此资源包含三部分: 1、jxse-shell-2.5.zip 2、jxse-shell-doc-2.5.tar.tar 3、jxse-shell-src-2.5.tar.tar ===附上linux下使用jxtashell的说明=== (windows用户参加jxse-shell-src-2.5/win32/Jxta_Readme.html说明) Linux具体步骤如下: leekwen@leekwen:~$ unzip jxse-shell-2.5.zip leekwen@leekwen:~$ cd jxse-shell-2.5/ leekwen@leekwen:~/jxse-shell-2.5$ ls lib shell leekwen@leekwen:~/jxse-shell-2.5$ cd shell/ leekwen@leekwen:~/jxse-shell-2.5/shell$ ls jxta.exe Jxta_Readme.html run.bat runjdk.bat run.sh leekwen@leekwen:~/jxse-shell-2.5/shell$ chmod a+x run.sh leekwen@leekwen:~/jxse-shell-2.5/shell$ ./run.sh ........ ============================================= =======<[ Welcome to the JXTA Shell ]>======= ============================================= ........ JXTA> man The following commands are available: Shell JXTA Shell command interpreter cat Concatenate and display a Shell object chpgrp Change the current peer group clear Clear the shell's screen dumpcm Dump the content of the local cache (CM) env Display environment variables exit Exit the Shell exportfile Export enviroment variable to an external file flush flush a jxta advertisement get Get data from a pipe message grep Search for matching patterns groups Discover peer groups help To access help pages use the 'man' command. history No description available for this ShellApp importfile Import an external file info display info about an jxta advertisement instjar Installs jar-files containing additional Shell commands join Instantiate and join peer group leave Resign from and optionally stop a peer group logging Display and optionally adjust logging levels login Authenticate with the group's membership service. man An on-line help command that displays information about a specific Shell command mem Display memory information mkadv Make an advertisement from a document mkmsg Make a pipe message mkpipe Create a pipe more Page through a Shell object or from standard input. newmoduleclass Create a new Module Class advertisment newmodulespec Create a new Module Class advertisment newpgrp Create a new peer group advertisement newpipe Create a new pipe advertisment peerconfig Force Peer Reconfiguration peerinfo Get information about peers peers Discover peers pse.certs Display the certificates contained in the current group's PSE Membership pse.createkey Creates a key in the PSE key store pse.dumpcred Dumps a credential. pse.dupkey Creates a key in the PSE key store pse.erase Erases a key or certificate from the PSE key store pse.importcert Imports a trusted certificate chain. pse.keys Display the keys contained in the current group's PSE Membership pse.newcsr Generates certificate signing request document. pse.signcsr Signs a certificate signing request pse.status Display status infomation for the group's PSE Membership publish Publish a JXTA advertisement put Put data into a message rdvcontrol Controls rendezvous service behaviour rdvserver No description available for this ShellApp rdvstatus Display information about the rendezvous service recv Receive a message from a pipe relaystatus Display the list of relays and clients connected to this peer. remotepublish remote publish a jxta advertisement route Display information about a peer's route info rsh Connects to a remote JXTA Shell rshd Remote JXTA Shell Deamon search Discover jxta advertisements send Send a message into a pipe set Set an environment variable sftp Send a file to another peer share Share an advertisement sleep Sleep for a specified amount of milliseconds storehome Display the location of store home talk Talk to another peer transports Display information about the message transports available in the current group uninstjar Uninstalls jar-files previously installed with 'instjar' unset Removes an environment variable version Display the version number of this Shell instance. wc Count the number of lines, words, and chars in an object who Display credential information whoami Display information about this peer or the current peergroup xfer Send a file to another peer

- 1

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