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MetaPruning-Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel P...
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本文提出来一个最新的元学习方法,对非常深的神经网络进行自动化通道剪枝。首先训练出一个PruningNet,对于给定目标网络的任何剪枝结构都可以生成权重参数。我们使用一个简单的随机结构采样方法来训练PruningNet,然后应用一个进化过程来搜索性能好的剪枝网络。这个搜索方法是非常高效的,因为权重直接通过训练好的PruningNet生成,并不需要在搜索时间中进行任何的微调。只需要为目标网络训练处一个简单的PruningNet,我们可以在不同的人工约束下搜索不同的剪枝网络。与当前最先进的剪枝方式相比,MetaPruning在MobileNet V1/V2和ResNet上有着最好的性能表现。
MetaPruning: Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel Pruning
Zechun Liu
Haoyuan Mu
Xiangyu Zhang
Zichao Guo
Xin Yang
Tim Kwang-Ting Cheng
Jian Sun
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Tsinghua University
Megvii Technology
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
In this paper, we propose a novel meta learning ap-
proach for automatic channel pruning of very deep neural
networks. We first train a PruningNet, a kind of meta net-
work, which is able to generate weight parameters for any
pruned structure given the target network. We use a sim-
ple stochastic structure sampling method for training the
PruningNet. Then, we apply an evolutionary procedure to
search for good-performing pruned networks. The search is
highly efficient because the weights are directly generated
by the trained PruningNet and we do not need any fine-
tuning at search time. With a single PruningNet trained
for the target network, we can search for various Pruned
Networks under different constraints with little human par-
ticipation. Compared to the state-of-the-art pruning meth-
ods, we have demonstrated superior performances on Mo-
bileNet V1/V2 and ResNet. Codes are available on https:
1. Introduction
Channel pruning has been recognized as an effective
neural network compression/acceleration method [32, 22, 2,
3, 21, 52] and is widely used in the industry. A typical prun-
ing approach contains three stages: training a large over-
parameterized network, pruning the less-important weights
or channels, finetuning or re-training the pruned network.
The second stage is the key. It usually performs iterative
layer-wise pruning and fast finetuning or weight reconstruc-
tion to retain the accuracy [17, 1, 33, 41].
Conventional channel pruning methods mainly rely
on data-driven sparsity constraints [28, 35], or human-
designed policies [22, 32, 40, 25, 38, 2]. Recent AutoML-
style works automatically prune channels in an iterative
mode, based on a feedback loop [52] or reinforcement
learning [21]. Compared with the conventional pruning
This work is done when Zechun Liu and Haoyuan Mu are interns at
Megvii Technology.
Figure 1. Our MetaPruning has two steps. 1) training a Prun-
ingNet. At each iteration, a network encoding vector (i.e., the
number of channels in each layer) is randomly generated. The
Pruned Network is constructed accordingly. The PruningNet takes
the network encoding vector as input and generates the weights
for the Pruned Network. 2) searching for the best Pruned Net-
work. We construct many Pruned Networks by varying network
encoding vector and evaluate their goodness on the validation data
with the weights predicted by the PruningNet. No finetuning or
re-training is needed at search time.
methods, the AutoML methods save human efforts and can
optimize the direct metrics like the hardware latency.
Apart from the idea of keeping the important weights in
the pruned network, a recent study [36] finds that the pruned
network can achieve the same accuracy no matter it inher-
its the weights in the original network or not. This finding
suggests that the essence of channel pruning is finding good
pruning structure - layer-wise channel numbers.
However, exhaustively finding the optimal pruning struc-
ture is computationally prohibitive. Considering a network
with 10 layers and each layer contains 32 channels. The
possible combination of layer-wise channel numbers could
be 32
. Inspired by the recent Neural Architecture Search
(NAS), specifically One-Shot model [5], as well as the
weight prediction mechanism in HyperNetwork [15], we
arXiv:1903.10258v3 [cs.CV] 14 Aug 2019
propose to train a PruningNet that can generate weights for
all candidate pruned networks structures, such that we can
search good-performing structures by just evaluating their
accuracy on the validation data, which is highly efficient.
To train the PruningNet, we use a stochastic structure
sampling. As shown in Figure 1, the PruningNet generates
the weights for pruned networks with corresponding net-
work encoding vectors, which is the number of channels
in each layer. By stochastically feeding in different net-
work encoding vectors, the PruningNet gradually learns to
generate weights for various pruned structures. After the
training, we search for good-performing Pruned Networks
by an evolutionary search method which can flexibly incor-
porate various constraints such as computation FLOPs or
hardware latency. Moreover, by directly searching the best
pruned network via determining the channels for each layer
or each stage, we can prune channels in the shortcut without
extra effort, which is seldom addressed in previous chan-
nel pruning solutions. We name the proposed method as
We apply our approach on MobileNets [24, 46] and
ResNet [19]. At the same FLOPs, our accuracy is 2.2%-
6.6% higher than MobileNet V1, 0.7%-3.7% higher than
MobileNet V2, and 0.6%-1.4% higher than ResNet-50.
At the same latency, our accuracy is 2.1%-9.0% higher
than MobileNet V1, and 1.2%-9.9% higher than MobileNet
V2. Compared with state-of-the-art channel pruning meth-
ods [21, 52], our MetaPruning also produces superior re-
Our contribution lies in four folds:
• We proposed a meta learning approach, MetaPruning, for
channel pruning. The central of this approach is learn-
ing a meta network (named PruningNet) which gener-
ates weights for various pruned structures. With a sin-
gle trained PruningNet, we can search for various pruned
networks under different constraints.
• Compared to conventional pruning methods, MetaPrun-
ing liberates human from cumbersome hyperparameter
tuning and enables the direct optimization with desired
• Compared to other AutoML methods, MetaPruning can
easily enforce constraints in the search of desired struc-
tures, without manually tuning the reinforcement learn-
ing hyper-parameters.
• The meta learning is able to effortlessly prune the chan-
nels in the short-cuts for ResNet-like structures, which
is non-trivial because the channels in the short-cut affect
more than one layers.
2. Related Works
There are extensive studies on compressing and accel-
erating neural networks, such as quantization [54, 43, 37,
23, 56, 57], pruning [22, 30, 16] and compact network de-
sign [24, 46, 55, 39, 29]. A comprehensive survey is pro-
vided in [47]. Here, we summarize the approaches that are
most related to our work.
Pruning Network pruning is a prevalent approach for
removing redundancy in DNNs. In weight pruning, people
prune individual weights to compress the model size [30,
18, 16, 14]. However, weight pruning results in unstruc-
tured sparse filters, which can hardly be accelerated by
general-purpose hardware. Recent works [25, 32, 40, 22,
38, 53] focus on channel pruning in the CNNs, which re-
moves entire weight filters instead of individual weights.
Traditional channel pruning methods trim channels based
on the importance of each channel either in an iterative
mode [22, 38] or by adding a data-driven sparsity [28, 35].
In most traditional channel pruning, compression ratio for
each layer need to be manually set based on human ex-
perts or heuristics, which is time consuming and prone to
be trapped in sub-optimal solutions.
AutoML Recently, AutoML methods [21, 52, 8, 12] take
the real-time inference latency on multiple devices into ac-
count to iteratively prune channels in different layers of a
network via reinforcement learning [21] or an automatic
feedback loop [52]. Compared with traditional channel
pruning methods, AutoML methods help to alleviate the
manual efforts for tuning the hyper-parameters in channel
pruning. Our proposed MetaPruning also involves little hu-
man participation. Different from previous AutoML prun-
ing methods, which is carried out in a layer-wise prun-
ing and finetuning loop, our methods is motivated by re-
cent findings [36], which suggests that instead of selecting
“important” weights, the essence of channel pruning some-
times lies in identifying the best pruned network. From
this prospective, we propose MetaPruning for directly find-
ing the optimal pruned network structures. Compared to
previous AutoML pruning methods [21, 52], MetaPruning
method enjoys higher flexibility in precisely meeting the
constraints and possesses the ability of pruning the channel
in the short-cut.
Meta Learning Meta-learning refers to learning from
observing how different machine learning approaches per-
form on various learning tasks. Meta learning can be used
in few/zero-shot learning [44, 13] and transfer learning [48].
A comprehensive overview of meta learning is provided
in [31]. In this work we are inspired by [15] to use meta
learning for weight prediction. Weight predictions refer to
weights of a neural network are predicted by another neural
network rather than directly learned [15]. Recent works also
applies meta learning on various tasks and achieves state-of-
the-art results in detection [51], super-resolution with arbi-
trary magnification [27] and instance segmentation [26].
Neural Architecture Search Studies for neural archi-
tecture search try to find the optimal network structures
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