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windows powershell in action third edition
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PowerShell v2 was a big release bringing modules, remoting, and jobs. Subsequent releases have been as big in terms of their impact—PowerShell v3 brought PowerShell workflows and the CIM cmdlets; PowerShell v4 brought Desired State Configuration; and PowerShell v5 brought the ability to write classes in PowerShell. Those are only the headline items—under the covers there are a host of other changes that extend and improve PowerShell. All of this change demands a new edition of the book.
Windows PowerShell in Action, Third
Bruce Payette Richard Siddaway
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For my father.
To Ann for everything. I couldn’t have done this without your help and support.
Brief Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Praise for the Second Edition
Praise for the First Edition
About this Book
About the Cover Illustration
Chapter 1. Welcome to PowerShell
Chapter 2. Working with types
Chapter 3. Operators and expressions
Chapter 4. Advanced operators and variables
Chapter 5. Flow control in scripts
Chapter 6. PowerShell functions
Chapter 7. Advanced functions and scripts
Chapter 8. Using and authoring modules
Chapter 9. Module manifests and metadata
Chapter 10. Metaprogramming with scriptblocks and dynamic code
Chapter 11. PowerShell remoting
Chapter 12. PowerShell workflows
Chapter 13. PowerShell Jobs
Chapter 14. Errors and exceptions
Chapter 15. Debugging
Chapter 16. Working with providers, files, and CIM
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