* @license
* Video.js 7.8.4 <http://videojs.com/>
* Copyright Brightcove, Inc. <https://www.brightcove.com/>
* Available under Apache License Version 2.0
* <https://github.com/videojs/video.js/blob/master/LICENSE>
* Includes vtt.js <https://github.com/mozilla/vtt.js>
* Available under Apache License Version 2.0
* <https://github.com/mozilla/vtt.js/blob/master/LICENSE>
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('global/window'), require('global/document')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['global/window', 'global/document'], factory) :
(global = global || self, global.videojs = factory(global.window, global.document));
}(this, (function (window$3, document) { 'use strict';
window$3 = window$3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(window$3, 'default') ? window$3['default'] : window$3;
document = document && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(document, 'default') ? document['default'] : document;
var version = "7.8.4";
* @file create-logger.js
* @module create-logger
var history = [];
* Log messages to the console and history based on the type of message
* @private
* @param {string} type
* The name of the console method to use.
* @param {Array} args
* The arguments to be passed to the matching console method.
var LogByTypeFactory = function LogByTypeFactory(name, log) {
return function (type, level, args) {
var lvl = log.levels[level];
var lvlRegExp = new RegExp("^(" + lvl + ")$");
if (type !== 'log') {
// Add the type to the front of the message when it's not "log".
args.unshift(type.toUpperCase() + ':');
} // Add console prefix after adding to history.
args.unshift(name + ':'); // Add a clone of the args at this point to history.
if (history) {
history.push([].concat(args)); // only store 1000 history entries
var splice = history.length - 1000;
history.splice(0, splice > 0 ? splice : 0);
} // If there's no console then don't try to output messages, but they will
// still be stored in history.
if (!window$3.console) {
} // Was setting these once outside of this function, but containing them
// in the function makes it easier to test cases where console doesn't exist
// when the module is executed.
var fn = window$3.console[type];
if (!fn && type === 'debug') {
// Certain browsers don't have support for console.debug. For those, we
// should default to the closest comparable log.
fn = window$3.console.info || window$3.console.log;
} // Bail out if there's no console or if this type is not allowed by the
// current logging level.
if (!fn || !lvl || !lvlRegExp.test(type)) {
fn[Array.isArray(args) ? 'apply' : 'call'](window$3.console, args);
function createLogger(name) {
// This is the private tracking variable for logging level.
var level = 'info'; // the curried logByType bound to the specific log and history
var logByType;
* Logs plain debug messages. Similar to `console.log`.
* Due to [limitations](https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/issues/955#issuecomment-313829149)
* of our JSDoc template, we cannot properly document this as both a function
* and a namespace, so its function signature is documented here.
* #### Arguments
* ##### *args
* Mixed[]
* Any combination of values that could be passed to `console.log()`.
* #### Return Value
* `undefined`
* @namespace
* @param {Mixed[]} args
* One or more messages or objects that should be logged.
var log = function log() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
logByType('log', level, args);
}; // This is the logByType helper that the logging methods below use
logByType = LogByTypeFactory(name, log);
* Create a new sublogger which chains the old name to the new name.
* For example, doing `videojs.log.createLogger('player')` and then using that logger will log the following:
* ```js
* mylogger('foo');
* // > VIDEOJS: player: foo
* ```
* @param {string} name
* The name to add call the new logger
* @return {Object}
log.createLogger = function (subname) {
return createLogger(name + ': ' + subname);
* Enumeration of available logging levels, where the keys are the level names
* and the values are `|`-separated strings containing logging methods allowed
* in that logging level. These strings are used to create a regular expression
* matching the function name being called.
* Levels provided by Video.js are:
* - `off`: Matches no calls. Any value that can be cast to `false` will have
* this effect. The most restrictive.
* - `all`: Matches only Video.js-provided functions (`debug`, `log`,
* `log.warn`, and `log.error`).
* - `debug`: Matches `log.debug`, `log`, `log.warn`, and `log.error` calls.
* - `info` (default): Matches `log`, `log.warn`, and `log.error` calls.
* - `warn`: Matches `log.warn` and `log.error` calls.
* - `error`: Matches only `log.error` calls.
* @type {Object}
log.levels = {
all: 'debug|log|warn|error',
off: '',
debug: 'debug|log|warn|error',
info: 'log|warn|error',
warn: 'warn|error',
error: 'error',
DEFAULT: level
* Get or set the current logging level.
* If a string matching a key from {@link module:log.levels} is provided, acts
* as a setter.
* @param {string} [lvl]
* Pass a valid level to set a new logging level.
* @return {string}
* The current logging level.
log.level = function (lvl) {
if (typeof lvl === 'string') {
if (!log.levels.hasOwnProperty(lvl)) {
throw new Error("\"" + lvl + "\" in not a valid log level");
level = lvl;
return level;
* Returns an array containing everything that has been logged to the history.
* This array is a shallow clone of the internal history record. However, its
* contents are _not_ cloned; so, mutating objects inside this array will
* mutate them in history.
* @return {Array}
log.history = function () {
return history ? [].concat(history) : [];
* Allows you to filter the history by the given logger name
* @param {string} fname
* The name to filter by
* @return {Array}
* The filtered list to return
log.history.filter = function (fname) {
return (history || []).filter(function (historyItem) {
// if the first item in each historyItem includes `fname`, then it's a match
return new RegExp(".*" + fname + ".*").test(historyItem[0]);
* Clears the internal history tracking, but does not prevent further history
* tracking.
log.history.clear = function () {
if (history) {
history.length = 0;
* Disable history tracking if it is currently enabled.
log.history.disable = function () {
if (history !== null) {
history.length = 0;
history = null;
* Enable history tracking if it is currently disabled.
log.history.enable = function () {
if (history === null) {
history = [];
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