Sproto is an efficient serialization library for C, and focuses on lua binding. It's like Google protocol buffers, but much faster.
The design is simple. It only supports a few types that lua supports. It can be easily bound to other dynamic languages, or be used directly in C.
In my i5-2500 @3.3GHz CPU, the benchmark is below:
The schema in sproto:
.Person {
name 0 : string
id 1 : integer
email 2 : string
.PhoneNumber {
number 0 : string
type 1 : integer
phone 3 : *PhoneNumber
.AddressBook {
person 0 : *Person
It's equal to:
message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;
message PhoneNumber {
required string number = 1;
optional int32 type = 2 ;
repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;
message AddressBook {
repeated Person person = 1;
Use the data:
local ab = {
person = {
name = "Alice",
id = 10000,
phone = {
{ number = "123456789" , type = 1 },
{ number = "87654321" , type = 2 },
name = "Bob",
id = 20000,
phone = {
{ number = "01234567890" , type = 3 },
library| encode 1M times | decode 1M times | size
-------| --------------- | --------------- | ----
sproto | 2.15s | 7.84s | 83 bytes
sproto (nopack) |1.58s | 6.93s | 130 bytes
pbc-lua | 6.94s | 16.9s | 69 bytes
lua-cjson | 4.92s | 8.30s | 183 bytes
* pbc-lua is a google protocol buffers library
* lua-cjson is a json library
local parser = require "sprotoparser"
* `parser.parse` parses a sproto schema to a binary string.
The parser is needed for parsing the sproto schema. You can use it to generate binary string offline. The schema text and the parser is not needed when your program is running.
local sproto = require "sproto"
local sprotocore = require "sproto.core" -- optional
* `` creates a sproto object by a schema binary string (generates by parser).
* `sprotocore.newproto(spbin)` creates a sproto c object by a schema binary string (generates by parser).
* `sproto.sharenew(spbin)` share a sproto object from a sproto c object (generates by sprotocore.newproto).
* `sproto.parse(schema)` creares a sproto object by a schema text string (by calling parser.parse)
* `sproto:exist_type(typename)` detect whether a type exist in sproto object.
* `sproto:encode(typename, luatable)` encodes a lua table with typename into a binary string.
* `sproto:decode(typename, blob [,sz])` decodes a binary string generated by sproto.encode with typename. If blob is a lightuserdata (C ptr), sz (integer) is needed.
* `sproto:pencode(typename, luatable)` The same with sproto:encode, but pack (compress) the results.
* `sproto:pdecode(typename, blob [,sz])` The same with sproto.decode, but unpack the blob (generated by sproto:pencode) first.
* `sproto:default(typename, type)` Create a table with default values of typename. Type can be nil , "REQUEST", or "RESPONSE".
There is a lua wrapper for the core API for RPC .
`sproto:host([packagename])` creates a host object to deliver the rpc message.
`host:dispatch(blob [,sz])` unpack and decode (sproto:pdecode) the binary string with type the host created (packagename).
If .type is exist, it's a REQUEST message with .type , returns "REQUEST", protoname, message, responser, .ud. The responser is a function for encode the response message. The responser will be nil when .session is not exist.
If .type is not exist, it's a RESPONSE message for .session . Returns "RESPONSE", .session, message, .ud .
`host:attach(sprotoobj)` creates a function(protoname, message, session, ud) to pack and encode request message with sprotoobj.
If you don't want to use host object, you can also use these following apis to encode and decode the rpc message:
`sproto:request_encode(protoname, tbl)` encode a request message with protoname.
`sproto:response_encode(protoname, tbl)` encode a response message with protoname.
`sproto:request_decode(protoname, blob [,sz])` decode a request message with protoname.
`sproto:response_decode(protoname, blob [,sz]` decode a response message with protoname.
Read testrpc.lua for detail.
Schema Language
Like Protocol Buffers (but unlike json), sproto messages are strongly-typed and are not self-describing. You must define your message structure in a special language.
You can use sprotoparser library to parse the schema text to a binary string, so that the sproto library can use it.
You can parse them offline and save the string, or you can parse them during your program running.
The schema text is like this:
# This is a comment.
.Person { # . means a user defined type
name 0 : string # string is a build-in type.
id 1 : integer
email 2 : string
.PhoneNumber { # user defined type can be nest.
number 0 : string
type 1 : integer
phone 3 : *PhoneNumber # *PhoneNumber means an array of PhoneNumber.
height 4 : integer(2) # (2) means a 1/100 fixed-point number.
data 5 : binary # Some binary data
.AddressBook {
person 0 : *Person(id) # (id) is optional, means is main index.
foobar 1 { # define a new protocol (for RPC used) with tag 1
request Person # Associate the type Person with foobar.request
response { # define the foobar.response type
ok 0 : boolean
A schema text can be self-described by the sproto schema language.
.type {
.field {
name 0 : string
buildin 1 : integer
type 2 : integer # type is fixed-point number precision when buildin is SPROTO_TINTEGER; When buildin is SPROTO_TSTRING, it means binary string when type is 1.
tag 3 : integer
array 4 : boolean
key 5 : integer # If key exists, array must be true, and it's a map.
name 0 : string
fields 1 : *field
.protocol {
name 0 : string
tag 1 : integer
request 2 : integer # index
response 3 : integer # index
confirm 4 : boolean # response nil where confirm == true
.group {
type 0 : *type
protocol 1 : *protocol
* **string** : string
* **binary** : binary string (it's a sub type of string)
* **integer** : integer, the max length of an integer is signed 64bit. It can be a fixed-point number with specified precision.
* **boolean** : true or false
You can add * before the typename to declare an array.
You can also specify a main index, the array whould be encode as an unordered map.
User defined type can be any name in alphanumeric characters except the build-in typenames, and nested types are supported.
* Where are double or real types?
I have been using Google protocol buffers for many years in many projects, and I found the real types were seldom used. If you really need it, you can use string to serialize the double numbers. When you need decimal, you can specify the fixed-point presision.
* Where is enum?
In lua, enum types are not very useful. You can use integer to define an enum table in lua.
Wire protocol
Each integer number must be serialized in little-endian format.
The sproto message must be a user defined type struct, and a struct is encoded in three parts. The header, the field part, and the data part.
The tag and small integer or boolean will be encoded in field part, and others are in data part.
All the fields must be encoded in ascending order (by tag, base 0). The tags of fields can be discontinuous, if a field is nil. (default value in lua), don't encode it in message.
The header is a 16bit integer. It is the number of fields.
Each f
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
协议的处理在lua,所有数据都是通过C#的socket转发到lua,lua最后解密, Unity环境: 2018.1.0b11(64bit) protobuf环境:protobuf3.3 你需要点击:Assets\LuaFramework\LuaProject\Scene\Start才能运行 注意这只是客户端,如果你需要服务端请下载:Netty Protobuf3 测试服务器
Unity3D ToLua Protobuf3客户端代码 (1348个子文件)
libtolua.a 1.79MB
libluajit.a 737KB
ProjectSettings.asset 18KB
InputManager.asset 6KB
QualitySettings.asset 4KB
GraphicsSettings.asset 2KB
NavMeshLayers.asset 2KB
Physics2DSettings.asset 929B
NavMeshAreas.asset 884B
UnityConnectSettings.asset 812B
monster_juniorguard_13_0.asset 751B
monster_redbigbat_14_0.asset 749B
monster_blackgroup_5_0.asset 749B
monster_goldguard_18_0.asset 749B
monster_skeleton1_4_0.asset 748B
monster_skeleton2_6_0.asset 748B
monster_capking_25_0.asset 747B
goods_keyyellow_9_0.asset 746B
monster_rround_2_0.asset 745B
monster_brutal_9_0.asset 745B
monster_mage1_19_0.asset 745B
monster_bigbat_8_0.asset 745B
monster_round_1_0.asset 744B
goods_defense_5_0.asset 744B
goods_keyblue_7_0.asset 744B
goods_prison_12_0.asset 744B
goods_ironsword_0.asset 744B
monster_mage_7_0.asset 743B
goods_sword_10_0.asset 743B
goods_keyred_8_0.asset 743B
goods_attack_3_0.asset 743B
npc_trader1_3_0.asset 742B
monster_bat_3_0.asset 742B
npc_trader0_2_0.asset 742B
goods_bighp_4_0.asset 742B
goods_down_2_0.asset 741B
npc_shop0_0_0.asset 740B
npc_elves_1_0.asset 740B
npc_shop0_4_1.asset 740B
npc_shop0_0_3.asset 740B
npc_thief_5_0.asset 740B
door_prison_0.asset 740B
goods_hp_6_0.asset 739B
goods_up_1_0.asset 739B
ladder_down.asset 738B
ladder_up.asset 736B
door_r_0.asset 735B
door_t_0.asset 735B
door_y_0.asset 735B
door_b_0.asset 735B
hero_12.asset 734B
hero_0.asset 733B
5-153.asset 732B
5-69.asset 731B
5-56.asset 731B
5-50.asset 731B
5-68.asset 731B
5-49.asset 731B
5-49.asset 731B
5-50.asset 731B
DynamicsManager.asset 628B
TagManager.asset 405B
EditorSettings.asset 353B
AudioManager.asset 279B
EditorBuildSettings.asset 226B
TimeManager.asset 175B
NetworkManager.asset 151B
PresetManager.asset 120B
ClusterInputManager.asset 114B
Build.bat 542B
Build.bat 525B
Build.bat 525B
ToLuaInjectionTestInjector.lua.bytes 5KB
person_pb.lua.bytes 5KB
TestPerf.lua.bytes 3KB
TestErrorStack.lua.bytes 2KB
common_pb.lua.bytes 1KB
TestLuaCoroutine.lua.bytes 869B
TestLoader.lua.bytes 170B
sproto.c 28KB
lsproto.c 16KB
ToLuaExport.cs 137KB
ToLua.cs 92KB
UnityEngine_PhysicsWrap.cs 85KB
LuaState.cs 85KB
UnityEngine_AnimatorWrap.cs 81KB
UnityEngine_CameraWrap.cs 74KB
UnityEngine_KeyCodeWrap.cs 71KB
UnityEngine_MaterialWrap.cs 53KB
LuaDLL.cs 50KB
System_StringWrap.cs 48KB
ToLuaMenu.cs 47KB
System_ArrayWrap.cs 47KB
ToLuaInjection.cs 45KB
System_TypeWrap.cs 45KB
UnityEngine_RigidbodyWrap.cs 42KB
DelegateFactory.cs 40KB
UnityEngine_Matrix4x4Wrap.cs 39KB
UnityEngine_AudioSourceWrap.cs 38KB
UnityEngine_Tilemaps_TilemapWrap.cs 37KB
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