building component by selecting "include MCR" option
in deploytool
-This read-me file
3. Definitions
MCR - MATLAB Compiler uses the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR),
which is a standalone set of shared libraries that enable the execution
of M-files. The MCR provides complete support for all features of
MATLAB without the MATLAB GUI. When you package and distribute an
application to users, you include supporting files generated by the
builder as well as the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). If necessary,
run MCRInstaller to install the correct version of the MCR. For more
information about the MCR, see the MATLAB Compiler documentation.
4. Appendix
A. On the target machine, add the MCR directory to the system path
specified by the target system's environment variable.
i. Locate the name of the environment variable to set, using the
table below:
Operating System Environment Variable
================ ====================
Windows PATH
ii. Set the path by doing one of the following:
NOTE: <mcr_root> is the directory where MCR is installed
on the target machine.
On Windows systems:
* Add the MCR directory to the environment variable by opening
a command prompt and issuing the DOS command:
set PATH=<mcr_root>\v710\runtime\win32;%PATH%
Alternately, for Windows, add the following pathname:
to the PATH environment variable, by doing the following:
1. Select the My Computer icon on your desktop.
2. Right-click the icon and select Properties from the menu.
3. Select the Advanced tab.
4. Click Environment Variables.
NOTE: On Windows, the environment variable syntax utilizes
backslashes (\), delimited by semi-colons (;).
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